Friday, November 25

Unexpected wishes


If you were read my blog than you sure know that yesterday, 24 November 2011 was my birthday ! Yes, you still can wish and send me any gift. HAHA. So yeah as usual my fb flooded with all the birthday wishes. from so many people that sometime makes me think, eh bila dia jadi kawan aku ni? HAHA But this year a bit different, apart from fb I've got quite a number of wishes from twitter & instagram. Thank you to all of you ! It definitely means a lot ! And little did I know that foursquare is one of it :) Once I check-in Nando's for dinner, I recieve this notification from foursquare...

How did he/she know that I looked nice? HAHA

But the most unexpected wishes came from Dato' Siti Nurhaliza. Yes, it's not typo guys.
DATO' SITI NURHALIZA wish me on my birthday you all ~! That's really made my day...
Can't believe it? Nahhhhh of course I printscreen the proof for you. HAHA..
See with your own eyes ^_~

Enough, no? Then you, yourself go to her twitter and see it by yourself ! HEHE
How did she know that yesterday was my born day?
Of course I've requested for it. LOL.
Ye la, aku bukan dikenali ramai pun.. HAHA. Even a close friend pun boleh tak wish kalau takde fb ni kan?
But then, who cares. I bet there are a lot of fans out there request the same thing from her. Yet I'm one of the lucky birthday girl * Smile to ears *

So yeah, you know we can not run away from age. It is like death and taxes. Hence I love my birthday and always feel grateful to still be alive. Alhamdulillah ;)

Nota kaki : I can't thank you enough for all the wishes. I'm immensely touched ! XOXO