Sunday, December 21

BWF Super Series Masters Final 2008

Date: 18-21 Dec 2008
Venue: Likas Sport Complex, Kota Kinabalu


Hari ni nak wat review psl badminton la.... alhamdulillah! happy sgt sbb today Msia shuttlers have won from 3 games out of 5! its like once in a blue moon! yerp.. nadd ni fanatik badminton! huhu

Men Single
Lee Chong Wei Vs Peter Gade (DENMARK)

finally LCW berjaya jugak menang slps aksi yg kurang consistent sejak abis OLYMPIC.. since smlm mcm terkejut tgk LCW berjaya kalahkan TAufik 21-5, 21-10.. i was like, what? senang nye?? huhu.. ye la walaupun Taufik bkn la dlm ranking yg baik BWF, tp taufik ni very determine. he usually will get whatever he wants. in fact LCW pon kalah dgn Taufik mase last match diorg [couldnt recall which tournament]. ok la LCW menang. then today.. lwn peter gade.. so far rasenye ni 1st time tgk match diorg.. sbb LCW & Gade jarang jmpe waktu final. so nadd mcm xtaw wht to expect frm this game because Gade is one of the best badminton player from Europe.. but it turned out that LCW just too good for Gade for the first set. LCW lead the game by 12-0 ok! n after that br la Gade dpt point.. so First set LCW menang, 21-8.

second set, Gade berjaya memberi tentangan pd LCW.. the game became more exciting compare to first set.. this time around Gade mcm xbagi peluang LCW utk "ayam-ayam" kan die. hehe ;)
tp LCW berjaya jugak menang game ni 21-16. wooo menang besar tu! USD 40, 000.

Men Double
Koo Kien Keat & Tan Boon Heong Vs Lee Young Dae & Jang Jae Sung ( KOREA)

well, at first nadd agak ragu2 same ade this pair boleh menang..Reaching the final in the Super Series Finals is itself an achievement for Kien Keat-Boon Heong who came in for lot of criticism for their poor show this year but ape yg boleh nadd katakan adalah, WOW!! The crowd at the Likas Sports Complex were not disappointed as the Malaysians dished out a thriller with Kien Keat-Boon Heong prevailing 21-18, 21-14. at one point KKK (koo kien keat) terbaring n boleh main n angkat sume 3 pukulan dr beregu korea, n finally got the point! how amazing is that!! that was so great ok.. pstu defend pon bagus.. overall they perform very well in this game & finally won the game.. they bring home USD42, 000.

Women Double
Wong Pei Ty & Chin Eei Hui Vs Vita Marissa & Liliyana Natsir (INDONESIA)

well, this game pon nadd agak skeptical.. sbb indonesia pnye beregu ni mmg da byk experience. boleh katakan veteran la.. tp, ntah magic agaknye main kt tmpt sndri, sume nye serba menjadi buat beregu malaysia.. first set menang 21-15, n for the second set pon menang wpun ade one time tu jantung cm berdebar gler... luckily they win.. 22-20

suka nye rase.. sbb da lame Msia x menang besar cmni.. wpon ade yg kate Msia menang sbb Team China tarik diri, but then who cares? yg penting, menang big money ok! this is the richest badminton tournament in the world! Congratulations to all the players, & let us shout MALAYSIA BOLEH. hehe ;) semangat seh...



  1. aiakk...peminat sukan rupa nyer ...

    hikss...mesti kuat sukan kat kampus nih....

    syg diri...

  2. sri

    ~minat sukan tp x aktif pon dulu kt kampus... xde kwn.. hehe ;)
    tp kalo ade chance suke jek!

  3. Saya sangat suka chess!

    kat sini dah terjebak ngan bola la plak...hahahaha

  4. sy xpndai main chess. tp pnh main la..
    bola plak.. lnsung xminat. hehe
