Thursday, December 18

tagging time!!


owh thanks to nani sbb sudi tagged nadd!!
sbb nadd xtaw nk update ape da..
hahahha ;)

Starting time:

8.15 p.m

nadia abdullah

faten -partner gadoh i !~

rmai wooo

Shoe size:
5 kekadang 4.. [nani kte same~so nad xyah type la.. heee ;) ]


Where do u live:
city of light~

Have u ever been on a plane:
nope :(

Swam in the ocean:
not really swim.. snorkeling ade la.. hee ;)

Fallen asleep at school:
ade kot.. xbrape ingt. mybe subj sejarah.. xsuke!!!

Broken someone's heart:
hurm... ade kot.. or is it my heart yg broken? hahah ;p

Sat by the phone all night waiting for someone to call:
long time ago ade la.. i guess 5years back!

Saved emails:
ade.. mmg habit suke save segala mende.

What is your room like:
da mcm store room.. pnoh dgn sume stuff! haih

What's right beside u:
hp~digi cam~novel[twilight]

What is the last thing u ate:
roti kaya~tetibe je cm lapar..

Ever had...Chicken pox:
penah! mase form 4.. tp sket je..


Broken nose:

Do u believe in love at first sight:

Like picnics:
im lovin it~ parapaaa... ;)

Who was/were... The last person u danced with:
chicken dance consider menari la kan?? member2 D2, mase class creative thinking.. last february kot.. hahah

Last made u smile:
ntah.. gelak tgk raja lawak ade la. hahaha ;p

Today did u...Talk to someone u like:
skip. hehhe

Kissed anyone:
kucing bley x? ahaks

Get sick:
ade la food poisoning ari tu

Miss someone:
yup~damia.. hehe

Who do u really hate:
who?? xde kot...

Do u like your hand-writting:
same mcm nani.. sejak ade internet ni jrg tulis so tulisan agak buwuk. huhu

Are your toe nails painted:
xpenah.. n xmungkin!! kalo inai, sgt suke!!

Whose bed other that yours would u rather sleep in:
xde kot.. jenis ssh nk tdo

What color shirt are u wearing now:
baju kelawar~greenish..

Are u a friendly person:
friendly with people dat i comfortable with. not with strangers.. lalalla~~

Do u have any pets:
ade!! kiki,nonen~owh the list goes on... hehe ;)

Do u sleep with the TV on:
dulu2 mase kje bank.. penat sgt..

What are u doing right now:
layan tag ni la

Can u handle the truth:

Are u closer to your mother or father:
my mom~

Do u eat healthy:
owh.. of couse not!! thats why la bewat naik neh. adehhh

If u're having a bad day, who are u most likely to go to:
depends on situation.. ade la beberape org kwn..

Are u loud or quiet most of the time:
depends... kalo dgn kwn2 yg mmg best, bising! if not leh jd sgt pendiam mcm ade emas dlm mulut.

Are u confident:
nope~ni la masalah dunia i~~

5 things I was doing 10 years ago:
i was 15 at that time (1998)

-start ade boyfy.. classmate lg! haha
-jerawat naik 1 muke.. gler~ akibat gatal berkapel di waktu mude. haha
-PMR~result x memberansangkan. haih :(
-aktif nasyid.. jgn xtaw! hehe ;)

5 things I would do if I were a billionaire:
-1st thing im gonna do is set off my PTPTN loan!
-g haji... bwk 1 family lg.. amin
-invest.. regardless any type of investment. ASB,shares,trust fund,property~ u name it!!
-kawen,beli umah,kete & travel ke mane yg i suke
-menderma.... kepada yg memerlukan

5 of my bad habits:
-shopaholic~very impulsive!!
-sensitif + emotional
-makan x kunyah btol2. biase 2-3 kali pstu tewos telan..
-mandi lmbt esp weekend.. hehe ;)

5 places I've lived/living :
owh.. cm taw2 je i byk pindah randah.. org nomad la katakan.

~sungkai, perak~since lahir smpai standard 2
~muadzam shah, phg~standard 2-early form 1
~taman tasik,ampang~form 1-early form 3
~AU3, keramat~form 3-form5
~cheras indah~after SPM until now...

mangsa seterusnya:
-kak zila
-miss nur

hehe.. yg lain kalo nk buat, silakan!!


  1. ayyoyo...minachi...
    kena tag suda...

    pas jawab tag nih mesti sedia award nak jenjalan ats kaepet merah...


  2. gua kusyuk baca.. tetiba nama gua plak kena tag.. ini leh mendatangkan murka!

  3. hihi..abesla nad kene murka ngn apei budak kampong gare2 tag nani ni..hehe

    btw,tenks sudi buat tag nani..hik ;p

  4. sri

    ~hihi... award? nnti eh...

    ~hoho.. murka xmurka.. hang kne wat juge.. kui kui kui

    ~heee ;) nad dgn sng ati buat sbb xtaw nk update ape. haha
    thanks to nani jugak!!
