Wednesday, October 27

I am beautiful


I am beautiful, no matter what they say. world can't bring me down~ amacam perasan postive kan entry kali ni? HAHA
well entry ni sebenarnya special dedicated to my darling eira gorgeous. she awarded me this award. 

oh my dah lama tak buat this award/tag thingy kat blog! this kind of entry quite famous among bloggers back in 2008. HAHA. and this is my second time received this beautiful blogger award! am I that beautiful? naaaahhhh~ sila muntah sekarang! 

okay so here goes ;

1.Thanks the person who give you this award
thank you sayang! appreciate it so much. even though I am not that beautiful, but it shows to me that you love me. am I right, no? heeee ;p btw, miss eira ni memang hot chick habis. tak percaya? nah pay a visit to her blog then u'll know~ ;))

2.Spread to 15 blogger which you think awesome
15? oh no. i wanna give to all my followers. simply because, semua orang memang cantik! malas baik kan saya? HAHA

3. Tell 7 things about yourself

: love making friends. 
: cat lover
: babyface. LOL 
: cepat gelabah. HAHA
: rabun tapi taknak pakai spec/lenses
: not a girl not yet a woman. HAHA
okay can i tell only 6? heee ;p

nota kaki : tak sabar tunggu jumaat~takde kene mengena. HAHA


  1. nice layout beb!!hehehe.....ko mmg cantik pun...(ayt bodek nk soh ko beli souvenir tuk aku)...hahahaha...;p
    beb..duit tak tkrlagi!!!!bju tak kms lagi!!!!!ok gelabah skrg...

  2. smart kan template ni? heee ;p
    oh nape plak aku kne beli souvenir utk ko?? tell me!!! sbb ko bukan sekali dlm rombongan ke?? sengal enah~
