Monday, October 11

it's just around the corner


InsyaAllah by end of this month i'll be off to somewhere for a short vaccay with friends! this is my 1st time bercuti dengan kawan-kawan jauh-jauh! oh yeah. luar Malaysia. tapi tak lah jauh mana. bukan europe pun. but still i am super excited! gotta enjoy to the fullest and shopping till drop! ^_^ siapa tau sila teka. nanti aku bagi cenderahati. HAHA. and today the 1st step is done. so now am just counting the days.. phewwww ;)

comel tak gambar tu? heee ;p

nota kaki : boss awal-awal dah pesan suruh beli ape. erk! cam banyak je pesanan dari orang lain nih! hehe

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