Friday, November 30


This entry is random... after a long time...

Wake up at 6.20 am this morning. Perfomed my Subuh prayer and didn't go back to sleep. Work out for about 10 minutes and took a shower afterwards. Went to office at 7.45 am. I feel good. 

Little did I know that... I Thought The Sun Would Shine Till Evening, Unfortunately It Rains In The Afternoon... There goes my teardrops in the early morning... in the last day of November.. Luckily my roommate was in the meeting and workloads not that heavy... I was crying hard... very hard... 

I fall into pieces... Too many things to think.. I need to make a decision... Which path will I choose.. It's scary.. Suddenly I realized something... How bad my life is, I'm still lucky enough that I have my family, my friends, my job (even tho status is K) compared to those palestians in GAZA...Astagfirullah....

Bukan senang nak sedapkan hati sendiri... It's painful... But I have to... That's life...

Pandanglah kehidupan dengan pandangan cinta & optimis, sebab kehidupan adalah hadiah daripada Allah untuk seluruh manusia...

Notakaki : Semoga diberi kekuatan dan hidayah untuk memilih yang terbaik..