Friday, January 28

Secret Garden - the best korean series !


hai readers ! I'm back to normal ;) setelah 2 entry yang agak Islamik. HEHE. sekali sekala kena lah post entry yang bermanfaat kan? lagipun tu semua sebagai peringatan buat kita. jangan leka dengan dunia sahaja. Akhirat kena ambil berat jugak. ;))

To Korean Drama Lovers, I believe ramai yang dah tengok, dah addict, dah giler, dah suka, dah jatuh hati dan sebagainya dengan cerita secret garden ni kan ! Undeniably the best series ever ! *eh jap semua korean series pun aku kata best kan? HAHA * tapi betul. yang ni memang terbaik dari ladang weh !! aku dah berjaya menghasut kawan aku tengok sama. *clap clap* siap telefon aku masa ofis hour nak gossip pasal cerita ni. so sweet ! so dengan ini aku ishtiharkan SECRET GARDEN adalah drama wajib tonton !! HAHA suka suki aku je kan...

well cerita ni mengisahkan seorang CEO yang besar kepala dan semuanya harus ikut cara dia, Kim Joo Won (Hyun Bin).. Kisah seorang stuntwoman yang kehebatannya dicemburui oleh pelakon-pelakon wanita yang pegang watak utama, Gil Ra Im (Ha Ji Won).. Kisah seorang penyanyi, pelakon yang kaki perempuan, Oska @ Woo Young.. Yang best relationship diorang ni (Kim Joo Won & Gil Ra Im) ni pelik sikit. Bukan typical macamd rama korea yang lain.. Kim Joo Won ni annoying gila tapi sangat sweet. aaahh tak tau nak describe macam mana. Korang kena tengok sendiri ok? Confirm memang suka punya. 2nd hero pun sangat kelakar. okay semua pun nak suka... ;)) Buat yang cengeng macam aku, kalau tengok episod 17 ke atas, sila sediakan tisu sebanyak mungkin ok. Hari tu aku dah banjir. HAHA

Munjawatsyong, Munjawatsyong!

Itulah dia bunyi sms tone Gil Ra Im dalam cerita Secret Garden. Cute giler time die ajuk bunyi ni. So, aku pun decide nak cari sms tone yang sama macam Gil Ra Im. Aku Google, dan aku pun berjumpa dengan link untuk tone ni. Jadi ni lah sms tone aku sekarang.

serius cute bangat !

Plus the OST pun sangat best... ni antara yang aku suka. That man bye Hyun Bin ! Previously, this song was performed by Baek Ji Young with the title of That Woman.. The melody is just the same and they just change the title.. I like Hyun Bin's version very much.. He's not a singer. When you hear the song carefully, it is as if you will feel how great the feeling Joo Won holds for Ra Im.
♥ ♥


One man loves you
He loves you with all his heart
Everyday he follows you like a shadow
He is laughing but actually crying

How much longer that I must gaze at you like this alone?
This foolish love.. This miserable love..
Must I continue for you to love me?
Come closer a little bit more
When I take a step closer.. You run away with both feet..
I, who loves you.. Even now I'm by your side..
That man is crying

That man is very timid
So he learnt how to laugh
There are so many things that he can't tell his closest friend
That man's heart is full of tears

So that man said that he loved you because you were the same
Another fool.. Another fool..
Won't you hug me once before you go?

I want to be loved my dear
Everyday in my heart.. In my heart..
I shout out
That man is beside you till today

Do you know that man is me?
Don't you tell me you know
Still you're doing this to me
But you won't know
Because you're such a fool my dear

How much longer that I must gaze at you like this alone?
This foolish love.. This miserable love..
Must I continue for you to love me?
Come closer a little bit more
When I take a step closer.. You run away with both feet..
I, who loves you.. Even now I'm by your side..
That man is crying

Nota kaki : aku suka jugak dengan design rumah Kim Joo Won dalam cerita ni. aaahhh nak rumah camtu pls !!


  1. wahh cam best jer nih
    kna tgk jugek lah :)

  2. semua kate yg nie the best! aku tgk 2 epsod je...dah tak bmaya nk smbung..hahaa

  3. @ Arabella
    tgk jgn tak tgk !

    @ Azuan
    semua kata best? then u je yg tak bermaya lps ep 2 ? so u yg pelik kot? HAHA well citarasa setiap org berbeza kan... pd kami yg suka, mmg rasa cerita ni best bangat !

  4. bagi saya paling drama korea paling best full house n fantasy couple ;) (sebab 2 tu je yang tengok)

    My latest entry : Gadis China - Sebelum Dan Selepas Make Up

  5. @ shaffique

    full house mmg best ! tapi utk thn 2010 secret garden paling best. u shud watch it. ;))

  6. @elly

    sila lah tengok. nak download pun boleh ;))

  7. download drama korea @

  8. download drama korea @

  9. @eila

    haah mmg best sgt ! meleleh jugak air mata T__T

    btw eila, thanks for following this blog ! ;))

  10. ak paling suka umah hyun bin dlm citer ni..rse nk giler tgok umah die.. cantiknye!!!!!!!!
