Saturday, October 30

hello from bandung!


Hello readers! just a quick update, pada saat ini aku sudah pun berada di bandung, InsyaAllah. mungkin ketika ini aku tengah giler bershopping agaknye. HEHE ;p
okay tu je yang aku nak bagitau. aci tak? wakaka ;p

nota kaki : this is scheduled entry. TQ.

Friday, October 29

Kalau berpacaran


Ni adalah antara lagu yang best sekarang ni. lirik yang sangat menarik dan melody yang catchy! aku suka. thumbs up for the composer, songwriter & the singers~

Sohaimi Mior Hassan
Kalau berpacaran
Memang banyak pantang larang
Menjaga susila
Ibu bapa adik abang

Apabila berdua
Carilah tempat yang terang
Agar tidak pula
Mencuba aksi terlarang
Boleh pandang-pandang
Jangan pegang-pegang
Duduk renggang-renggang
Bertambah sayang
Biar malu-malu
Biar segan-segan
Kerna malu itu
Perisai orang beriman
Ana Raffali
Kalau berpacaran
Jangan tunggu lama-lama
Kalau dah berkenan
Jumpalah ayah dan mama
Hantarkan rombongan
Meminang dengan segera
Kalau terlambat kasihmu disambar buaya
Ulang korus
Kita sambung cerita
Kalau kamu berdua
Aku yang ketiga
Aku penambah perasa
Akulah pendarab nafsu serakah
Hai teruna bikin perangai selamba
Hati si dara kata tak apa
Berani buat terima padah
Kalau tak sedia
Ucap syahadah

nota kaki : okay ni last entry.. lepas ni entry semua scheduled entry okay! doakan aku & kawan-kawan selamat pergi dan pulang... yeehaaa =D

Thursday, October 28

putih itu suci

haaa! siapa lagi 3 orang yang tengah usha blog aku tu ha... ;))


ehem ehem... blog aku dah tukar template! yeay...! template baru ni lagi smart and cool kan?? sila angguk kepala anda sekarang.;)  terasa diri semakin tua dan gedik matang dan suci kerana memilih design yang sangat minimal dan bewarna putih untuk template kali ini. sudah sampai masa untuk aku berubah sejajar dengan peningkatan umur. HAHA.

nota kaki : walaupun dah beberapa hari tukar template ni, baru sekarang terkedek-kedek nak update.. blog aku, suka hati la! ^_^ 

demam korea


demam korea? siapa? rasanya ramai kot yang kena demam ni kan? hee ;p pagi kat radio Era topik mengenai demam korea.. ada 2 orang tetamu datang ratna & sophia datang as a teacher. diorang dulu pernah study 5 tahun di Korea. well aku kenal (kenal kat alam maya je la) si sophia tu. die pernah masuk satu rancangan kat korea, chit chat of beautiful ladies. pernah tengok 1 episode di KBS few years back.ala siapa yang tak tau tu, google je nama dia; sophia ridza. die pernah dilamar jejaka korea lagi dalam rancangan tu. so sweet ;)

okay back to the topic.. aku rasa kat malaysia ni ada macam-macam jenis demam korea ni.. melalui observation aku la..

 my fav actress. she's so cute and adorable!

salah satu nye adalah demam drama korea. okay aku masuk dalam kategori ni.. tadi kt ade sorang caller tu giler addict. die boleh layan drama korea ni dari pukul 9pm sampai 4-5 pagi. then just tido for 1 hour, pergi office, before start kerja tengok dulu.. perghhh.. memang dasyat kan? for me, aku takdela sampai macam tu sekali. and aku pun pilih jugak drama apa aku tengok. bukan semua drama aku tengok.. aku tengok berdasarkan pelakon. HAHA. tapi so far aku tengok drama korea ni OST semua best! kalau yang fast song tu catchy sangat and kalau yg slow tu sangat sedih! tu yang lagi addict tu..

satu lagi demam yang lain, ialah yang suka entertaiment kat korea as a whole. maksudnya yang suka semua artist korea, macam super junior, wonder girls, bla bla bla. aku tak tau sangat sebab aku tak minat. even lagu nobody tu pun aku tak berapa gemar. hehe ;p

yang last sekali demam fashion korea. ni maybe applicable to boys la... kan kan kan? tapi aku tak berkenan la fashion style untuk boys ni. aku prefer yang tak stylo sangat. korean ni dah comel sangat jadi nye. hehe ;p

yang penting aku suka korean language... nampak cam senang tapi susah.. sebab nahu kena betul...
ade la perkataan yang aku belajar... heee ;p
so mana satu kategori anda?

Gamsahamnida = D

nota kaki : aku teringin nak pergi korea, nak makan kimchi! hehe ;P

Wednesday, October 27

I am beautiful


I am beautiful, no matter what they say. world can't bring me down~ amacam perasan postive kan entry kali ni? HAHA
well entry ni sebenarnya special dedicated to my darling eira gorgeous. she awarded me this award. 

oh my dah lama tak buat this award/tag thingy kat blog! this kind of entry quite famous among bloggers back in 2008. HAHA. and this is my second time received this beautiful blogger award! am I that beautiful? naaaahhhh~ sila muntah sekarang! 

okay so here goes ;

1.Thanks the person who give you this award
thank you sayang! appreciate it so much. even though I am not that beautiful, but it shows to me that you love me. am I right, no? heeee ;p btw, miss eira ni memang hot chick habis. tak percaya? nah pay a visit to her blog then u'll know~ ;))

2.Spread to 15 blogger which you think awesome
15? oh no. i wanna give to all my followers. simply because, semua orang memang cantik! malas baik kan saya? HAHA

3. Tell 7 things about yourself

: love making friends. 
: cat lover
: babyface. LOL 
: cepat gelabah. HAHA
: rabun tapi taknak pakai spec/lenses
: not a girl not yet a woman. HAHA
okay can i tell only 6? heee ;p

nota kaki : tak sabar tunggu jumaat~takde kene mengena. HAHA

we're falling apart

A friend is someone we can count on, as well as being so much more. A friend is someone with whom we can relax and just hang out, have fun and share our innermost thoughts, deep dark secrets, lofty and noble goals, or our hopes, joys, and fears. 

A  friend allows you a safe space to share your deepest thoughts and needs without worry of being judged, criticized or made to feel silly for feeling the way you do. Friends cheer each other on, laugh and cry together, and just plain commiserate and listen to each other. 

So Dear,
I can tell that we're falling apart.
I just have that feeling. Am I right? Or it's just me being paranoid after withdrew from that classes?
I don't know. Only you have the answer. (T__T)
The truth is I miss our good old days.
Anyways I just hope our friendship won't lose it's spark and never fade away. 

nota kaki : Appreciate what you have before it's too late~

Tuesday, October 26


gambar ihsan google. bila search google images related to vacation semua gambar beach. adoi. aku bukan nak bercuti di pantai pun. hmmm

passport - ticked
duit - tak tukar lagi. haih. any idea which money changer yang menawarkan rate rendah?
cuti - ticked
kerja - as to date only 1 paperwork left. esok siap lah tu ^_^
pack barang - belum la. tak decide lagi bag apa nak bawak, berapa helai baju, bla bla bla. boss pesan bawa 2 helai baju je. huhu

but everything still under control. 2 days left before off for a vacation~ boss pun dah bagi macam-macam tips. siap bagi nombor apa yang kena dail untuk call Malaysia murah masa kat sana. weheee =D

nota kaki : aku memang last minit person. jangan la ada yang tinggal. excited dah ni ;)

Monday, October 25


Haruskah aku berasa marah?
Haruskah aku berkecil hati?
Haruskah aku  berfikiran sebegini?

aku tak tahu kepada siapa yang aku nak marah..
aku tak tau kepada siapa aku nak berkecil hati.

jadi apa yang harus aku lakukan?
berdiam diri?
yela.. apa lah yang boleh aku lakukan. I AM NOBODY. no one will pay attention to what I said.
aku HARUS bersabar. tu je yang mampu aku lakukan buat masa ni. 

nota kaki : sejak akhir-akhir ni entry aku semua yang negative je. takkan la PMS tak habis lagi? (T__T)

Sunday, October 24

I-city Shah Alam


aku sebenarnya dalam tahun ni ada 3 tempat yang nak pergi sangat since dah ada kereta ni... look out point + broga hill + i-city. Look out point aku pergi bulan jun lepas masa celebrate birthday fiza then tonite ( 23 sept) berjaya sampai ke i-city! tu pun setelah berjuta kali tangguh. tu pun last minit punya plan sebab tu berdua je. . heee ;p sebelum pergi camwhore di i-city semestinya daku masuk dulu UiTM shah alam tu. sesungguhnya UiTM dihatiku ;)) saja jalan-jalan kat situ. rindu masa study. ^_^ then after maghrib we went there. oh my ramainya orang! yela malam minggu kan. 

sampai sana apa lagi sesi bergambar pun bermula. tapi sorry to say, aku ni bukan hebat sangat ambik gambar. tangan a bit shaking. so bila guna night mode untuk shot, gambar jadi a bit blur la. sayang je.. tapi kalau tak guna night mode pulak, gambar jadi tak lawa. so no choice kena guna night mode jugak. bak kata kawanku takpe la dalam 1000 shots mesti ade 1 yang lawa. maka teori itu la yang kami gunakan. hehe ;p nak tengok gambar-gambar tersebut? 

jom cuci mata~

konon candid picture. HAHA. 

ok cuba cari aku kat mana? HAHA. warna tudung sama dengan warna lampu!

gambar wajib bagi semua pengunjung i-city. HAHA

3 je ke? cukup la. gambar lain pun semua muka yang sama je. hehe ;p

parking - satu kereta RM10. jadi kalau nak dtg ramai-ramai tu share kereta je la ok.
memang cantik view kat sini.. sesuai untuk camwhore ;) sila lah pergi kepada yang belum pergi... 
jalan pun sangat senang. betul-betul kat seksyen 7 belakang UiTM tu.. banyak landmark. memang takkan sesat.


nota kaki : next is broga hill! yeehaaa~

Wednesday, October 20



hidup ini sukar untuk dijangka.. adakalanya kita sangka kan si dia ni baik, berwajah lembut tapi rupanya tidak semanis wajah. ada pulak yang mungkin bermulut agak bising, cakap itu ini tapi hatinya suci. sungguh. siapa dapat mejangka apa karakter sebenar seseorang manusia kan? don't judge a book by its cover, really explain what i felt today. life is so unpredictable! i have to be prepared. hopefully tomorrow will be better day. amin

nota kaki : thank you so much mr xyz. i owe u. or should i say we owe u big time! i'll never ever forget your kindness. May GOD bless u always~

what say you?


sorry about the last update (123). i've deleted the entry but it still appears in your blog list. it's actually my 1st attempt updating from hp and it turned out really bad hence i have no choice other than to delete it. heee ;p i've no intention to trick you guys to come over here. ^_^

okay let's go straight to the point. have you ever encounter office politic? i believe in any organization either small or big, this kind of politic exist . its something like unavoidable nowadays kan? i really don't into it. politic is not my cup of tea but somehow i've to deal with it now. it's inevitable. i hate it. it seems that i have to play along but i won't. i'll try to resist as long as i can. this kind of people really don't mind about others. to them their career is much more important. self-centered huh? well this is how you have to act in order to get promotion faster than others. lame. blergh!!

what say you?

nota kaki : biar susah-susah dahulu, senang-senang kemudian. heee ;))

Tuesday, October 19

The gift


Currently i'm reading the gift written by Cecelia ahern. Have I told you that Cecelia is one of my favorite author? Yes she is. It simply because she never fails to deliver inspiring and touching novels, and The Gift is no exception! The gift is actually the 7th novel from cecelia that I bought ;))  Here is the synopsis.

This is a story about people who, not unlike parcels, hide secrets. They cover themselves in layers until the right person unwraps them and discovers what’s inside. Sometimes you have to be unravelled in order to find out who you really are.
I love the last quote on the last page ; Time can't be given. But it can be shared! -- nice one huh?

This novel was beautifully written I must say. Will try to finish it ASAP as I have one more book to read later;

nota kaki : the reason why only now I bought this because one of my bestie promised me to buy this book as a gift on my birthday (last year). but she gave me ketika cinta bertasbih vol 1 instead. it was due to the price which quite pricey at that point of time. but it dosen't matter which novel she gave me cause I really appreciate it! 

penapisan laman web


Di office sekarang facebook,twitter,friendster,4shared dan seangkatan dengan nya dah kena block! katenya tu semua masuk dalam kategori personal relationship. lunch hour je boleh online semua tu. what the fish?!! boring betul. ingat nak guna proxy tapi hari tu member kata proxy pun diorang boleh detect. demmmm!! ape la sangat social networking ni kan? kalau banyak kerja aku takdela hadap fb tu memanjang, cuma waktu senggang bila cam stress wat kerja baru tengok (eh ye ke? hee ;p ) tu pun tak boleh nak consider ke? duhhhhh. okay maka dengan ini terputus la hubungan ku dengan alam maya buat seketika. online bile kat rumah je la. tu pun aku dah penat and banyak news dah basi. blerghh.

nota kaki : nasib baik blogger tak masuk dalam kategori personal relationship. padahal aku rasa blog ni memang sah-sah personal relationship. HAHA

Sunday, October 17


I've failed to be a good muslim to my religion
I've failed to be a good daughter to my parents
I've failed to be a good sister to my siblings
I've failed to be a good friend to my friends
I've failed to be a good employee to my organization
I've failed to be a good citizen to my country

All in all I'm such a failure, no?

Nota kaki : I 'm really down. Gotta lift up my spirit soon or else I'm gonna trap in this feeling (T__T) 

Tuesday, October 12

i love lipice


if u are  religiously read my blog then u might have read this entry before. so here goes. as usual i checked my personal email for like everyday and today suddenly i saw this particular email in my spam box!

*sila click untuk tumbesaran*

i was so happy! yet a bit shocked. betul ke ni? oh ataupun its just a spammed? then straight away i hit the lipice fanpage at fb. i click the link provided for the list name of winners. i kept on scroll as i havent seen my name yet. i was thinking that maybe it was really a spam. until i saw at the 100, there you go, my name baby! oh myyyyy.. can't believe my eyes! i'm smiling to ears ^_^ (even when i type this i can't stop smile)

see my name there? heee ;p

then i hit the prize button just wanna know what i'll be getting as  a prize! taraaa! i got RM100 lipice hamper!  yeay!! boleh dapat lipice free. best! it was totally beyond my expectation. sebab my highest rank pun dalam 104 camtu. all my effort is finally paid off. alhamdulillah =D walaupun at 1st i aim for Iphone 3G. heee ;p

can't wait to collect the prize. i just hope i get it before i off for a vacation. ;)

nota kaki : this is the 1st time aku menang join contest. sebab tu happy semacam!! ngee~

Monday, October 11

it's just around the corner


InsyaAllah by end of this month i'll be off to somewhere for a short vaccay with friends! this is my 1st time bercuti dengan kawan-kawan jauh-jauh! oh yeah. luar Malaysia. tapi tak lah jauh mana. bukan europe pun. but still i am super excited! gotta enjoy to the fullest and shopping till drop! ^_^ siapa tau sila teka. nanti aku bagi cenderahati. HAHA. and today the 1st step is done. so now am just counting the days.. phewwww ;)

comel tak gambar tu? heee ;p

nota kaki : boss awal-awal dah pesan suruh beli ape. erk! cam banyak je pesanan dari orang lain nih! hehe

Sunday, October 10



tadi berkesempatan tengok wedding angkasawan negara Dr Sheikh Muszaphar Shukor  dan Dr Halina di TV3. i adore dr halina. she's one beautiful lady. she's smile all the way. ayu dan manis. ahh terasa diri seakan-akan les bila berkata sebegini. HAHA. but am no lesbian, am STRAIGHT okie =D cuma dari segi dress masa sanding, aku rasa too common. i expect more from the wedding. or maybe tengok real sebenarnya lagi lawa. apa pun i'm happy for them. may the marriage last forever. amin ;)

one of their pre-wedding photos. i just love it! its beyond words. pic taken from HERE

nota kaki : i'm really into wedding stuff nowadays. ;)) wish my turn soon. pray hard for it. amin



beautiful date 10.10.10. i guess ramai yang kahwin/tunang pada hari ni kan? even angkasawan kita pun kahwin hari ni. congrats! so far none of my friends getting engaged or married today. so basically this 10.10.10 means nothing to me. it just another relax day :) but this blog has 10th follower on 10.10.10. nice ;)) thank you to dya for being the 10th follower on this beautiful date 10.10.10.

nota kaki : happy birthday to my lovely sis, intan afwah~

Magika is so enjoyable!


Finally i got the chance to watch this movie. Went to the cinema with bestie, ayu + fad. I left the cinema fully satisfied. The acting was impressive, the storyline was interesting and the cinematography deserves applause. My fave part was when the penunggu tasik Chini guarded the lake. M. Nasir's appearance was only 5 minutes tops but for me, he stole the show. I was pleasantly surprised that Diana Danielle could act and even sing! So did Mawi. He's better compared to when he did Jin Notti. I guess it all depends on the director to make a movie looks good or bad. Bravo!

MAGIKA, a movie worth to watch. love the songs, characters, and nice places too. Definitely an A and Two Thumbs Up!! Highly recommended to watch!

nota kaki : tanpa ada adegan peluk tangan antara lelaki dan perempuan pun filem ni tetap best! even antara hero dan heroin lansung takde pegang tangan! siapa kata berlakon kena peluk & pegang tangan kan?  ;))

Sunday, October 3

playful kiss/Mischievous Kiss

Playful Kiss is about a popular and genius male student named Baek Sueng-jo who has a stand-offish personality and Oh Hani who is a female student who makes up for being not-so-genius by always being smiling and happy. An earthquake destroys the girl's home and she and her dad end up living with the boy's family. The girl has kept this boy in her heart but she has never received any assurances of her love being reciprocated. Fun and groans ensue as they interact and rub off on each other. How will this drama end?

this is my current obsession. dah lama tak tengok k-drama since ramadhan i puasa dari menonton any english/korean movies or drama. even malay drama pun tak tengok sangat. aku cuba untuk bukan setakat menahan diri dari lapar dan dahaga, juga mengurangkan pelbagai aktiviti yang kurang berfaedah. hehe ;p okay so now the time untuk pulun tengok balik. seperti biasa akan tengok di which drama yang top of the week. and apparently this drama is no 1! so apa lagi teruskan menonton... baru ke episod 2 tapi sudah jatuh cinta. ohhh am i so easy to please? heee ;p jom tengok video clip ni.. one more time by kim hyun joong. salah satu OST playful kiss. sedih. ;((

nota kaki : lagi drama korea apa yang best? jom la share ;))

Saturday, October 2

Raikan cinta aliaa & nizam


alhamdulillah tadi sampai juga ku ke jengka dengan  izah menghadiri majlis resepsi aliaa farhana lokman !

by the way ni ucapan untuk yaya..

yaya dearie, selamat pengantin baru! semoga rumahtangga yang dibina kekal bahagia, dirahmati Allah dan dikurniakan baby-baby yang comel belaka! ;))

majlis resepsi nya sangat cantik. seriously. i adore the theme ; grey + pink. kebetulan pula my wrapping paper warna seakan-akan tema majlis! baru ingat nak buat theme ni untuk majlis aku. (tapi ntah bila la kan. hehe ) and the bride sangat jelita, gorgoeus dan segala lah.. the dress pun cantik. makanan pun sedap. rumah pun cantik. even curtain pun ikut warna tema. memang la jatuh cinta tengok. arghh rasa macam nak kahwin terus! cuma tak dapat stay lama sebab nak balik KL. so apa kata biar gambar yang berkata-kata?

*so sweet*

*secocok & sepadan*

*c a n t i k*

*si comot dgn pengantin c a n t i k *

*berangan semoga turn kami selepas ini. HAHA*

besar harapan nak jumpa rakan-rakan lain. tapi tak nampak. maybe aku awal sangat kot? takpe la. ni pun 1st time aku jumpa yaya. finally. more piccies di fb okay. sekian.

nota kaki : thank you yunk for drove me there. kalau i sorang memang tak sampai la. heee ;p

Friday, October 1



sekarang ni tak habis-habis isu pasal tudung.. tudung bonggol unta la.. dan yang terkini tudung rahib. erk? pelik-pelik je kan. macam semua nak cari salah orang bertudung? yang pasal bonggol unta tu memang ada dalam hadis rasulullah s.a.w. mula-mula aku macam faham tapi bila banyak sangat tafsiran aku jadi confuse. sigh. tapi yang pasti bila dah ada yang persoalkan tu baik lah kita elakkan kan? itu yang aku cuba lakukan. nasib baik aku memang tak pernah buat sanggul be it the real one or fake one. and now timbul isu lain tudung rahib. camna ye nak terangkan tudung ni? ianya sebenarnya instant hijab (macam yg ekin mawi pakai tu). tapi trend sekarang suka pin kat belakang leher sampai nampak bentuk leher. takpun cuba google image rahib. it looks like that. more or less. aku not sure tapi aku rasa hal-hal camni jangan lah kita senang-senang jatuhkan hukum haram. sebaiknya kita rujuk kepada yang lebih ilmu agamanya. aku pasti di dalam Al-quran ada segala-galanya. janganlah kita ikut je apa yang orang kata, kan? tapi alhamdulillah aku pun tak pakai tudung yang macam ni... aku pakai shawl je. ye aku akui aku pun belum sempurna menutup aurat. sebab shawl aku tu aku lilit sampai tak cukup labuh untuk tutup dada. ;(( semoga masih ada ruang untuk aku perbetulkan diri... amin...

nota kaki : banyak lagi isu lain yang kita patut focus bukan isu remeh sebegini. tapi kalau untuk saling ingat mengingati aku rasa tak salah...