Saturday, December 31



In just less than 2 hours we would be approaching 2012. How time flies ! So many things happened in 2011 which I don't have intention to story about it. Huhu. So how you guys gonna celebrate your new year? As for me I'm not celebrating. I'm in KB now attending my girlfriend's wedding. So yeah me gonna be in KB for 2 years. Literally. LOL.

 I just hope that next year my life would be better in all aspects and bring me more happiness. InsyaAllah. Okaylah I should stop now. Time to take some piccies with the newlyweds. Teeheee 

 So happy new year 2012 everyone ! 

 Nota kaki : I hope this one would be publish cause been trying since a few hours ago to do so.

Wednesday, December 28

Tuesday, December 27

Day 1 : Road Trip To JB & Universal Studios Singapore


Finally ! Berjaya jugak update. What took me so long to update is I have to transfer all piccies from lappy to my hp. Sebab nak watermark semua photos. Bajet ada orang nak save photo aku la kan. HAHAHA..

Okay so this entry basiclly will touch about my road trip to JB & USS (Day 1) last few weeks. We all stay JB so masuk Singapore only on second day je. Kata bajet trip kan. HEHE

Fyi, I've never been to JB. So aku kinda excited to be there. Trip kali ni pergi berempat sahaja berbanding trip ke Bandung last year, 9 orang. 5 orang lagi tu masing-masing dah ada family.,commitment, hal lain. Jadi kami berempat yang takde strings attached ni la yang boleh berjimba ke USS ! 
We start the journey from Putrajaya around 9.30am and safely arrived at the hotel at 2.00pm.

So this is the view of the hotel from outside. Tak susah nak cari hotel ni since once masuk Skudai je dah jumpa signboard. Easy peasy ! Somemore the hotel color sangat membantu. We can spot it from far..

And this is how the room looks like. Sorry I forgot to snap the piccies. Ni je yang sempat. For  budget trip like this, I would say this room is comfortable and affordable ! Yang penting cermin sangat besar !! Sesuai untuk camwhore. HEHE.

Well as all of you aware, that tune hotel only provide basic facilities for their hotel. So if you plan to book air-condition, it's better for you to just check in using foursquare (for the 1st check-in only). Yes you heard me. It's for free.. actually untuk 12 hours je tapi sampai last day kitorang boleh guna air-cond tu. hehe

Okay after that we went to Sekinchan Ikan Bakar to have our lunch. Sorry once again. Gambar makanan masa sampai lupa snap lagi. Maklumlah kami semua kebulur. HEHE..We ordered Ikan siakap. Price per person dalam RM24. Not bad. Affordable. Not to mention quite tasty.

After dah recharge our energy we headed to Merlin Tower to get our USS and bus tickets ! Oh sebenarnya waktu book hotel you can book bus to USS direct from tune hotel. Tapi kawan aku terlupa nak book. Somemore to buy tickets for USS you have to pay via Credit card. Since kami ni semua bukan credit card owner so we opt to have a travel agent to do it for us. Hassle-free ! It's a packge of RM200 for USS & bus tickets altogether.

Then kami pun pergi ke City Square JB. Nak tukar SGD and I want to buy a new sunglasses since mine was left in my car. Beli yang murah saja. Then jalan-jalan sikit.

View of Woodlands Checkpoint from far.

Selesai jalan semua pulang ke Danga Bay dan lepak kat sana untuk dinner. We missed the chance for tour to Pantai Lido. Masa tu sibuk camwhore. Tak perasan pun ada tour tu. Rugi sangat ! urghhh -_- Btw now feast your eyes with some of the photos we manage to snap !

Sunset ! SubhanAllah. It was beautiful :)

Disebabkan frust tak dapat join the tour kami pun membawa diri pergi dinner di Danga Beach. Masa tu ada funfair. So agak meriah la... Dinner di salah sebuah kedai di situ. Tak ingat kedai apa. Masing-masing agak kenyang so just order light dinner. Kerang bakar & tauhu bakar.

Tauhu bakar nye sangt sedap. Hen haoci kalau dalam mandarin ! Superb. Aku sampai sekarang teringat. How I wish its just a few minutes to go there. Boleh hari-hari makan tauhu bakar tu. Well kerang bakar pun sedap jugak ! Memang licin malam tu makan. HEHE..

Last but not least gambar yours truly masa dekat funfair.

So berakhir la hari pertama di JB. Wish to have more time to explore JB. Time constraint. So entry day 2 akan bersambung dengan experience ke USS, day 3 ke Johor Premium outlet. Stay tune !

Notakaki : This is my 500th post. Woot !

Monday, December 19

Teaser : road trip to JB & Universal Studios Singapore

My FB timeline. I ♥ it !
Eh apa kena mengena ni? HAHA. saja nak letak one of my favorite pic during my road trip to JB & Universal Studios Singapore recently. Biasalah aku. Gambar tu paling suka sebab tu semua social network guna gambar yang sama, gambar yang vain & gambar yang di edit baik punya. Boleh tahan skill edit aku kan? HAHAHA..

Okay peeps gimme time to update ya. Tengah mencari jiwa untuk update ni...
Nah lagi satu gambar untuk tatapan. Waktu ni nak balik dah. Sila abaikan gambar pakcik di sebelah. HEHE

Nota kaki : I'm taking my own sweet time to think about it. I can't afford to let it happen. I may be seen as happy from external but internally I'm falling to pieces T__T

Wednesday, December 14

Wordless Wednesday #22

Will update about it SOON. But how soon is soon? 0_o

Thursday, December 8

Ombak Rindu

5.2 milion dalam masa seminggu. amazing !


Hari ini baru berkesempatan nak buat sedikit review. Eceh. Daku tak sihat sebenarnya. Sewaktu menonton pun tengah demam. Tapi gigih juga pergi menonton. HEHE. Sebab dah terbeli tiket awal ler... 

Apa yg boleh aku cakap, cerita ni tak seperti yg aku harapkan Ada scene yg pendek..ada jugak yg tak sama langsung dari jalan cerita asal..Contohnya watak Musliha kawan baik Izzah memang takde. Ya aku faham, 1 novel tu boleh cerita dgn details, movie 2 jam apa la sangat kan..Sebab tu aku rasa kalau nak adaptasi dari novel ni better buat drama bersiri. Barulah puas dan boleh compare dengan novel. Tapi jangan pulak ambil pelakon baru yang tak berapa pandai nak berlakon jadi watak utama macam drama LBS tu. Takde feel aku nak tengok. 

  Just a short review about the main actor/actress

Hariz - Memang tak disangkal Aaron Aziz yang paling layak. Tapi sebab scene pendek-pendek so tak dapatlah nak tengok Hariz yang sebenar. Seorang yang sangat kejam di awal cerita, tetapi begitu cintakan Izzah di penghujung cerita. Dalam filem, so-so aja. Tak begitu kuat rasa cintanya. Again, time constraint.

Izzah - Nak kata mengecewakan tidak, berjaya pun tidak. Kalau scene yang Maya tak perlu cakap, menjadi dengan lirikan mata, ekspresi. Tapi bila bertutur barulah rasa kejanggalan nya. Loghat urban Maya masih ada. One more thing yang aku perasan sangat, di awal cerita Maya bahasakan dirinya sebagai SAYA. Aku frust. Sebab sepatutnya dia bahasakan diri dia IZZAH. Nasib baik dah hujung-hujung tu betul. 

Mila - Not bad. Cuma Lisa maybe macam terlampau mencuba. 

Overall I would say Ombak Rindu was good. But not the best. And I didn't cry. 
 Well pendapat kita berbeza-beza.  Pergilah menonton. Sekurang-kurnagnya anda akan merasa sebak mendengar alunan lagu OST Ombak Rindu versi Hafiz. Sangat syahdu. Thumbs up for the OST & sinematografi.

My rating: 3.5/5

Nota kaki :  It was my fault sebab sibuk baca balik novel ni a week before the movie. So aku masih dibayangi dengan jalan cerita seperti dalam novel. Next time,sila jangan baca novel dahulu. Sekian

Wednesday, November 30

Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn Part 1


Hai kawan-kawan.. Entry kali ni tak lain tak bukan just nak share keterujaan aku menonton Twilight Saga : Breaking Dawn Part 1. Berjaya jugak tengok walaupun duduk seat 3 dari depan. Tak sempat nak book sebab plan dah lari. So walk-in je ke GSC Mid Valley that day. Sudahnya 3rd row from screen. Tak kisah la janji dah tengok. My comment? Awesome ! Me super like it :) Oh fyi I'm not twilighters fanatic ye. Aku just follow je... Twilight & Eclipse je aku tengok dekat wayang. Buku pulak aku baca twilight & breaking dawn je. Okay back to the main point, cerita ni takde banyak action. Banyak romantic scene je. Action in part 2 perhaps. Bila lah part 2 tu agaknya. Tak sabar ni nak tengok. Maklumlah dah baca novel so nak kena visualize pulak la. HEHE...

So in this movie aku suka sangat dengan theme & wedding dress Bella Swan ~! Serious sangat la cantik... Excited mak ! Make up Bella pun sangat gorgeous. Jom tengok gambar yang aku amik dari google.

See? Cantik sangat kan...... Garden theme !

Wedding dress from the front view.. Very modest

The back part yg beautiful and yes, SEXY ~!!

Edward Cullen ♥ Bella Swan

Sewaktu Honeymoon... Auuuwwww

Aku suka suasana dan pemandangan yang ditonjolkan dalam filem ni terutama tempat Edward dengan Bella pergi honeymoon.  Breathtaking !

One more thing Bella nampak sangat kurus masa dia dah selamat bersalin. Masa tu dia tengah transfrom dari seorang manusia kepada vampire. Kagum aku tengok sebab semua tulang timbul. cayalah !
My rating : 4/5

Image credit to google

Nota kaki : next in list are Puss in Boots & Ombak Rindu. Who's with me?

Friday, November 25

Unexpected wishes


If you were read my blog than you sure know that yesterday, 24 November 2011 was my birthday ! Yes, you still can wish and send me any gift. HAHA. So yeah as usual my fb flooded with all the birthday wishes. from so many people that sometime makes me think, eh bila dia jadi kawan aku ni? HAHA But this year a bit different, apart from fb I've got quite a number of wishes from twitter & instagram. Thank you to all of you ! It definitely means a lot ! And little did I know that foursquare is one of it :) Once I check-in Nando's for dinner, I recieve this notification from foursquare...

How did he/she know that I looked nice? HAHA

But the most unexpected wishes came from Dato' Siti Nurhaliza. Yes, it's not typo guys.
DATO' SITI NURHALIZA wish me on my birthday you all ~! That's really made my day...
Can't believe it? Nahhhhh of course I printscreen the proof for you. HAHA..
See with your own eyes ^_~

Enough, no? Then you, yourself go to her twitter and see it by yourself ! HEHE
How did she know that yesterday was my born day?
Of course I've requested for it. LOL.
Ye la, aku bukan dikenali ramai pun.. HAHA. Even a close friend pun boleh tak wish kalau takde fb ni kan?
But then, who cares. I bet there are a lot of fans out there request the same thing from her. Yet I'm one of the lucky birthday girl * Smile to ears *

So yeah, you know we can not run away from age. It is like death and taxes. Hence I love my birthday and always feel grateful to still be alive. Alhamdulillah ;)

Nota kaki : I can't thank you enough for all the wishes. I'm immensely touched ! XOXO

Thursday, November 24

24 November 2011

 I'm not afraid of counting years;
         Each year is a new myth exploded. 

I'm not afraid of wrinkles and gray hair;
         This body is how I navigate through the cosmos, so I try to love it and be kind. 

I'm not afraid of death;
         It is only the final myth to unravel. 

I'm not even afraid of the devil,
         because it is our adversary who gives us life's most precious gifts.

Simply beacuse life is great at any age ! Alhamdulillah.

So I wish myself a happy birthday, for I am happy to be born in this body, this time and this planet!

Monday, November 21

Beautiful wedding of my BFF


Holla readers ;) I'm back with more photos from my BFF wedding. HEHE.. yeah this time untuk reception both side ;) Ingat nak masuk gambar dari kawan-kawan lain or dapat la tepek gambar dari OP (Iqram Ismail) or video (CST) tapi nampaknya semua gambar/video belum diupload. So just feast your eyes with photos from my iPhone & Samsung Galaxy tab je la... Harap maklum ye certain gambar agak low quality sbb aku zoom. 

So here we go.

Reception on 12 Nov 2011 at K Club, Tmn Melawati. 

Pasangan mempelai tiba dengan kereta Posche Hitam yang dipandu oleh pengantin lelaki sendiri ;) So yeah these are the pictures yang dapat di ambil. All from Samsung Galaxy Tab. Aku tak boleh snap sebab kena jadi flower girl you all. HAHAHA~ 

Naahhh close up ~! Make up yang sangat cantik.. Oh my.. daku terpegun... Wedding dress pun sangat gorgeous ! Kalau tengok live lagi cantik... Serious. Aku puji bukan sebab dia kawan aku okay. Tapi memang betul-betul meletops !

Ni sewaktu bersanding.. Malam tu pukul 1 tau kami datang untuk tengok diorag set up pelamin ni.. It turned out really nice. Suka penuh bunga-bunga yang cantik ;)

Yeah thats me (sebelah kiri). Selain jadi flower girl, kami juga gadis bunga telur.. Hahaha.. orang kuat la katakan... 

The bride with her mother in law. macam dengan kakak je kan..

Group photo ! Yeahhhh... kami semua satu sekolah ;)) Ramai jugak schoolmates yang datang. Tak pasal-pasal aku terjumpa dengan seseorang yang dah 10 tahun tak jumpa. Ooopppsss ~! Tapi ni je gambar yang dah diupload.. Sorry kalau tak boleh korang tengok gambar orang tu. HAHAHAHA

Door gift ~ Kek gulung & cokelat Daim 

My fav shot ~! She looks so beautiful in this photo ! I like ~

last but not least of course la gambar 3 dara pingitan ni


Okay now let's move to the other reception

Reception on 20 Nov 2011 at Hotel Concorde, Shah Alam

Just wanna share since majlis kali ni RSVP so tak boleh la nak snap photo dekat-dekat. Hormat sikit majlis orang ye. HEHE. So tak banyak gambar yang lawa berjaya ditangkap. Banyak gila gambar yang blur padahal table sebelah walk away je. Sob sob. Takpela layan je la mana yang ada yer..

Reception table & Door gift ~

Pelamin yang indah ~

Our table and the menu

The only picture yang nice to see. Yang lain semua blur. what a waste ;(

Sewaktu bersanding dan makan beradap 

With the bride ~! Finally berjaya bergambar bersama... Cantik.. Tapi aku prefer her gold dress the other day.. Lagi menyerlah kan kecantikan nya... ^_~

Harus ada gambar ni.. Okay ni sebenarnya gambar berempat macam kat atas. Cuma kali ni gambar akak dua org belah kanan agak blurry. So aku pun crop ler. HAHAHA

Okay tu je yang ada gambar dengan pengatin... Sebelum tamat jom tengok gambar kami pulak. Kah kah kah

Me wore a simple plain Ophelia Maxi Dress form thepoplook ~!  Too simple kan? Actually aku memang saja tak nak over kali ni.. Konon nye. HAHA


Done ~

Sorry la ni je yang mampu.. Kalau nak tengok lagi gambar cantik-cantik diorang ni pergi la usha Ikram Ismail punya website or tengok video dari CST. Sure gambar aku pun ada banyak jugak. HAHA

Nota kaki : 3 days to go !

Tuesday, November 15

Beautiful wedding on a beautiful date


As I mentioned earlier on 11 November 2011 one of my bff tie the knot with the love of her life. Alhamdulillah. Everything went on well. The bride transform into a beautiful bride ! Me and the rest of dayang keep on saying how beautiful she was on that day.

So yeah let me share about our friendship before feast your eyes with the piccies.. We've been friends since 1998. So it has been 13 years of friendship. That's explain why we (me, farah & ayu)  felt a bit sad. Tak cukup korum nak lepak lepas ni. As if we lepak that frequent la kan. HAHA Nevertheless, marriage won't stop our friendship. Kan Fad? Ahhhh still can't believe that you now is Mrs Najib. How time flies~ 

Yeahh now let's picture do the talking. Oh btw entry ni solely about the solemnization on 11 Nov 2011. The reception aku update nanti ye... HEHE

*Bilik pengantin... cantik & simple... Saya suka ~!*

*Part of the hantaran*

*Wedding shoes by Lynda Rahim*

*The bride and her mom*

*menanti saat untuk dinikahkan... *

*Alhamdulillah dengan sekali lafaz Dilla sudah bergelar isteri kepada Najib. Congrats ~ *

*Newlyweds *

* my fav shot ! Pic of me with the newlyweds. Malam berinai *

*Dayang dan pengapit*

*another fav shot of mine  ♥ ! *

*Us in action !*


 To akak Monday,
Compliment on your  beautiful wedding! Let love never leaves your house and happiness stays with you forever & I wish you that quarrel, misunderstanding and misfortune will never ever touch you. Have a long and happy life together! Last but not least, cepat-cepat dapat babies yang comel ~!
Selamat Pengantin Baru
Dilla ♥ Najib

Nota kaki : Tumpang happy tengok kawan-kawan ke jinjang pelamin. So who's next? Menanti dengan penuh debar. HAHAHA