Friday, February 18

Avene - Thermal Spring Water

Assalammualaikum gentle readers...

Just wanna share about my experience using this face spray. Before this I thought my skin is oily. But recently I realised that I have a combination &  midly sensitive skin actually. My T-zone is the only part that oily. The rest is normal and now becomes so dry. Sampai terkopak-kopak gak la kulit ku. Aku risau sebab you know, once we lack of moisture, fine lines will appear. So now tengah cari moisturizer yang suits my skin type. Anyone know which cream yang memang bagus? pleaseeeeeeeeee

At the moment I just use this Avene-Thermal Spring Water. BTW what is Avene? I googled and found this ;

Avene actually is originated from France Eau Thermale Avene, the No. 1 dermo-cosmetic in France. Its range of products have basis in dermatology treatments. It is specifically designed for skin sensitive and prone to allergy people. Thus, it is very safe to use. They even have an institute in France to treat serious skin problem people with this spring water.

 I have been eyeing this thermal spring water since many years ago. Tapi masa tu baru je produk ni masuk market. Aku pun tak berapa tau apa kegunaan sebenar produk ni dan agak mahal. But since it comes in a small bottle of 50ml, I just decided to give it a try. It claims to soothe and soften your skin. Well I would say it works for me as it makes my skin feel soothed (from dryness). You can spray it anytime, anywhere on your body. Furthermore, you can spray after a workout in gym, or after exposure to sun, or kena sunburn, or after waxing your leg etc.Best kan? Plus aku memang la kuat sunrburn. Rupa udang kena bakar je merah nye. -_-

For me, I always spray before applying makeup (to set my makeup) and in the afternoon after lunch then I spray again cause it helps to calm  my sensitive skin quickly as it seems to be able to lower the temprature of the skin to keep it cool. It feels very comfortable after spraying, your skin feels soft and smooth.  Besides, I stay in office always and it makes my skin dehydrated due to long hours in aircond. Thus this would be a boost of moisturizer. I would recommend people who are with dehydrated skin and allergic skin to skin Avene range of products. Easy to use, just one spray whenever you need a boost. 

Tapi aku tetap kena cari moisturizer cream that tmakes my skin less dehydrated. Harap jangan makin teruk lah kulit ku ini. Ataupun maybe nak cuba the whole range of Avene? 

nota kaki : aahhh I prefer oily skin rather than dry skin sebab bila kering nampak buruk gila bila pakai bedak okay.... -_-


  1. hai...saya baru seminggu menggunakan set avene...alhamdulilah kulit yg sangat berminyak dah menampakkan hasil untuk ke normal...heheheheh..saya guna pun setelah puas cuba macam2 n setelah tengok kawan2 satu ofis pakai...untuk pengetahuan saya bekerja di alliance cosmetics group (compny for avene, stage,silky girl and revlon) diorg yg syorkan pakai product company sdr...nak tahu lanjut boleh pm saya...

  2. @naziha

    i did try the trial pack. but too bad tak sesuai dgn my skin. naik jerawat segala after 2-3 days guna. So i stop using it.

    btw thanks 4 the suggestion ;)

  3. I love Avene Thermal Spring Water too! Btw, just you might be interested, Avene will be having a workshop next week so you might want to check out their Facebook page for more info (@ Avene Malaysia)

    Continue to blog! :)
