Wednesday, February 18

A letter to myself


Bulan 5 tahun lepas aku berkesempatan untuk pergi OBS (Outward Bound School) untuk kali ke-2. The first time I went to OBS Lumut was in 2008 during my FSTEP training... I was slim, young, single & free at that time. Of course la I enjoy myself to the fullest... 10 days seem so short.. 10 days without any connection to the outside world (no handphone, no money) and I felt wonderful..

So when I was told that am going for 2nd time I was so excited to go ! Little did I know that age, status & berat yang berbeza turut menyumbang kepada pengalaman OBS kali ini... HAHAHA..

1 week course seems so tiring and exhausted ! There goes my excitement to be an ex-bounders once again :( Dah la duduk di dorm Irau yang ada 106 anak tangga untuk daki hari-hari.. Can you imagine? Sekali turun memang kalau boleh tak nak naik dah... Tapi apakan daya paling tidak 2x turun naik dorm... Sobsss...

There were so many hurdles that we've encountered.. Dengan ekspedisi whaler yang paling mencabar... 8 hours atas laut mendayung... Such a priceless experience yet so tiring !!!!!  It was totally different from the one I'd enjoy in 2008... Phewwww

Okay lah back to the tajuk.. During solo camp we were told to write a letter to ourselves and the instructor will post it to us after 6 months...Alhamdulillah I received mine in the middle of January 2015... Read back what I've wrote during the solo camp makes me burst into laughter.. what a funny letter...

Start menulis at 8.05 pm... I just want to kill time... Boring kot solo camp. We were prohibited from chit chat among ourselves... I wrote in English walaupun tunggang terbalik.. HAHAHHA.... Menulis dengan bertemankan torchlight yang dibeli en tunang pada masa itu...

 See? berapa helai aku merepek menulis.. HAHAHHAHA... I also make  a comparison dengan 2008 punya journey.. Funnyyyyyyyyy 

Phew 8.37 pm habis menulis !!! Solat Isyak then shut my eyes down... 

Alhamdulillah everything went on well. 

In a nutshell, it's better if I haven't experience OBS at all so I can enjoy myself to the fullest...

Nota kaki : Bawak camera tapi sangat sikit bergambar.. entah kenapa takde mood... 

1 comment:

  1. bestnye dpt tengok balik surat! sama mcm kita tgk balik blog posts kita ms mula2 blogging hehe
