Sunday, January 30

I'm falling to pieces


Siapa layan American Idol?? Frankly speaking, aku tak berapa layan okay. Aku tak pernah tengok, meaning betul-betul follow every week ke apa. yang aku tau siapa menang je. I don't know why am not interested to watch this reality show. Dah 10 seasons pun sekarang. Maybe betul aku ni seorang yang pelik.

Tapi untuk season 10 ni aku tengok gak. Kenapa? Ntah. Maybe sebab Jennifer Lopez? Or Steven Tyler ? HEHE. Tapi JLO sangat cantik wei !! even mak aku pun asyik cakap hal yang sama. Haa mak aku pun layan tau !! Pastu mak aku puji JLO ni cam jenis yang baik je. Takde nak marah-marah ke apa. ;))

Okay ni aku nak share salah satu audition yang buat aku menangis. yes it really touched my heart T__T well aku dah banyak kali jugak nangis bila tengok audition kali ni. Aku nak share audition yang lain tapi tak ingat dah contestant yang mana. Cuma yang ni has caught my attention sebab aku suka lagu ni !! Lepas tu terbaca dekat 1 blog pasal ni.. heee ;p

He has such a beautiful voice and heart !
Especially when he said this
"What kind of guy I am if I'm gonna leave her when she needed me the most" 

*Break even - The Script*

oh aku suka lagu ni. one aku tak pernah tau siapa nyanyi & tajuk lagu. HAHA. aku selalu dengar dari laptop adik aku je... BTW aku suka melody je tau. Lirik agak sensitif bagi kita beragama ISlam.

 He's got the talent. Kan? Well I'm looking forward to hear he sing more beautiful songs in the future.
Dengan ini aku isytiharkan yang aku akan tengok American Idol Season 10 .
*harap-harap aku tak lupa la*

nota kaki ; hari ni the whole day, hujan. Alhamdulillah.... 

Saturday, January 29

Nadia Bayu vs Paris Hilton


Wah tajuk entry pun dah hangat gitu... apa kena mengena Nadia Bayu dengan Paris Hilton?

[ source : from nadia bayu's fb]

[source : Google image ]

dua-dua cantik ! dua-dua popular ! tapi Nadia Bayu lagi hebat kot sebab dia bukan selebriti tapi famous especially dalam dunia blog ni kan? heee ;p 

well just nak cakap thank you so much to both of them ! 

tengok tu the most of my traffic sources comes from nadia bayu's blog !
jadi thank you so much nadia ! sebab letak blog link kat side bar awak ;) 

Paris Hilton pulak, sebab entry TTYM adalah top post so far ! from all over the world. 
thank you ;) padahal  show tu dah lama kot. heee ;p

okay itu je sebenarnya. Ini  kira macam entry penghargaan lah kepada Nadia Bayu dan Paris Hilton. HAHA

nota kaki : thanks jugak kepada yang lain yang sudi letak link blog ku di side bar blog kalian. I appreciate it ^_~

Friday, January 28

Secret Garden - the best korean series !


hai readers ! I'm back to normal ;) setelah 2 entry yang agak Islamik. HEHE. sekali sekala kena lah post entry yang bermanfaat kan? lagipun tu semua sebagai peringatan buat kita. jangan leka dengan dunia sahaja. Akhirat kena ambil berat jugak. ;))

To Korean Drama Lovers, I believe ramai yang dah tengok, dah addict, dah giler, dah suka, dah jatuh hati dan sebagainya dengan cerita secret garden ni kan ! Undeniably the best series ever ! *eh jap semua korean series pun aku kata best kan? HAHA * tapi betul. yang ni memang terbaik dari ladang weh !! aku dah berjaya menghasut kawan aku tengok sama. *clap clap* siap telefon aku masa ofis hour nak gossip pasal cerita ni. so sweet ! so dengan ini aku ishtiharkan SECRET GARDEN adalah drama wajib tonton !! HAHA suka suki aku je kan...

well cerita ni mengisahkan seorang CEO yang besar kepala dan semuanya harus ikut cara dia, Kim Joo Won (Hyun Bin).. Kisah seorang stuntwoman yang kehebatannya dicemburui oleh pelakon-pelakon wanita yang pegang watak utama, Gil Ra Im (Ha Ji Won).. Kisah seorang penyanyi, pelakon yang kaki perempuan, Oska @ Woo Young.. Yang best relationship diorang ni (Kim Joo Won & Gil Ra Im) ni pelik sikit. Bukan typical macamd rama korea yang lain.. Kim Joo Won ni annoying gila tapi sangat sweet. aaahh tak tau nak describe macam mana. Korang kena tengok sendiri ok? Confirm memang suka punya. 2nd hero pun sangat kelakar. okay semua pun nak suka... ;)) Buat yang cengeng macam aku, kalau tengok episod 17 ke atas, sila sediakan tisu sebanyak mungkin ok. Hari tu aku dah banjir. HAHA

Munjawatsyong, Munjawatsyong!

Itulah dia bunyi sms tone Gil Ra Im dalam cerita Secret Garden. Cute giler time die ajuk bunyi ni. So, aku pun decide nak cari sms tone yang sama macam Gil Ra Im. Aku Google, dan aku pun berjumpa dengan link untuk tone ni. Jadi ni lah sms tone aku sekarang.

serius cute bangat !

Plus the OST pun sangat best... ni antara yang aku suka. That man bye Hyun Bin ! Previously, this song was performed by Baek Ji Young with the title of That Woman.. The melody is just the same and they just change the title.. I like Hyun Bin's version very much.. He's not a singer. When you hear the song carefully, it is as if you will feel how great the feeling Joo Won holds for Ra Im.
♥ ♥


One man loves you
He loves you with all his heart
Everyday he follows you like a shadow
He is laughing but actually crying

How much longer that I must gaze at you like this alone?
This foolish love.. This miserable love..
Must I continue for you to love me?
Come closer a little bit more
When I take a step closer.. You run away with both feet..
I, who loves you.. Even now I'm by your side..
That man is crying

That man is very timid
So he learnt how to laugh
There are so many things that he can't tell his closest friend
That man's heart is full of tears

So that man said that he loved you because you were the same
Another fool.. Another fool..
Won't you hug me once before you go?

I want to be loved my dear
Everyday in my heart.. In my heart..
I shout out
That man is beside you till today

Do you know that man is me?
Don't you tell me you know
Still you're doing this to me
But you won't know
Because you're such a fool my dear

How much longer that I must gaze at you like this alone?
This foolish love.. This miserable love..
Must I continue for you to love me?
Come closer a little bit more
When I take a step closer.. You run away with both feet..
I, who loves you.. Even now I'm by your side..
That man is crying

Nota kaki : aku suka jugak dengan design rumah Kim Joo Won dalam cerita ni. aaahhh nak rumah camtu pls !!

Thursday, January 27

Pergi tak kembali

“Death does not knock on anyone’s door. The door is always open.”

The truth is, we aware of this. We know that death is not an option. 
Tapi kita sering terlupa buat-buat lupa.
Walaupun mulut menyanyi lagu Rabbani pergi tak kembali berkali-kali
Sedar ia berkisar mengenai MATI. Tapi adakah cukup kalau sekadar hanya sedar tanpa berbuat apa-apa?
Don't get me wrong. Mungkin hanya aku yang terlupa. Ni pun aku teringat sebab baru-baru ni ramai rakan-rakan ku kehilangan orang yang tersayang. Membuatkan aku terfikir sejenak bagaimana keadaan jika aku berada di tempat mereka. Dan yang paling haru jika aku sendiri di ambang kematian. Sudah cukup kah amalan ku? Astagfirullah. 

Undoubtedly death is true and undoubtedly there will be a Day of Judgment. Allah will undoubtedly bring to life those who are in the graves.Thus may Allah keep us firm on these beliefs and may He guide us on the right path. Ya Allah, make the 
ground spacious for us on both the sides and raise our souls towards You and direct Your Guidance to us. 
Ya Allah, our sins are many, our deeds little… T__T
Remember two matters and forget two matters:
Remember Allah (SWT), and death.

Semoga kita semua tak mudah lupa hakikat bahawa MATI ITU PASTI.

nota kaki : Al-fatihah buat semua umat Islam yang telah pergi.
maaf lah aku tak pandai sangat menulis. ni je yang termampu. sekadar berkongsi. 

Five pillars of Islam

Allah is One and like no one,
He has no partner, nor a son,
He is Kind and Just and Wise,
And has no form, shape or size.

His final Messenger to all of us,
Did so much without a fuss,
Muhammad is his blessed name,
As mercy to the worlds he came.

Five times a day we make Salah,
That’s when we bow down to Allah,
We ask for guidance when we pray,
And this we do every single day.

We have to share with those in need,
And not give in to thoughts of greed,
Zakah then helps us in this way,
Lest we should err and go astray.

In the month of Ramadan we must fast,
From the first day to the last,
When food and drink we put aside,
By fasting rules we then abide.
And all those who can afford,
Seek the pleasure of their Lord,
They perform their Hajj you know,
When to Makkah the pilgrims go.

(Author Unknown)

trying. trying. trying.
to be a good MUSLIMAH.

nota kaki : Islam has all the beauty for the eyes who want to see.

Tuesday, January 25

My diet plan


Hi gentle readers ! Today I wanna share my diet plan...I'm a serial diet victim. I feel like my life forever on diet. *sigh* I tried many diet plans... it works and it does loose weight and I did achieved my goal. However, the problem is, I can't maintain it...  HAHA

Well here goes, Its called sugar blockage diet...

1. No sugar (duh~)
2. No sauces (chilli, tomato, oyster)
3. No carbo (rice, noodles, bread, flour, potato)
4. No vegie and fruits

What you can eat

1. Eggs (fried, scrambled, soft, hard boiled, with onions/prawns)
2. Tofu
3. Shell fish (oysters, clam, squid, lala, shrimp, lobster, crabmeat)
4. Meat (beef, lamb, ham, sausage)
5. Fish (tuna, salmon, sardines, all fish)
6. Fowl (chicken)
7. Cheese (cheddar, cottage cheese, butter - no margarine!)

What you can drink

1. Water
2. Spring water
3. Diet soda
4. Fresh full cream milk
5. Soya without sugar

Any method of cooking but preferably you eat more of boiled and steamed rather than fried and grilled...

It works ! But it hard to maintain. Seriously. But to those who yang sangat determine you can try this ! Don't worry this plan is recommended from a trusty beauty consultant.

*Note to self : I have to start this diet plan ASAP and will try to maintain. ^_~

But the fastest way,effective way to reduce weight is,

scroll down if you eager to know..



nota kaki : aku rasa diet ni never ending la. dah badan ni tak pernah nak kurus sendiri. stress !

Monday, January 24

Blogging, RM1 juta & LHDN


Selamat hari Isnin ! Monday blues~ seperti biasa. Okay mari terus ke main point. Hari ni (actually dari semalam) kecoh pasal Bloggers, RM1 juta & LHDN. apa kaitan semua ni? Ala korang semua mesti baca paper semalam kan? *aku baru perasan aku lansung tak baca paper semalam ! * Keluar front page lagi. Muka RM yang keluar dengan headline something like " blogger untung RM1juta ". Haa ramai kot yang terbeliak mata tengok. o_0 HAHA. tapi chill... itu purata je. Tapi memang lah RM banyak earning dia. Tapi tu bukan semata-mata dari iklan sidebar macam blog picisan aku ni... Yang banyak menyumbang tu adalah dari advertorial yang dia buat. Kalau korang perasan mostly top bloggers memang ada advertorial dari nuffnang. kalau dari setakat dari iklan biasa ni boleh jugak dapat ribu riban tapi bertahun-tahun la kot? macam aku ni. Tapi kalau followers ramai macam Nadia Bayu , Cik Epal & Fatin Liyana ni boleh la dapat macam tu dalam masa yang singkat.

 picture credit to afrayuri

Jadi dekat sini aku nak galakkan kepada kawan-kawan ku yang baru join dunia blog ni, jom la cepat register Nuffnang. Walaupun tak banyak tapi at least ada lah something kan? Yeah we blogging for fun but if we can get something out of it, so why not ? No harm done. Walaupun sikit, lama-lama jadi bukit.

Then yang dapat lumayan dengan hasil berblogging, sila declare income kat LHDN ye. Tu memang lumrah la kan. Dah termaktub dalam akta kena bayar cukai. Tak payah la bising-bising. Duit yang bayar cukai tu lah govt rolling guna untuk baiki jalan raya etc.. Ala declare je pun. belum tentu kena bayar tax lagi. 

Okay jadi kepada kawan-kawan yang nak register nuffnang then tak tau nak buat apa lepas tu,boleh google je. Takpun nak aku ajar pun boleh. Just PM me je lah okay? (ni applicable untuk real friends je okay sebab dah ramai yang start berblogging !)

nota kaki ; my long term goal will be to buy Iphone4 or Ipad using Nuffnangs's + churpchurp's + saysmy's earning ! Tapi ntah bila lah nak dapat banyak camtu. HEHE. takpe harus kerja kuat. Fighting !

Friday, January 21

My love story


Ramai sangat yang tanya pasal boyfriend la, kahwin la sekarang ni. Mentang-mentanglah aku dah hampir ke 3 series sekarang. T__T dah la tu bila aku kata takda, boleh kata aku tipu?? amboiiiiii !!Okay lah part of it memang aku tipu. Whatever. Tipu tetap tipu kan? So nah ni aku publish kan gerangan jejaka yang sedang bertakhta di hati ini.. heee *blushing*

tapi... tu cuma dalam mimpi je la okay. Tak mungkin kasih kami bertaut. sob sob ;( Bukan keluarga jadi halangan tapi kami mempunyai kepercayaan yang berbeza... kami juga dipisahkan dengan lautan... aaahhh banyak lagi sebab-sebab lain yang tak dapat aku nyatakan di sini....... Takpelah... Life must go on... Selagi tak jumpa yang baru, dia tetap di hati. eceh !

Okay cukup lah aku merepek hari ni.. HAHA. tu gambar pelakon korea okay. Aku tak ingat nama dia siapa. Tapi aku suka. Ni lah Hero pujaan ku sekarang. Aku suka tengok die cam messy camtu. So manly! auwwww ;))

Untuk kawan-kawan yang eager to know about my status, yes I'm single and available. No strings attached. Ni bukan nak promo cuma aku dah penat la jawab soalan korang semua... pastu kene setepek pulak tu kata aku tipu. Aduhaiiii.  One more thing, memang aku memilih. Ni bukan perkara main-main yang boleh tangkap muat. Ini penentu arah kehidupanku. Of course lah nak yang terbaik kan? Tapi aku percaya apa yang terjadi sebenarnya ialah, jodohku belum sampai... kalau dah jodoh tu tak payah tunggu lama pun kan? HEHE


nota kaki : yes. aku sedang usaha ke arah itu. Memang kena usaha sebab jodoh bukan datang bergolek. Dalam hal ini aku mengamalkan prinsip, 'biar lambat asal selamat". HEHE

Thursday, January 20


Have you ever felt that way at one point of your time? I'm sure most of you have. It came, and it left, then it came again, messing up with my mind. 

I keep comparing myself/my life to others and then sulk about it which is not healthy (note to self). Not healthy at all. I feel like life has taken me for granted, and there you go I blame life for this, and not vice versa. See? Not making any sense whatsoever.

I don't like what I've become. Deep inside, I'm hating everything and this shouldn't be normal right? It's a crime to be normal if I kept feeling this way. T___T

Seriously I hate this feeling. I used to cry over nothing back in my study life. It usually happen right before I hit the sack. And I would say that I kept on have this feeling over and over again. I'm sick of this HYPOPHRENIA !

nota kaki : emotionally unstable~

Monday, January 17


Minggu baru.... Monday Blues?? of course ! tak pernah lagi aku happy kerja di hari Isnin.. So sleepy.. Kerja bertimbun... Tapi takde idea nak construct ayat skema.... Susah betul. Tu lah masa sekolah dulu tak nak belajar Bahasa Melayu betul-betul ! HAHA.

Well nak share mengenai 1 Malaysia ni... siapa tak tau? Kena tukar soalan kepada siapa tak tau? Sebab kalau tak tau aku nak tanya korang ni orang Malaysia ke apa? HEHE. Well 1 Malaysia adalah dasar terbaru Kerajaan... Rakyat didahulukan, Pencapaian Diutamakan... Ada 8 nilai aspirasi... Tapi ni entry bukan mengenai konsep 1 Malaysia ok...

Ni mengenai ye kawan-kawan adalah social network terbaru... dengar nya nak menggantikan facebook.. huh? Mampukah? HEHE. just wait and see. So sebagai seorang yang menyokong produk tempatan maka tanpa berlengah aku terus sign up ! daaa~ tapi cam takde privacy je kat sini... tak sempat godek-godek lagi.. Tapi memang cam facebook.. HAHA. Whateva ~ aku join just for the sake of curiosity.

Nota kaki : tu je gambar yang ada kat dalam PC office. Gambar lama giler ! 3 years back ! HEHE

Sunday, January 16

Uncomfortable soul

I guess there's just a point in your life where you just have to accept that not everything you wished or hoped for will come true. A time when you just have to gather up the courage to let it go and entrust everything to GOD, knowing He won't allow you to be in situations of pain for the sake of hurting. But for the sake of learning. One day we will truly understand that He knows us more than we know ourselves. That even when we feel alone and misunderstood, and even sometimes unloved and used. there's that one person who knows all our flaws yet loves us unconditionally, like no man can. 

nota kaki : the most difficult phase of life is not when no one understand you, its when you can't understand yourself. [ Reblog ]

Saturday, January 15

It's all about love !


Everyone says love hurts, but that is not true. Loneliness hurts. Rejection hurts. Losing someone hurts. Envy hurts. Everyone get these things confused with love, but in reality love is the only thing in this world that covers up all pain and makes someone feel wonderful again.

But you have to get hurt . That's how you learn. Then choose to love rather than hate and love as though you have never been hurt before ! Please spread the ♥ people because only ♥ stops hate.

nota kaki : hold on to ♥ because it might never come back !

Friday, January 14


Eat ice cream? a big NO! 

Life seems to take a domino effect. One thing happens and it leads to something else taking place. Sometimes what happens is good, sometimes it's bad, but in the end, you realize everything happens for a reason.

nota kaki : sorry sebab update ala-ala je sekarang. been busy dan sekarang otak cam ding dong. serabut. kerja melambak then asyik meeting. tak larat rasa.. tapi biasa lah mana ada kerja yang relax je kan.. huhu.

Wednesday, January 12

Let's break up !

 I wanna be freeeeee from these meetings ! urghhhh ;(
Even though green is my fave color, but these two green definitely makes my life so stressful at the moment ! 

nota kaki : kenapa perlu meeting, meeting dan meeting??????? 
this is scheduled entry. 

Tuesday, January 11


Thanks to those  who hated me,
You made me a stronger person.

Thanks to those who loved me,
You made my HEART bigger.

Thanks to those who envied me (if any),
You made my self-esteem grow.

Thanks to those who cared,
You made me feel important.

Thanks to those who worried,
You let me know that you care.

Thanks to those who entered my life,
You made me who I am today.

nota kaki : everything happens for a reason. cliche, no?

Monday, January 10

Tahniah Ana Raffali !


* gambar credit to RedMummy and the photographer is RM's husband *

Hai kawan-kawan... hari ni bermula lagi minggu baru... Alhamdulillah masih bernafas di bumi tuhan.
Amacam hari ni mesti ramai yang monday blues dan tak puas hati pasal AJL25 semalam kan?
HAHA. aku hanya mampu tersenyum. Sebab?
Aku tak kisah pun Ana Raffali menang. In fact, aku suka je sebab lagu tu pada telinga aku sedap. Tapi ada yang kata boring sampai nak tidur. Tu selera masing-masing la kan? Normal la tu.. Bagi aku lagu tolong ingatkan aku tu melodi nya membuai-buai walaupun aku tak faham lirik. Yelah aku kan buta seni. ahaks ;p
Congrats Ana Raffali !  hidup UiTM- HAHA tetibe. 

Overall AJL25 malam tadi, so-so je pada aku. Takde yang wow. sebab banyak repetition macam prop yang sama (ana & FT-cage), warna baju yang sama putih,merah,hitam & too much drama dalam persembahan artis-artis. Host pun boring. Cuba nak buat lawak, tapi tak jadi. Pastu bila dah camtu tangan dok asyik tweet je la. LOL.

Tapi bila dah habis tu ramai pulak yang bising. Kutuk sana sini. Aduhh. Boring la. Emo betul. Pastu aku ada baca, penonton siap boo, baling kerusi bagai. Then wujudkan page menentang keputusan AJL25 lah bagai. So pathetic la wei ! Common la. Adat la tuh kalah menang. Aku pun tak expect Ana Raffali menang. Tapi dah rezeki dia. Tiap-tiap tahun pun bukan semua suka pemenang AJL kan? Tak payah la nak over sangat ok !

eh tapi apa relevant nya pic irma hasmi kat atas tu? HEHE. just nak share. Aku suka outfit Irma masa ni. Comel giler. Aku tak pernah suka outfit dia sebelum ni.. Banyak gambar lain kat RM kalau nak tengok. So far takde pulak yang berkemban cuma ramai yang pakai skirt pendek. HAHA. sama je kot tutup atas bawah bukak. :))

nota kaki : Bila wujudkan page camtu, menunjukkan betapa rendah nya pemikiran orang kita.

Sunday, January 9

Protection that we need now


Have you ever walking down the street during rain without using an umbrella? Everyone should have one and should end up wet. If you are not getting cold on the next day, then you are lucky. 

Its so simple, that's what will do if you are not using a protection. And it's just a rain, how about if you are not using protection in more dangerous and harmful situation?  

Well folks, the hard fact about the whole story above is simple, without protection you could endangered and risking your self from any misfortunes that may occur anytime.

Thats why people invented insurance, this is a thing that will covered and protect us due to bad circumstances.
We couldn’t be sure when we will get sick, being forced to lay down our job or even worse, who will taking care of your family if you suddenly passed away?
Although, no one like to talk about misfortunes and bad thing in the future, but its happen and its a real deal. If you are kind or person that not yet aware about the importance of being protected, than you must start thinking about it seriously.

What are you waiting for? Go get yourself insured with just more or less RM150 a month. Plus it's more than that. It can be your saving too! Nak cakap banyak-banyak pun tak guna. Kalau nak lebih detail boleh google sendiri  okay.  There are a lot of insurance/takaful companies available in the market. What could be yours? Decide yourself.  Oh by the way I chose PRUBSN.  

 agent insurance ku memang the best ! kalau nak service tip top from her pls contact at 
Lin Che Mat, di 0136448832

nota kaki : khidmat komuniti servis di tengah hari. heee ;p 

Facebook will end on March 15th !


eh betul ke ni? Mula-mula tau lepas baca blog Izah ni. Then dekat Tumblr pun dah kecoh-kecoh. Ingatkan main-main je cause If they do, it'd be on the news. Banyak kot gambar kat fb. Dah 4 tahun aku bersama fb. aaahhhh. I hope it's just a rumor or Mark will change his mind soon ! If this shocking news becomes real I better go tell my mom cause she got hooked with fb ever since she know to use it.

PALO ALTO, CA –Mark Zuckerberg announced that Facebook will be shut down in March. Managing the site has become too stressful. 
“Facebook has gotten out of control,” said Zuckerberg in a press conference outside his Palo Alto office, “and the stress of managing this company has ruined my life. I need to put an end to all the madness.”
Zuckerberg went on to explain that starting March 15th, users will no longer be able to access their Facebook accounts.
“After March 15th the whole website shuts down,” said Avrat Humarthi, Vice President of Technical Affairs at Facebook. “So if you ever want to see your pictures again, I recommend you take them off the internet. You won’t be able to get them back once Facebook goes out of business.”
Zuckerberg said that the decision to shut down Facebook was difficult, but that he does not think people will be upset.
“I personally don’t think it’s a big deal,” he said in a private phone interview. “And to be honest, I think it’s for the better. Without Facebook, people will have to go outside and make real friends. That’s always a good thing.”
Some Facebook users were furious upon hearing the shocking news.
“What am I going to do without Facebook?” said Denise Bradshaw, a high school student from Indiana. “My life revolves around it. I’m on Facebook at least 10 hours a day. Now what am I going to do with all that free time?”
However, parents across the country have been experiencing a long anticipated sense of relief.
“I’m glad the Facebook nightmare is over,” said Jon Guttari, a single parent from Detroit. “Now my teenager’s face won’t be glued to a computer screen all day. Maybe I can even have a conversation with her.”
Those in the financial circuit are criticizing Zuckerberg for walking away from a multibillion dollar franchise. Facebook is currently ranked as one of the wealthiest businesses in the world, with economists estimating its value at around 7.9 billion.
But Zuckerberg remains unruffled by these accusations. He says he will stand by his decision to give Facebook the axe.
“I don’t care about the money,” said Zuckerberg. “I just want my old life back.”
The Facebook Corporation suggests that users remove all of their personal information from the website before March 15th. After that date, all photos, notes, links, and videos will be permanently erased. [source]

nota kaki : camna nak jadi professional stalker kalau fb dah takde? LOL 

Saturday, January 8

lovey dovey

 ♪♫•*¨*•.¸¸❤¸¸.•*¨*•♫♪ ♪♫•*¨*•.¸¸❤¸¸.•*¨*•♫♪ ♪♫•*¨*•.¸¸❤¸¸.•*¨*•♫♪ 

They say you gotta ♥ yourself before you can truly love others.

there's always something beautiful outside ♥  

♥ is a mystery

no regrets just ♥  

 there is no life without ♥  

 ♪♫•*¨*•.¸¸❤¸¸.•*¨*•♫♪ ♪♫•*¨*•.¸¸❤¸¸.•*¨*•♫♪ ♪♫•*¨*•.¸¸❤¸¸.•*¨*•♫♪ 

Thursday, January 6

Demam Denggi membunuh


hey i'm back! Nak tau apa cerita semalam? naaahhh tak payah la. Tak best pun. Aku tak berapa nak perform sebab aku study issue lain yang ditanya issue lain. Hampeh je rasa. Ape pun just pray for the best. Moga ada rezeki aku... Amin ;))

Okay back to the main point. Hari ni nak berceloteh mengenai denggi. Sebab aku baru tau semalam ayah kawanku baru meninggal disebabkan denggi. Al-fatihah.  Yes denggi memang boleh membunuh. Aku rasa sejak arwah Din Beramboi pergi disebabkan sakit ni, kesedaran mengenai denggi semakin meningkat. Tapi still masih banyak lagi kes denggi di seluruh negara.

Siapa aku nak bercerita mengenai ni? Demam denggi ni adalah sejenis penyakit berjangkit berbahaya yang disebabkan oleh virus denggi dan dibawa oleh nyamuk aedes. Sebenarnya aku pernah kena demam denggi. I was hospitalized for about 4 days di HUKM. Tapi tu kisah 7 tahun lepas (2004). Jadi aku nak kongsi sedikit pengalaman aku. Supaya siapa yang baca ni kalau ada tanda-tanda macam ni janganlah lengah-lengah untuk dapatkan rawatan.

Ni base on my experience. Later aku bagi facts okay? Aku kena demam secara tiba-tiba. Bangun tidur je terus demam! Takde symptom lain seperti batuk, selsema, sore throat dan sebagainya. Dan badan aku sengal-sengal. Lepas tu kadang-kadang panas sangat-sangat sampai aku pakai shorts dan singlet je! Then tetibe sejuk tak hingat. macam tu lah kejap panas kejap sejuk. Lepas tu selera makan memang lansung takda. Aku tak makan apa pun tapi lapar. Bila minum susu, aku muntah ! Macam tu la seksa aku rasa sebelum aku admitted ke wad. Masuk wad maghrib, masa tu platlet aku memang low. Kalau aku lambat masuk memang boleh jadi critical. kebetulan masa tu aku period. So doc tanya kalau ada tanda-tanda merah kat mana-mana. Alhamdulillah takde. kalau tak suspect denggi berdarah pulak. Disebabkan period jugak doc tanya secara detail macam mana flow haid aku masa tu. Well sepanjang 4 hari kat situ aku dimasukkan air sebanyak 6 botol kot. ke 4? Lupa sudah. Hari-hari kena amik darah. Sampai lebam-lebam la jugak. Huhu.lagi sedih sebab mak aku tak datang melawat walau sekali. T__T sebab mak aku pun tengah down kat rumah dengan adik aku demam. Tapi tak suspect denggi sebab platlet masih di tahap normal. masa tu kat rumah dah macam kilang 100 plus, penuh 1 meja !

 Ni anatara tips yang aku boleh share. Demam denggi so far takde ubat khusus lagi. Jadi cara nak kurangkan adalah minum air sebanyak mungkin! Memang tu je la kerja aku pun. Minum 100 plus, air kosong,air jambu batu bergelen-gelen sampai la platlet ke paras normal. Kalau chinese boleh buat sup katak. Kot? Tak berapa ingat sebab dah lama. HEHE masa tu katil sebelah chinese girl. dia demam denggi jugak tapi cepat je recover sebab makan sup katak.

Nasihat aku kalau korang demam secara tiba-tiba (bukan macam demam biasa) pergi klinik cepat. Jangan tangguh. Sebab  sebahagian kecil kes membawa kepada sindrom kejutan denggi (dengue shock syndrome) atau DDS yang mempunyai kadar kematian yang tinggi. Sila jaga kebersihan. jangan biar air bertakung. Kita hanya mampu mencegah dengan mengurangkan pembiakan nyamuk aedes sahaja. Prevention is better than cure !

Okay ni facts yang aku jumpa dari google.


Demam Denggi merupakan sejenis penyakit yang disebabkan oleh jangkitan virus Denggi (genus Flavivirus) yang disebar oleh nyamuk Aedes betina.


Demam denggi adalah sejenis penyakit berjangkit berbahaya yang disebabkan oleh virus denggi dan dibawa oleh nyamuk aedes.
Antara tanda-tanda demam denggi ialah:
  1. Demam kuat yang mengejut dan berterusan
  2. Bintik merah pada kulit
  3. Sakit teruk pada tulang-tulang, otot-otot, sendi-sendi, biji mata dan kepala
  4. Berdarah pada badan, hidung dan mulut
  5. Hilang selera makan
  6. Muntah-muntah
  7. Sakit perut
  8. rasa pahit pada lidah
  9. lemah dan tidak bermaya
nota kaki : takziah buat umie  & keluarga dan tak lupa buat  lea di atas kehilangan abg  pada 31/12/2010 yang lalu..... Al-fatihah. oh lupa tak silap dulu Nani blogger ni kehilangan adik dia pada tahun lepas sebab denggi juga.

Tuesday, January 4

1 tahun yang penuh makna


Walaupun agak occupied dengan kerja + preparation for tomorrow tapi aku curi masa sikit update sempena setahun aku bekerja di sini. Yes. It has been a year ! woot woot .  ;)) Can't believe myself.. Alhamdulillah... Well will it be another more years to come? I don't know. Its all depends on my performance tomorrow. I believe if Allah permits, then I'll stay. Otherwise just look for other opportunity. ;))

1 year here taught me so many things. The more I learn , yet more I don't know. The job scope is wide.  And yes the salary is more than what I used to get but it comes with a great  responsibility for sure because I serve for a country not organization. I met different type of people from different organizations. Most of them from top management. That's makes the job more challenging. Huh. It's not easy especially for me to mingle with them. Despite all that  I  still feel reluctant and unhappy to come to work HAHA. I better change for good !

Well, thats all for now. There are lots of things I wanted to put, but later.

Nota kaki : I really hope that my confident level will boost tomorrow. I really need it. And friends, please pray for me ya. thanks !