Thursday, February 24

Better late than never


Pada 14 Februari yang lepas aku dan kawan-kawan 1 batch (kira my circle of friends di office) pergi ke 4happyseason restaurant to have a dinner. Katanya nak makan bersama-sama since dah lama jugak kami tak gather. But I know from the start there's hidden agenda. HAHA. Sebab? Ala I can sense something fishy la sebab aku dipaksa dan terpaksa join ok. Walaweh ~ Biasa kalau aku takde diorang proceed je. Ni bila kehadiran ku compulsory, boleh agak la kan? Kah kah kah. Lagipun birthday aku dan Ana je yang belum celebrate. Eh eh terbocor plak rahsia. HAHA.

Okay lah malam tu bukan lah dinner biasa ye. Ianya dirancang untuk meraikan aku dan Ana. Mind you, My birthdate was on November & Ana was on December. Its belated actually. Wayyyyy belated I must say ! HAHA. But who cares? It's the thought that counts rite? Oh before that I want to  say thank you so much to my beloved besties for the birthday present ! YES. Aku bukan sahaja diraikan tapi dapat hadiah juga you all !

Aku dapat novel ni dari my beloved girldfriends, Fad & Ayu. Thank you !! I am so touched. Sebab harga buku ni still belum turun. A bride-to-be ni siap text aku tanya dah beli ke belum buku ni? aaaahhhh... sayang korang ketat-ketat ! Oh btw aku dapat hadiah ni pun belated. Pada 31/12/2010. HEHE. Tak kisah la. Jadi kalau ada yang nak bagi hadiah, aku masih terima. Valid till 23/11/2011 ok? HAHA.

Okay back to the surprise birthday celebration (konon nya surprise !) Malam tu kan V-day (eh aku anti v-day ok) so memang lah ramai dekat restaurant tu. Tapi kawan aku dah reserve untuk 10 orang. Aku orang 1st sampai, biasa lah aku kan punctual. HAHA. Bila tanya takde reservation nama kawan aku. what? Cari punya cari rupanya dia tulis nama kawan aku Aina. Tapi sebenarnya nama dia Enah ! Aparaaa !!

Oh btw kitorang duduk di bahagian winter sebab tu je yang boleh cater kitorang seramai 8 orang. Then masing-masing pun order la. Aku seperti biasa la order Lamb Chop. Lepas tu dalam 15 minit camtu baru bagitau segala order yang ade chop or dengan erti kata lain dah habis. Ooooeemmmjeeee.. How come? Malam tu kan memang expected la crowd ramai sebab V-day kan. Siapa lah manager on duty tu? Aku dah angin dah. So ramai-ramai tukar menu.

Dalam masa tu kami pun borak & sambil tengok gambar wedding Suraya. Cantik-cantik belaka. Then sampai lah makanan yang simple macam tom yam, shark fin. Makan apa yang ada dulu. Sejam berlalu dalam pukul 10 ada seorang waitress tu datang tanya " Lilin ni nak cucuk kat cake ke? Ni ke yang nak celebrate birthday tu?" haaaaaaaaa.. Aku gelak sakan okay. Ada ke patut tanya camtu? Wasn't it supposed to be surprise?? Ni those yang planning pulak kena surprise !! Kah kah kah. Okay fine. Sangkaan ku tepat sekali. Lepas tu biasa lah nyanyi bersama-sama lagu "happy birthday" itu. Heeee ;p Cake malam tu perisa choc mud from secret recipe. Sedap ! then sembang-sembang lagi... Clock is ticking. Tik Tok... almost 2 hours after that, makanan still tak sampai !!! Sengal kan? Masing-masing dah lapar gila. Aku dah geram masa ni. Bila pergi counter, datang lah satu persatu makanan. Tapi aku punya still tak sampai. Since aku sekarang bukan duduk di tengah kota, jadi harus pulang awal sebelum 12 seperti Cinderella. HAHA. 11.30 sharp (ikut jam aku) makanan memang tak sampai, aku terus pulang.... !! yeah. tanpa makan. How sad is that ?? Patut nya malam tu malam yang akan dikenang sebab aku diraikan tapi it turned out, a bad experience once in a lifetime !!

 blow the candle !

Ni ada sikit kata-kata buat restaurant owner/manager, please ensure that your stocks is enough  to cater ALL your customer and extra staff to handle that especially on Public Holidays ok? Eceh aku bagi nasihat konon. Ahaks ;p

But luckily aku dah 2x ke restaurant ni. Food wise, memang ok. Sedap. Service wise pun ok je before ni. Cuma malam tu je spoil. Kesian kat kawan-kawan ku yang 1st time datang. Dan aku tak serik untuk ke sana lagi.

So kalau sesiapa yang teringin nak ke 4happyseason sila lah ke Wangsa Maju. Restaurant ni unik dan laind ari yang lain. Sila google untuk info selanjutnya. HAHA

To put in a nutshell, it was the best birthday I ever had !
So here I wanna say THANK YOU SO MUCH guys for all your efforts ! Even though I kinda knew it from the start. I really appreciate it. You guys made my day ^_^

Moral of the story ; Its the thought that counts ! So better late than NEVER ! Speaking of this, hatiku masih lagi terasa dengan certain friends yang aku boleh katakan tak appreciate aku sepenuhnya. I don't want to point finger, but siapa makan cili, dia terasa pedas ok? HAHA. sarcastic !

Monday, February 21

day 6 of 30 days challenge

day 6:  a photo of an animal you'd love to keep as a pet.

Tak lain tak bukan of course la species si MOCAT ni jugak. I am a cat lover !!

source: Tumblr 

nota kaki : walaupun Mocat, Memey, Gemuk dan kucing ku yang lain bukanlah secomel ini, tapi aku tetap sayang mereka. Love is blind ! HAHA

Sunday, February 20

My CLV 2397 turns 1


Yes. My CLV 2397 turns 1 today. Alhamdulillah. Sudah jauh perjalanan ku dengan si dia. Terlalu banyak jasa nya kepadaku & keluarga. Hampir semua orang kat rumah aku tu pernah bawak CLV biru ku ini. Habis kena latam tau. Tapi takpe memang itu pun kegunaan kereta kan? Heee ;p Tak sangka setahun dah aku berkereta. BTW aku memang suka compact car. Sebab aku rasa comel je. Dulu memang teringin nak pakai Kelisa tapi since Kelisa dah stop so Viva is my next choice. MyVi? Kurang minat la. No offence lah pada yang pakai MYvi ok?

Oh first day je CLV ku kilat macam dalam gambar tu. HAHA. sekarang dah tak secantik or sehensem gambar itu. Sorry lah aku bukan lah obsess dengan kereta sampai tiap-tiap minggu nak basuh. HEHE. Kereta pada ku adalah necessity.

So happy birthday CLV 2397 ! semoga jodoh kita panjang... Amin....

nota kaki : CLV stands for Cute Little Viva.

Saturday, February 19

Anti V-day

 ** Baru teringat nak share mengenai perkara ni dekat blog. Credit to the owner. I reblog this from Tumblr. (can't find the link) Something that's worth to share. I hope it helps.

On this day {14 Feb} that the world celebrates love and we see hearts all around, we see hearts of all sizes and shapes all around, hearts of chocolate and satin. Oh Yes! It’s Valentines! The day of hearts, red roses, poetry, candies and above all - Love!

Ask yourself :
“Have I ever thought of loving the One Who created me, the One Who gave me a heart that can feel love? Has this heart ever felt love for Him? How many times have I cried for His love?

Have I ever spent any time, effort or money to express my love to Him Who has given me all these things? Am I confident enough to declare my love for Him? Do I ever miss Him in solitude or amongst a crowd? Or am I wasting away a beautiful emotion that was meant for eternity-not just momentary gratification of our ego? Inspite of our ingratitude, The Merciful One continues to love us.

Ask yourself, How much do I love Prophet Mohammad who had said: “By Him in Whose Hands my life is, none of you will have faith till he loves me more than his father and his children and all mankind” (Bukhari).
We don’t have to rejoice ‘their’ occasion just to blend in with them, but let them rejoice our holy celebration like the two Eids. How’s that?

Love can’t be bought in store. The Love that we need the most is from Allah swt, he is Ar-Rahman, Ar-Rahim and HIS lover, our Muhammad Ya Nabeena.

nota kaki : I hate Valentine’s Day. I really don’t like it. I’ve been anti Valentine’s Day for quite some time. It’s lame and overrated.

Friday, February 18

Avene - Thermal Spring Water

Assalammualaikum gentle readers...

Just wanna share about my experience using this face spray. Before this I thought my skin is oily. But recently I realised that I have a combination &  midly sensitive skin actually. My T-zone is the only part that oily. The rest is normal and now becomes so dry. Sampai terkopak-kopak gak la kulit ku. Aku risau sebab you know, once we lack of moisture, fine lines will appear. So now tengah cari moisturizer yang suits my skin type. Anyone know which cream yang memang bagus? pleaseeeeeeeeee

At the moment I just use this Avene-Thermal Spring Water. BTW what is Avene? I googled and found this ;

Avene actually is originated from France Eau Thermale Avene, the No. 1 dermo-cosmetic in France. Its range of products have basis in dermatology treatments. It is specifically designed for skin sensitive and prone to allergy people. Thus, it is very safe to use. They even have an institute in France to treat serious skin problem people with this spring water.

 I have been eyeing this thermal spring water since many years ago. Tapi masa tu baru je produk ni masuk market. Aku pun tak berapa tau apa kegunaan sebenar produk ni dan agak mahal. But since it comes in a small bottle of 50ml, I just decided to give it a try. It claims to soothe and soften your skin. Well I would say it works for me as it makes my skin feel soothed (from dryness). You can spray it anytime, anywhere on your body. Furthermore, you can spray after a workout in gym, or after exposure to sun, or kena sunburn, or after waxing your leg etc.Best kan? Plus aku memang la kuat sunrburn. Rupa udang kena bakar je merah nye. -_-

For me, I always spray before applying makeup (to set my makeup) and in the afternoon after lunch then I spray again cause it helps to calm  my sensitive skin quickly as it seems to be able to lower the temprature of the skin to keep it cool. It feels very comfortable after spraying, your skin feels soft and smooth.  Besides, I stay in office always and it makes my skin dehydrated due to long hours in aircond. Thus this would be a boost of moisturizer. I would recommend people who are with dehydrated skin and allergic skin to skin Avene range of products. Easy to use, just one spray whenever you need a boost. 

Tapi aku tetap kena cari moisturizer cream that tmakes my skin less dehydrated. Harap jangan makin teruk lah kulit ku ini. Ataupun maybe nak cuba the whole range of Avene? 

nota kaki : aahhh I prefer oily skin rather than dry skin sebab bila kering nampak buruk gila bila pakai bedak okay.... -_-

Wednesday, February 16

Wordless wednesday #2

source l tumblr

Laughter is the best medicine 

nota kaki : I'll post a lot of Wordless Wednesday (WW) entries from today onwards ^_~ Every Wednesday perhaps?

Monday, February 14

Happy 3rd blogversary !


Less than 24 hours, this blog gonna be 3 years old ! .NEVER ENDING STORIES. turns 3 you all. ^_~
tak sangka. Walaupun 3 bulan blog ni MIA. Banyak kenangan dengan blog ni. Melalui blog ni lah aku bertambah kenalan... Aku berkongsi cerita... Mula-mula aku start blog dulu aku banyak share story aku je. I mean about my personal. 

Mula-mula url blog pun bukan panjang macam sekarang ni. Aku ni jenis suka guna 1 nama untuk semua. Tapi masa tu tak nak kawan-kawan aku discover this blog of mine tu yang tukar url tu. Tah camna boleh terfikir nak letak url yang panjang tu. HAHA. ingat nak tukar lagi, tapi leceh. Malas nak kena inform orang lah. Takpe lah guna je apa yang ada. 

Tapi lama kelamaan kawan-kawan tau jugak blog ni. Kah kah kah. Sebab sekarang instead of solely blogging, I can get something out of it. Money factor. yeah. jadi haruslah blog diwar-warkan ke serata alam. Ahaks. Sebab tu lah dah tak banyak personal entry, takde gambar sangat, but more to random topic, current issues je. Konon nak naik kan traffic, tapi takde la naik banyak mana pun? HAHA. sebab blog ni tak best pun. Biasa-biasa je. Banyak lagi blog lain 
yang best. So sebab tu I really appreciate to those yang baca & follow.  Tak sangka ada yang sudi follow (kecuali kawan-kawan). Walaupun blogger lain yang seangkatan dengan aku dah beribu2 followers, tapi aku tetap rasa terharu. Thank you a lot guys !

Melalui blog ni jugak aku dapat income dari Nuffnang. Alhamdulillah. Walaupun tak capai 4 angka macam orang lain, tapi tetap bersyukur. My 1st cash out was only RM57.03 je. That was in 2009. 2010 tak pernah casth out. Excited tak ingat bila pegang cek tu ! Thank you Nuffnang ! Tapi now earnings dah semakin meningkat. BE pun banyak gak dah dapat walaupun traffic aku sangat lah sikit. Normal is less than 100.Heee ;p

Apa pun aku harap aku akan terus bersemangat untuk jadi blogger sampai bila-bila. Semoga gaya penulisan aku semakin baik samada dalam BM atau English. Sebab penulisan adalah kelemahan aku sebenarnya. HEHE

Happy 3rd blogversary to me !!

nota kaki ; thank you to all my 180 followers ! & selamat hari lahir to my best friend, EMA ~

Friday, February 11


various flavors
I source;googled I

macarons in a cute box !
I source;googled I

What is Macarons? haaaa... ramai kot sekarang suka macarons. Dulu red velvet cake heboh orang perkatakan. Now macarons pulak. Aku sendiri tak pernah rasa. Even nak menyebut pun cam tergeliat lidahku. HAHA. ye lah aku ni lambat sikit bab makan-makan ni... tambah plak aku kurang makanan manis-manis ni... tapi teruja okay tengok macarons ni ! Comel sangat !!

Macarons ni actually a French and, particularly, a Parisian PASTRY! no, more precisely it's a small heavenly thing that you can put in your mouth :-D Sound delicious eh? *mouth watering*  Macarons dibuat dari telur putih, almond powder, icing sugar and sugar. Dia macam sandwich-like, made with two thin cookies and a cream or jam or mousseline between the cookies and can contain also various nuts. Aku suka nuts ! that's why my name is Nad. *off topic. HAHA* Note that each color has its own flavor ! wheheee =D In fact nowadays macarons are widely used as wedding favors! So sesiapa yang nak kahwin boleh la put macarons into consideration okay. Orang kata ikut trend lah kan? Tapi ikut trend pun make sure la budget cukup. ooopppsss ^_~

so kalau sesiapa yang nak rasa macarons ni, boleh try  Piqa Bakery. Get a dozen at only RM12 instead of RM24 from Piqa Bakery. 50% offer tu ! The promotion valid from 17 February - 30 April 2011. Go get yourself macarons now ! Jom ramai-ramai serbu Piqa Bakery !!

nota kaki ;  best jugak buat wedding favors macarons instead of bahulu kan? tapi budget besar la kot kan? HEHE

Wednesday, February 9

Wordless wednesday


 Try la kurangkan LOL dan lebihkan SOQ. Marilah berubah ke arah kebaikan. One step at a time ;)

nota kaki : banyak betul cute images/quotes/islamic pick-up lines yang aku nak share. Semua aku reblog dari tumblr. Tumblr memang best ! ^_~

Tuesday, February 8

4 of 30 ; habit ?

Day 4 - A habit that you wish you didn't have

erk? tak tau nak jawab let alone to create a post regarding this. Aku kan pelik. Eh btw aku baru perasan yang 30 days challenge ni ada pelbagai versi. Dan setelah ku teliti my 30 days of challenge version tak berapa best la. So aku ingat nak tukar ke version yang lain. Aci tak? Ala aci je la. Bukan langgar peraturan mana pun kan? HAHA.  Okay kat bawah ni senarai untuk version yang baru.  Nak buat day 4 terus ke? Tapi cam lebih kurang dengan day 3 ni kan? Or maybe terus ke day 5? takpun start dari mula? aaahhh tengok lah nanti. tengok tahap kerajinan dan mood aku time tu. aku perempuan EMO. lalalalalala ~

day 1 : your favorite song
day 2 : your favorite movie
day 3 : your idea for perfect first date
day 4 : your favorite photograph of your best friend
day 5 : a picture of something you want to do before you die
day 6:  a photo of an animal you'd love to keep as a pet
day 7 : your dream wedding
day 8 : a song that match your mood
day 9 : a photo of the item you last purchased
day 10 : a photo of your favorite place to eat
day 11 : what's in your make up bag?
day 12 : your current relationship, if single discuss how single life is
day 13 : a picture of your favorite band or artist
day 14 : a tv show that you're currently addicted to
day 15 : something that you don't leave the house without
day 16 : a picture of someone who inspires you
day 17 : how you hope your future will be
day 18 : 5 things that irritate ME about opposite/ same sex
day 19 : a picture of something you want to do before you die
day 20 : the meaning behind your blog name
day 21 : a photo of something that makes you happy
day 22 : a letter to someone who hurt you recently
day 23 : 15 facts about you
day 24 : a photo of something that means a lot to you
day 25 : who are you ?
day 26 : a photo of somewhere you want to go
day 27 : what kind of person attracts you?
day 28 : in this past month, what have you learn?
day 29 : something that you could never get tired of doing
day 30 : a photograph of yourself today + three good things that happened in the past 30 days.

Thank you for reading this !

nota kaki ; rasa macam tak lengkap sebab tak dapat online buat beberapa hari. ;( 
*auto published entry*

Sunday, February 6

3 of 30 ; you're my silver lining

Day 3 - A picture of you and your friends

*December 2008*

Yes. Ladies, you're my silver lining ~ It was 3 years ago. Why this picture? Simply because I miss all ladies in the photo, and me myself back then ! I was 3 kg lighter in the photo compare to what I am today T__T
And that was my first time wore anak tudung syria with shawls. Kawan aku komen, cakap macam Indo pakai cenggitu ! HAHA. Padahal tu la trend sekarang ^_~

Masa ni semua pun single ladies. But now dua orang dah kahwin and one of them dah ada baby boy pun. The rest? Don't know la bila. HEHE. Oh ni semua classmates aku masa dekat FSTEP. Tapi yang sebelah kanan aku tu (berbaju merah) bukan setakat classmates sewaktu FSTEP, dia juga classmates di UiTM, Workmates di CIMB dan MOF. Tapi sekarang dah berlainan Ministry. Jodoh kami kuat. Heeee ;p
Okay lah tu aje yang nak boeh dikongsi ~ 
Till we meet again.

Thank you for reading this entry !

nota kaki ; I miss u guys. memang tak dapat la nak hang out camni lagi kan... wuuuuuu 

Saturday, February 5


Yes. I'll leave this town soon. 
I hate to say this but I have to. 
Goodbye city of light. 
Till we meet again. 

Nota kaki ; aku EMO tahap gaban sekarang ni. Pantang silap sikit terus hati terusik.  so sorry kalau ada yang aku tak reply msg or whatever. I need some time alone ~

Friday, February 4


Day 2 - The meaning behind your blog's name


Takde maksud pun. Melainkan cerita yang tiada kesudahan. Heeee ;p I just pick that name randomly. No reason behind it. Masa tu nak namakan blog as catchy as possible. HAHA. Masa tu awal tahun 2008. Tak ramai lagi guna nama ni. Tapi sekarang, cuba google, berlambak kot ! Btw aku tengah nak tukar nama blog pun. Nak letak sama macam blog baru ---> .Nadea's Daily Drama. cuma tak sempat nak tukar lagi. Tengah fikir sama ada nak kekal kan template yang sama atau tukar. So there goes an entry for second day 

Nota kaki ; mungkin tak dapat online buat beberapa hari. Mungkin buat autopublish je lepas ni.

Thursday, February 3

Day 1 - A recent picture of you and 15 interesting facts about yourself


okay this is the 1st day of the challenge ! wheheeee =D so here goes.

so this is my recent pic. was taken on 3/2/11. sangat baru. and tak pernah publish kat mana-mana. so you guys, readers, would be among the 1st to see my latest picture ! sila bangga. HAHA *gedixxxx 18juta kali*

15 interesting facts about me? How about 15 weird facts about me? HEHE
  1. Aku OBSESS dengan kucing. bukan tahap suka. tapi OBSESS. tapi tu dengan kucing di bawah jagaan ku je la. bukan dengan semua kucing. Walaupun kucing aku bukan baka yang bulu panjang and whatnot, tapi aku tetap rasa kucing aku comel . LOL
  2. Aku suka typhograpy & nice quotes. Theye are currently my new obsession. Which explains why am addicted to tumblr. Sebab tu kalau you all perasan I have posted beberapa entry menggunakan gambar. I just love it. Keep on reblog whenever I see them off my dashboard. ^_~
  3. Aku bukan kaki wayang. Boleh dikira dengan jari berapa kali aku menonton wayang. Tapi aku jenis tak kisah nak tengok wayang seorang diri. So aku tak boleh nak jawab kalau ada yang tanya filem kegemaran? Sebab yang aku tengok semua aku suka which the list not that many. HAHA
  4. Aku tak pernah keluar berdua dengan kawan lelaki melainkan dengan Ex aku which 8 years ago. HAHA. Ye aku sangat hati-hati when it comes to that. Selagi tak dapat status sebagai Special Boyfriend, no way aku nak keluar berdua. Ye aku memang conservative. 
  5. I have serious body image issue since like forever. Every now and then I keep on telling myself to start diet. But it turned out eat more and more everytime I told myself to do so. Sigh. 
  6. Aku dah dapat lesen sejak tahun 2003. Tapi start tahun lepas aku baru berani drive. HAHA. 
  7. I love 90's songs ! I love all BSB, Spice Girls, Britney Spears, Christina Aguilera, TLC, Mandy Moore songs... and the list goes on~
  8. I am a shopaholic. Campak la aku dalam kedai apa sekali pun, I can spend like crazy. Like there's no tomorrow. HAHA. 
  9. I like perfumes. Tapi tak sanggup nak beli perfume beratus-ratus sebotol. Motif? sebab aku rasa macam membazir cause aku cepat boring dengan bau-bauan. HAHA. So I opt for miniature or vials instead. Takpun defect perfumes or beli direct from overseas. Recently my bro bought me DKNY Fresh Blossom (set)  from London which only cost me RM100 plus. Murah kan? I like ~
  10. I've been using the same number for about 9 years already. Yes it's my celcom number. Walaupun ex aku dah memang memorized that number since he was the one who bought it, tapi aku tetap tak nak tukar. Sayang sebab nombor tu memang cantik. ;)) Even my maxis number pun agak cantik. So memang takkan tukar. 
  11. Aku selalu dalam kategori minoriti mengenai satu-satu isu. Contoh masa belajar dulu kawan-kawan kutuk Lecturer lebih-lebih, aku selalu back up lecturer balik. Bukan bodek. Tapi aku tak suka orang kutuk orang lain secara melampau? Macam masa Ana Raffali menang AJL, I was on her side. Kes Fasha-Jejai-Nora ni pun boleh kata aku side Fasha. No I'm certainly not her fan. Faham tak camna? HAHA. Susuah betul nak explain. haih.
  12. Aku agak aktif masa sekolah dengan segala macam aktiviti. kawad, nasyid,senamrobik,choir,netball etc. Tapi aku masuk aktiviti dalam kumpulan je. Sebab aku tak confident kalau buat sorang-sorang. HEHE
  13. I'm not so ladies. Sebab ice cream, cakes, chocolates, teddy bear bukan kegemaran ku. Boleh la sikit-sikit makan semua tu. Tapi teddy bear? Memang tak pernah beli. Kesian kan? HAHA
  14. Aku kurang gemar minum air berwarna. HAHA. Camna eh? Kalau kawan rapat memang tau. Aku kalau order air bewarna/manis memang tak habis. Air yang aku suka hanyalah plain water or green tea. Tu je air yang aku boleh habis minum kalau order. Other that that will takes time for me to finish it. Biasa memang tak habis even tak sampai half pun kadang-kadang. ;))
  15. Aku plan nak kahwin 11/11/11 ni. Dah plan dari 9 tahun lepas. Tapi nampaknya memang tak kesampaian. Sebab? Calon memang takde then date tu kawan aku dah booked pun. aaaahhhhh sedih ok. T___T tapi takpe. lepas ni tak nak target dah
okay done! penat seh nak buat~

Nota kaki ; I won't do this tiap-tiap hari. sorry tak boleh nak finish in 30 days. 

Wednesday, February 2

Nobody wants to be lonely

How can I feel so alone and yet I am surrounded by people? How can I have no one to talk to and yet I speak to people every day? I am here, but I am invisible. sigh.

My shadow is the only one that walks beside me. My heart is the only one that's breathing. Someday I hope someone will find me. Till then I'll walk alone~

nota kaki :  T__T

Tuesday, February 1

I'm ready for 30 days challenge !


sebenarnya aku tengah nak edit blog, nak update bloglist, nak tambah widget itu ini, yada yada. Tapi since malam tadi masih tak jumpa template yang menarik hati. -_- so postpone lah dulu. masih ada waktu memandangkan aku bercuti sepanjang minggu ni. Yay! Tup tup teringat dah lama peram entry ni. Dah lama dah nak buat since baca entry kawan-kawan yang dah buat. Cuma biasalah malas sikit. Tapi takpe kali ini aku try buat sebab hari ni pun dah masuk February kan ! aahh cepatnya masa berlalu kan? 

So here goes. From day 1 - day 30. Hopefully aku tabah membuat hari-hari. Malam ni aku start day 1 punya ok !

btw selamat hari wilayah !

Day 1 - A recent picture of you and 15 interesting facts about yourself
Day 2 - The meaning behind your blog's name
Day 3 - A picture of you and your friends
Day 4 - A habit that you wish you didn't have
Day 5 - A picture of somewhere you've been to
Day 6 - Favorite superhero and why?
Day 7 - A picture of someone/something that has a big impact on you
Day 8 - Short term goals for this month and why
Day 9 - Something you're proud of in the past few days
Day 10 - Songs you listen to when you're happy, sad, bored, hyped, mad
Day 11 - Another picture of you and your friends
Day 12 - How you found out about blog and why you made one
Day 13 - A letter to someone who has hurt you recently
Day 14 - A picture of you and your family
Day 15 - Put your ipod in shuffle. First 10 songs that play
Day 16 - Another picture of yourself
Day 17 - Someone you would want to switch lives with for one day and why?
Day 18 - Plans/dreams/goals you have
Day 19 - Nicknames you have; why do you have them?
Day 20 - Someone you see yourself marrying/being with in future
Day 21 - A picture of something that makes you happy
Day 22 - What makes you different from everyone else?
Day 23 - Something you crave for a lot
Day 24 - A letter for your parents
Day 25 - What would i find in your bag?
Day 26 - What do you think about your friends?
Day 27 - Why are you doing this 30 days challenge?
Day 28 - A picture of you last year and now, how have you changed since then?
Day 29 - In this past month, what have you learned
Day 30 - Who are you?

nota kaki : BE tinggal 1 je. sob sob ;(