Tuesday, December 27

Day 1 : Road Trip To JB & Universal Studios Singapore


Finally ! Berjaya jugak update. What took me so long to update is I have to transfer all piccies from lappy to my hp. Sebab nak watermark semua photos. Bajet ada orang nak save photo aku la kan. HAHAHA..

Okay so this entry basiclly will touch about my road trip to JB & USS (Day 1) last few weeks. We all stay JB so masuk Singapore only on second day je. Kata bajet trip kan. HEHE

Fyi, I've never been to JB. So aku kinda excited to be there. Trip kali ni pergi berempat sahaja berbanding trip ke Bandung last year, 9 orang. 5 orang lagi tu masing-masing dah ada family.,commitment, hal lain. Jadi kami berempat yang takde strings attached ni la yang boleh berjimba ke USS ! 
We start the journey from Putrajaya around 9.30am and safely arrived at the hotel at 2.00pm.

So this is the view of the hotel from outside. Tak susah nak cari hotel ni since once masuk Skudai je dah jumpa signboard. Easy peasy ! Somemore the hotel color sangat membantu. We can spot it from far..

And this is how the room looks like. Sorry I forgot to snap the piccies. Ni je yang sempat. For  budget trip like this, I would say this room is comfortable and affordable ! Yang penting cermin sangat besar !! Sesuai untuk camwhore. HEHE.

Well as all of you aware, that tune hotel only provide basic facilities for their hotel. So if you plan to book air-condition, it's better for you to just check in using foursquare (for the 1st check-in only). Yes you heard me. It's for free.. actually untuk 12 hours je tapi sampai last day kitorang boleh guna air-cond tu. hehe

Okay after that we went to Sekinchan Ikan Bakar to have our lunch. Sorry once again. Gambar makanan masa sampai lupa snap lagi. Maklumlah kami semua kebulur. HEHE..We ordered Ikan siakap. Price per person dalam RM24. Not bad. Affordable. Not to mention quite tasty.

After dah recharge our energy we headed to Merlin Tower to get our USS and bus tickets ! Oh sebenarnya waktu book hotel you can book bus to USS direct from tune hotel. Tapi kawan aku terlupa nak book. Somemore to buy tickets for USS you have to pay via Credit card. Since kami ni semua bukan credit card owner so we opt to have a travel agent to do it for us. Hassle-free ! It's a packge of RM200 for USS & bus tickets altogether.

Then kami pun pergi ke City Square JB. Nak tukar SGD and I want to buy a new sunglasses since mine was left in my car. Beli yang murah saja. Then jalan-jalan sikit.

View of Woodlands Checkpoint from far.

Selesai jalan semua pulang ke Danga Bay dan lepak kat sana untuk dinner. We missed the chance for tour to Pantai Lido. Masa tu sibuk camwhore. Tak perasan pun ada tour tu. Rugi sangat ! urghhh -_- Btw now feast your eyes with some of the photos we manage to snap !

Sunset ! SubhanAllah. It was beautiful :)

Disebabkan frust tak dapat join the tour kami pun membawa diri pergi dinner di Danga Beach. Masa tu ada funfair. So agak meriah la... Dinner di salah sebuah kedai di situ. Tak ingat kedai apa. Masing-masing agak kenyang so just order light dinner. Kerang bakar & tauhu bakar.

Tauhu bakar nye sangt sedap. Hen haoci kalau dalam mandarin ! Superb. Aku sampai sekarang teringat. How I wish its just a few minutes to go there. Boleh hari-hari makan tauhu bakar tu. Well kerang bakar pun sedap jugak ! Memang licin malam tu makan. HEHE..

Last but not least gambar yours truly masa dekat funfair.

So berakhir la hari pertama di JB. Wish to have more time to explore JB. Time constraint. So entry day 2 akan bersambung dengan experience ke USS, day 3 ke Johor Premium outlet. Stay tune !

Notakaki : This is my 500th post. Woot !

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