Sunday, October 3

playful kiss/Mischievous Kiss

Playful Kiss is about a popular and genius male student named Baek Sueng-jo who has a stand-offish personality and Oh Hani who is a female student who makes up for being not-so-genius by always being smiling and happy. An earthquake destroys the girl's home and she and her dad end up living with the boy's family. The girl has kept this boy in her heart but she has never received any assurances of her love being reciprocated. Fun and groans ensue as they interact and rub off on each other. How will this drama end?

this is my current obsession. dah lama tak tengok k-drama since ramadhan i puasa dari menonton any english/korean movies or drama. even malay drama pun tak tengok sangat. aku cuba untuk bukan setakat menahan diri dari lapar dan dahaga, juga mengurangkan pelbagai aktiviti yang kurang berfaedah. hehe ;p okay so now the time untuk pulun tengok balik. seperti biasa akan tengok di which drama yang top of the week. and apparently this drama is no 1! so apa lagi teruskan menonton... baru ke episod 2 tapi sudah jatuh cinta. ohhh am i so easy to please? heee ;p jom tengok video clip ni.. one more time by kim hyun joong. salah satu OST playful kiss. sedih. ;((

nota kaki : lagi drama korea apa yang best? jom la share ;))


  1. Pandai! bek la amalkan sampai bila2 dear.. hehe... tapi kalao saya, korea tu memang tak boleh nak tahan la tengok.. selagi tak habis cd tu, selagi tu tak berenti.. berenti sekadar untuk solat je.. tak mandi pon tak pe.. wahahah...

  2. amni
    heee ;p 1st time cuba.. alhamdulillah.. step by step. insyaAllah next year cuba puasa dari layan internet plak ke. hehe
    oh cite korea ni jgn start. mmg xboleh stop. tu yg lansung tak tgk. ;))

  3. aku banyak miss cita korea baru2 yang best2...hehehe

  4. ahmad endo
    byk miss? hee ;p takpe nnti boleh catch up semula...
