Tuesday, February 17



Last week aku MC for two days due to URTI (Upper respiratory tract infection).

 I was down with mild fever & severe sore throat, cough & flu.. Phew. These were pretty normal if I'm strong like I'm used to.. But not now... I'm fragile and so lembik sampai I can't really do anything... Tiap kali batuk sampai muntah.. It was painful.. Alhamdulillah fever dah subsided after 2 1/2 days.. Tapi selsema & batuk masih sampai ke hari ini... I can't look down at my handphone nanti mula lah hingus meleleh keluar bagaikan air mata... HAHAHAH... If I were in the tip top condition these sickness probably last for 3 days max. Tapi sebab condition sekarang yang mana I can't simply chow down any medications that prescribed to me, so yeah that's literally explain why I haven't been well yet... Please pray for my healthy peeps.. I haven't been 100% well for the past 4 months... Sigh... 

Nota kaki : Ku sematkan di fikiran sakit ni penghapus dosa kecil.. InsyaAllah

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