Tuesday, January 25

My diet plan


Hi gentle readers ! Today I wanna share my diet plan...I'm a serial diet victim. I feel like my life forever on diet. *sigh* I tried many diet plans... it works and it does loose weight and I did achieved my goal. However, the problem is, I can't maintain it...  HAHA

Well here goes, Its called sugar blockage diet...

1. No sugar (duh~)
2. No sauces (chilli, tomato, oyster)
3. No carbo (rice, noodles, bread, flour, potato)
4. No vegie and fruits

What you can eat

1. Eggs (fried, scrambled, soft, hard boiled, with onions/prawns)
2. Tofu
3. Shell fish (oysters, clam, squid, lala, shrimp, lobster, crabmeat)
4. Meat (beef, lamb, ham, sausage)
5. Fish (tuna, salmon, sardines, all fish)
6. Fowl (chicken)
7. Cheese (cheddar, cottage cheese, butter - no margarine!)

What you can drink

1. Water
2. Spring water
3. Diet soda
4. Fresh full cream milk
5. Soya without sugar

Any method of cooking but preferably you eat more of boiled and steamed rather than fried and grilled...

It works ! But it hard to maintain. Seriously. But to those who yang sangat determine you can try this ! Don't worry this plan is recommended from a trusty beauty consultant.

*Note to self : I have to start this diet plan ASAP and will try to maintain. ^_~

But the fastest way,effective way to reduce weight is,

scroll down if you eager to know..



nota kaki : aku rasa diet ni never ending la. dah badan ni tak pernah nak kurus sendiri. stress !


  1. No vegetables and fruits but CHEESE?? Whyy???

  2. miss lim kai shin

    Thats why it called sugar blockage diet.
    fruits n vege has sugar rite?
    but this is for short term only. once you reduce, u can take green vege.

  3. owh..tidak termampu rasanya utk ku diet mcm ni..
    i prefer exercise than diet..coz i wanna eat..haha..
    nice blog..

  4. :) :) :)

    singgah dari mknace unlimited

  5. @ Kei Seichi

    mmg hardcore sikit diet plan ni. tapi boleh makan byk mana pun. yg pnting kfc still boleh mkn. cuma jgn mkn kulit & crispy tu je. HAHA
    actually excercise mmg kena buat. cuma takde masa la... ;) tq for following !

    @ Mknace

    kena maintainnnnn sbb dah over kembang. HAHA

  6. last year around this time I was kinda in the chubbiest moment, after that I eat regular meals everyday and I jog 30 minutes alternatively. Now, actually I'm back in shape and addicted to running already.. It REALLY feels good~

  7. @ Qi Wen 绮文

    to tell the truth, i hate jogging or running or anything similar to that. HEHE. but i love aerobics ! it just i dont have time for that. so the easiest way is to control my diet and once in a while dance etc. hee ;p

  8. hmm seyes ke?
    no vegie n fruit?
    no sauce?

    cheese? eggs?
    tak gemuk ke?

    ngah diet sekang

  9. @syazwana

    kalo follow betul2 insyaAllah tak gemuk. sbb cheese tu protein. kena make sure mmg betul2 no sugar ok.
    tapi jgn amalkan diet ni utk masa yg lama. sbb tak ckp nutrien. nanti next post i terang lg detail
