Saturday, November 24

Wishing Myself a Happy Birthday!!!

2.24 am- 24 November 2012

It's my XX birthday and I don't regret growing older..
Here's wishing myself a gorgeous birthday. I wanna take time to thank Allah for all that I have. May Allah bless me with peace, health and happiness. May I gather the courage and conviction to realize all my dreams. May I consistently work on my negative traits and become a better person... Bersyukur pada Allah swt yang masih beri aku kehidupan walaupun aku seringkali lalai daalm menjalankan tanggungjawab kpd-NYA
.Ku pohon pd mu ya Allah semoga hidupku diberkati, bertambah iman kpd mu Ya Allah.
Insya Allah

to me !

Nota kaki : thank you mama & ayah for everything. I wouldn't be in this world without both of you.


  1. hi, i accidently hit your blog and its totally a beautiful suprise to know that we share the same birthday...anyway nice to read your blog and happy belated us!=)

  2. @Maryam

    hey maryam...

    thanks for dropping by.. n yeah happy belated birthday to u too !! ;))
