Tuesday, November 15

Beautiful wedding on a beautiful date


As I mentioned earlier on 11 November 2011 one of my bff tie the knot with the love of her life. Alhamdulillah. Everything went on well. The bride transform into a beautiful bride ! Me and the rest of dayang keep on saying how beautiful she was on that day.

So yeah let me share about our friendship before feast your eyes with the piccies.. We've been friends since 1998. So it has been 13 years of friendship. That's explain why we (me, farah & ayu)  felt a bit sad. Tak cukup korum nak lepak lepas ni. As if we lepak that frequent la kan. HAHA Nevertheless, marriage won't stop our friendship. Kan Fad? Ahhhh still can't believe that you now is Mrs Najib. How time flies~ 

Yeahh now let's picture do the talking. Oh btw entry ni solely about the solemnization on 11 Nov 2011. The reception aku update nanti ye... HEHE

*Bilik pengantin... cantik & simple... Saya suka ~!*

*Part of the hantaran*

*Wedding shoes by Lynda Rahim*

*The bride and her mom*

*menanti saat untuk dinikahkan... *

*Alhamdulillah dengan sekali lafaz Dilla sudah bergelar isteri kepada Najib. Congrats ~ *

*Newlyweds *

* my fav shot ! Pic of me with the newlyweds. Malam berinai *

*Dayang dan pengapit*

*another fav shot of mine  ♥ ! *

*Us in action !*


 To akak Monday,
Compliment on your  beautiful wedding! Let love never leaves your house and happiness stays with you forever & I wish you that quarrel, misunderstanding and misfortune will never ever touch you. Have a long and happy life together! Last but not least, cepat-cepat dapat babies yang comel ~!
Selamat Pengantin Baru
Dilla ♥ Najib

Nota kaki : Tumpang happy tengok kawan-kawan ke jinjang pelamin. So who's next? Menanti dengan penuh debar. HAHAHA


  1. @*she's s0 e!Ra*

    kan ! i pun suka.. cantik ;)
    can't wait to attend urs plak nanti ;))

  2. waa..katil die..ade taburan kelopak2 ros yg jadik mahal tuh..sukee!hee

  3. @aleen aiden

    haah... tu yg naik lg aura tu kan.. sampai sayang je nak duduk/tidur kat katil tu ;))

  4. cantikkk...

    suka tgk kasut dan bilik pngantin..;-)

  5. @ILA HonEyBuNNy

    tu la.. nanti tgk kita update gambar masa reception. pun lawa2 jugak ;))
