Sunday, November 30


we're reaching end of november.... so i juz wanna say

goodbye november! c ya next year


welcome disember!


*yeah.. berjaya jugak update sebanyak mungkin di bulan november. akan berterusan atau tidak? hehe ;) depends pd mood i okey...
6 days to go.. then? dont know yet!!! huhu

Saturday, November 29



guys... u all da tgk lom movie twilight ni?? huhu.. ptg td i g tgk dis movie wit my girlfriends.. huhu.. best!! series.. xcaya u all g tgk okey.. xsangka ade vampire yg hensem n cute mcm tu. haha.. i like!! then after watched it my fwen wants to buy the book [yeah.. movie ni dr buku sbnrnye. the author is stephenie meyer]. we went to borders which happen to be next to the cinema.. heee.. actually b4 dis slalu nmpk buku ni kt bookstores but im not really into dis kind of book unless i know the author.. so i xbeli la.. but since i've watched the movie, i wanted to have the book as well la.. in the end i bought the book! yeah.. typical me... *sigh* yeah.. im very impulsive! then bile nk byr suddenly the cashier asked me. the conversation was like this :-

cashier: have u watch the movie
me: yeah
cashier: do u have the ticket?
me: yup.. [call my fwen, asking where is the ticket]
another cashier: how was the movie?
me: great! i love it!! [i fall in love with the vampire... lalalalla~~]
cashier: here is ur book only for RM21++ after 15% disc
me: wow!! thanks :)

owh.. rupenye ade promotion la.. see.. how lucky i am.. buy the book juz after watch the movie
hehee.. since im still in the mood of twilight so once i reach home tewus i bace.. smpai trtdo2 taw... ekekek ;p but im so excited to read it!!

*nnti kan series yg lain.. sbb ade 3 series movie ni. yeay! *

*owh.. cute nye vampire ni.. heee *

ooppppsss there are a few things which makes me happy today. b4 we went to TS watch twilight, we went to park royal hotel [FJ benjamin warehouse sales]. this is my 2nd time. last year pon i pegi gak.. hoho.. luckily we all g awal, by that time xrmai sgt.. i manage to grab 1 handbag from GUESS, a pair of GUESS jeans & t-shirt from GAP. i nk beli heel frm GUESS but my size xde la.. uhuk sedey jek :( really good bargain i tell u! sape2 yg shopaholic tu mmg sesuwai pegi taw.. tomorrow is the last day. i heard they will mark down the price by 20%. woowww!! mcm nk pegi lg jek. hehe ;p

okeh.. enuff la ramblings for today.. later update lg k

Friday, November 28

mari edit gambar!

hey guys...
jom edit gambar! hehe ;)
i sukeeee sgtttt edit gambar kt sni [picnik]
sgt senang.. tp i xcreative sgt.. juz edit bg pic tu smooth ok la.. then make it into a collage.
i did that most of the time taw.
jom layan beberapa piccies yg i da edit2... hehe

*heee.. faces of 25 years old cik nad*

*gedix-gedix kt ofis.. yeah.. 6 days to go*

lenkali update lg okey....

Thursday, November 27

lately (part 2)

just wanna update
this is what i should focus on frm now onwards...............

"Jangan terlalu susah hati dengan urusan dunia.
Akhirat itu lebih utama
dan hidup di sana lebih lama dan kekal selamanya"

Wednesday, November 26



i don't know what went wrong. i don't have any idea why all these happening to me !! OMG.. pls help me! i'm totally down right now :( i just wish i am not me.. how can that be? owh me being silly!

but i do believe there will be some light at the end of the tunnel.. i hope so! or else i dont know what to do to get rid of these feelings!!! haih :(

but i kinda like this quote (mcm taw2 je)

"you gotta take the good with the bad; smile with the sad;
love what you got &remember what you had; learn to forgive, but never to forget;
people change, things go wrong, buttt just remember... life goes on"

that's exactly what i should do now... hurmmmmmmmmmmm

*hurmm.. maybe ni dugaan sbb i da 25 kot.. so nk tgk how strong i can be.. maybe...

Tuesday, November 25



hey guys..
thank you so much for those birthday wishes..
really appreciate it!! :)
hoho.. br je menginjak ke 25.. org lain da nk masuk 26 da
ekkeke ;p

hurm smlm pas blk dr klcc ingt nk on9 (xtvt wajib mlm2) tp tgk2 streamyx prob.
ni mule la hangin ni!! call 100.. ade la sore minah mane tah kate ade maintenance sekitar kl..
maintenance lg?? br last week maintenance. dis week maintenance lg? ape streamyx ni!!
gewam da ni. ingt nk sembur la staff die skali minah yg same ckp lg 'sorry semua staff busy. sila call semula'.. lagi ler hangin!!! isk...

sengal btol la.. da la smlm bday i.. bleh laks streamyx wt hal cmni.. hurmm
mmg nk suwuh aku migrate pkai broadband ah ni..
kalo ari ni x elok lg, mmg la streamyx ni!!!

broadband... tnggu!! hahaha ;p
saje update.. tensen sbb kt ofis leh on blog jek.. lain2 social network website kne block
haih :(

Sunday, November 23

25 here i come!!


less than 24 hours im gonna turn 25 :)
owh.. rasenye spt br smlm je 24.. hehe :)
alhamdulillah.. bersyukur sgt sbb masih berpeluang menyambut hari lahir yg ke 25 & masih bernafas tanpa ade sebarang penyakit (kronik mahupun tidak)

wpun sthn da brlalu masih byk wishlist yg masih blom dicapai.. obviously!!! hehe ;)
ingt lg last year xceleb pon bday.. knape? sbb i need to attend PAC (PTD Assestment) kt kemaman tganu.. huhu sedey jek.. da la jauh dr family, then kne wat sume2 xtvt yg sgt xsuke.. owh i xbrminat nk jd PTD ok. but then my mom yg suwuh.. i pn apply la.. then g exam.. tetibe jek leh pass exam tu..! erk?? sbb sblm ni dgr sume org kate ssh exam PTD tu.. for me ntah.. kalo i pass tu nasib kot? heh my general knowledge not that good tho.. hehe ;)
mase tu tewus apply cuti.. the assestment is frm 23-24 nov (according to the letter la) went there on 22.. stay kt cherating.. heee ;) best nye dok tepi pntai but xleh nk mandi sbb ombak besar.. :(
on the day itself smngt la nih pegi... me antara yg trawal smpai.. biase la.. semngat & neves.. ahaks ;p then rupenye the assestmnet is frm 23-25nov!! OMG!!!! tewus terkesima.. isk.. cmne ni.. baju bwk cukup2 je.. then my mom pn mmg check out esok (24nov). mase tu da rase xbest sgt!! nk x nk pegi la pekan kemaman tu beli bj kurung n all la.. mase tu da bengang da.. da la i cm xberapa nk jln2 kt situ sbb takut bump into sumone yg i purposely dnt wanna meet forever!!! luckily xjmpe pon org tuh. heh.. ;)
sudah nye.. on the day itself (24nov) xrase pn mcm bday, n dok kelam kabut did all tasks to pass the assestment and it turned out that i failed! heh xlepas smpai interview pon.. its ok sbb mase tu i da taw i dpt join training ni.. ekekkeke ;p but my mom la yg frust.. sori mama.. i did my best but its not my luck....

but then tu sume thn lepas.. how about this year?? dunno yet.. wish sume ok la... xkesah la ade celebration ke tidak.. yg pnting masih lagi bernafas di bumi ALLAH ini.. amin :)

Saturday, November 22



hari ni hari sabtu, 22nov2008.. heh mcm org xtaw laks. ;)
hari ni xde ke mana.. 1st time rasenye dlm bln ni ari sabtu lepaks kt umah..
owh bahagianye!! hehe ;p

biase every sat without failed ade je prog. either attend speakers club class or hang out wit my fwens. but for today NO plan.. because esok br nk hang out. hehe. wajib ke every week kuar?? bkn le wajib.. tp tgh free dr sebarang commitment ni la nk lepaks2 ngan kwn2.. nnti bile da ade commitment mesti xde time nk spend dgn kwn2 bile weekend. ye la mesti spend dgn family la.. huhu

bile xde ke mane2 spt biase bgn lmbt sket..hehe.. xde la lmbt sgt ok.. x elok..
owh.. mase ni i tgh layan AF.. mase ni Mawi still lg blur2.. muke pon cm xde perasaan jek.. lain sgt! hoho
biase la manusia kan..
now tetibe rase nk sgt mkn JCO.. owh no!!! cedapnye.. im craving for JCO! da lme rasenye xmkn.. aduhh mls btol sbb JCO ade kt Pavillion je... hurm sok laks nk g lepaks kt mid main bowling.. xpe la xdpt JCO dpt dpt BIG APPLE pon ok gaks. huhu

*my fav yg cheese tu!!yummy :)

saje je wt entry cm ni ari ni
sbb nye i tgh counting the days.. 2 days to go.. then i'll say GOOD BYE 24!!
till then

Thursday, November 20



hurmmm.. td tgk TARA 3 ( the amazing race asia) final episode..
as wht i'd expected HK boys won!
never mind... coz msian team still in the final leg.. 3 consecutive years..

in the 1st season our msian girls had made it! we r the champion..!!!!

*zab & joe jer*

in the 2nd season our msian girls placed 2nd

*pamela & vanessa*

n this season once again our msian girls (girls ke? ahaks) in the final n placed 3rd

*ida & tania*

its ok.. as long as bkn team "tu" yg menang, i xkisah
hahahahha ;p

so cpt2 la TARA 4 plaks..
how i wish i can join.. but i just cant
hoh.. mane bley nnti kang solat tah ke mane. dgn task yg kne mkn tah hape2 nnti. lgpun nad bukannye fit sgt. haha.. kang br half race da pancit.... adehhhh! naya je...
xpe la hanya bley tgk n support jek.

Wednesday, November 19

tagged by kak zila

da lame peram tagged ni.. heee ;) sowie kakak. i trlupa i ade hutang tagged ni..
bkn dgn u je, i ade hutang tagged dgn mimies & eira skali. lg 2 tu later i buat k?
hehe :)
okey meh layan tagged ni

1. What is the relationship of you and him/her?

hurmm.. kiki ni kucing i

2. Your 5 impressions towards him/her

  • comel tp kegemukan melanda kiki skarang. haih
  • jinak2 merpati
  • mengada-ngada haha
  • sama spt di atas
  • sama spt di atas

3. The most memorable things he/she had done for you.

what she had done for me? wht about sumthing i've done for her? hehe ;)

4. The most memorable things he/she have said to you?

woooo.. if this happen means this is end of the world...

5. If he/she become your lover, you will…

no way! she's a cat lor

6. If he/she become your enemy, you will…

no way!

7. If he/she become your lover, he has to improve on…

Sila rujuk jawapan no 5

8. If he/she become your enemy, the reason is…

tgk jwpn no 6

9. The most desirable thing to do on him/her is?

dukung die.. whehee

10. The overall impression of him/her is…

kiki nmpk makin hepi dgn kegemukan yg di alami.

11. How do you think the people around you will feel about you?

lor... ask those people around me la. isk

12. The character of you for yourself is?

me? ntah.. xtaw nk describe.

13. On contrary, the character you hate of yourself is?

keras hati.. sgt!!!! sape leh lembut kan hati i??? heheh

14. The most ideal person that you wanna be is?


15. For the people who likes you, say something about them.

thanks! i like u two, three, four, five. hehe

16. Ten people to tag:

no one!

17. Who is no. 2 having a relationship with?


18. Is no. 3 a male or a female?


19. If no. 7 and no. 10 were together, would it be a good thing?


20. How about no. 5 and 8?


21. What is no. 1 studying about?


22. Is no. 4 single?


23. Say something about no. 6


hoho.. ni la kucing nye.. my tomeyyyy gemukkkk kiki :)

10 soalan yang sukar untuk dijawab


saje post entry ni... hehe :) release tension sikit... daa~~

1. Kenapa Tarzan tidak mempunyai jambang?

2. Kenapa juruterbang Kamikaze memakai topi keledar?

3. Kita tahu kelajuan cahaya, apakah kelajuan kegelapan?

4. Kenapa ada istilah ‘tidur seperti bayi’ sedangkan bayi akan terjaga setiap 2 jam?

5. Kenapa pembakar roti di’rumah kita mempunyai setting untuk suhu yang tinggi sehingga mampu menghanguskan roti?

6. Kenapa lampu peti ais hanya ada dalam ruang sejuk, bukan ruang sejuk beku?

7. Kenapa irama lagu A,B,C,D,E,F,G… dan Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star sama?

8. Kenapa kita sering menekan butang lif lebih dari sekali?

9. Kenapa kita tekan butang remote lebih kuat walaupun kita tahu bateri hampir habis?

10. Kenapa anda mula berfikir untuk 9 soalan di’atas yang tidak sesekali membawa apa-apa perubahan?

fire drill + birthday wish


hari ni de fire drill kt ofis. dlm kul 10 td.
gler penat skang ni
bygkan la dr level 26 turun ke bwh.. turun gune tangga okey
dgn pkai heel nye.. menggeletar kepala lutut
smpai bawah je da berpeluh2.. nasib baik bwk kipas skali.
hurm... penatt nyerrrr!!!!
jap g time lunch nk g tdo kt surau.. konfem nyenyak nyerr!
hehe ;)

nk wish akak kembar ku Zila & Rina happy birthday yg ke 26..
heheh :) smoga kakak berdua murah rezeki, pnjang umur & diberkati Tuhan hendaknyerrr...
utk kak zila, bile lg mau bina masjid?? kte nk pegi ni. ari tu kak rina nye kte da missed! hehe :)
lalalalalal~~ ^_^

Monday, November 17



what happen to friendster???? owh please...
setiap kali after maintenance mesti ade problem friendster ni taw!
dulu mase mule2 bleh comment html pon problem.. mase tu tetibe jek tgk comment/testi yg lame hilang. that one bley consider sbb comment je kan?
but now my friends!
smlm log in tgk tetibe je kwn jd 46... eh mane yg lain?
gelabah jugak sbb kwn2 i ade dlm 500 ++ sbnrnye.
i really dont mind if those missing friends were the one that i dont know,but yg missing tu majority my real friends...!
mmg sengal btol..
n then today i log in, oo my GOD! i hve no friends okey.... gilos ape friendster ni??
nk wish birthday pon xdpt..
isk isk isk

yeah.. even i have facebook, myspace, etc but i like friendster most sbb kt situ la pling byk skali my long lost fwen! kwn2 mase kt phg, kwn tuisyen mase form 3 dll...

i know dis will be ok soon tp still rase xbest sbb xdpt tgk profile kwn2.

*bile br okey frenster????


*update at 10.23pm~yeay friendster sudah baik.. boleh view profile kwn2 :)

Friday, November 14

first gathering


last sun nad ade 1st gathering dgn kwn2 mase diploma dulu...
lama xjmpe.. last jumpe mase konvo degree last year kot. (pot~excluded)
actually plan for gathering ni da lame sgt. since april rasenye. but only now br lah berjaya. semua busy.. ye la ade commitment masing2. ni pon xrmai yg join..
muka2 biase jugak. yg lain semua ade hal..
xpe la.. bukan senang nk kumpul semua.
it makes me wonder, if we failed to gather all our friends for this small gathering, cmne nk kumpul diorg to reunite for our REUNION next year? yeah.. we made a promise to reunite again after 5 years ( class A & B). so 1 year to go! jadi ke x reunion besar besaran ni?
ntah.. well gathering kali ni just invite class A je (original kelas A ok.)

location: the mines
attendees: nad~pot~angah~zue~shukor~shahril

mula2 kitorg just makan2 kt kenny rodgers, chit chatting. lame tu.. then ingt nk main bowling but fully booked! nk g karaoke pn same gak! haih :(
ni yg i tensen ni! then nk naik boat, "raining~temporary close". aduhaaiii
bkn rezeki kami la utk bersuka ria dekat the mines.
sudahnye, we all just pegi umah pot n lepak..
kitorg masak mee hun goreng, n borak2.
lame xmasak2 ngan dorg. dulu mase dok umah sewa selalu masak same2. owh rindunye!

then borak pnye borak kitorg plan next gathering maybe disember.. kali ni maybe nk g genting.
harap2 jadi la, n ade member lain yg join jugak. whehee~~

*owhhh byk nye plan nih.. mane nk cekau duit? hurmmmmm

let's pictures do the talking!

*heee ;) shukor da pndai wt lawak skang. haha ;p

*shahril.. maintain cm tu gak. heee

*ni la muke2 frust xdpt main bowling. hehe ;)

Tuesday, November 11

remember me?


heeee ;) finally dpt juga beli buku ni! da lame mengidam taw! dulu kan penah i wt entry pasal ni kan? setelah berbulan-bulan akhirnye turun jugak harga buku ni.... i'm happy :)
owh bukan la i kedekut orgnye tp, rase nye membazir la kalo beli masa harga tgh mahal but then a few months later, the price will drop. so baik tnggu mase price da turun kan? sbb mmg confirm price akan turun until RM35++. i biase beli buku i know la. huhu. ini namenye financial planning. hahah ;)

and, bukan remember me je i manage to grab, thanks for the memories pn i grab jugak! heee ;)
best sgt.. sophie kinsella & cecelia ahern~ my fav author. n when i hit kinokuniya last sat, i discovered that cecelia ahern juz released her new book called~the gift! very tempting taw.. teruja je nk beli, but no la. cm biase tnggu price jd RM35++ br beli. hehe ;)

then when i passed by malay books section tetibe teringat, ema suwuh belikan buku ayat-ayat cinta utk die.. so i beli la...

n now i tgh bace ayat-ayat cinta.. best buku ni.. best dr filem taw. rase cm xnk jual kt ema laks.
tp xbleh, da janji kan.. xpe nnti i beli yg lain :)

okey la.. nk smbung bace ayat-ayat cinta ni
owhhh fahri! heeee ;)

Monday, November 10

. . . . . .

juz a quick entry..
tetibe emo..
boss br blk td..
ari ni last kje dgn die.. pas ni bile die blk MSIA bergelar HAJI, im not around..
somebody else might be his intern. tetibe je touching ni
bleh x nk nanges? hehe .
cm dak kecik je cik nadia ni kan?
nk buat macam mane. sememanganye insan yg bernama nadia ni tersgt la
sensitif... nmpk je keras hati

to my boss (even he dont read this. saje je.nk legakan hati sndiri)

semoga dapat menyempurnakan ibadah HAJI dgn baik..
selamat pergi & pulang...
thanks & sorry for everything

*nnti nad update psl lain.. xsempat nk update sbb weekend bz. hehe

Thursday, November 6



hari ni nk bercerita psl friendship..
sbb last sat (1nov08) my best fwen had dedicated to me 1 speech which brought tear to my eyes..touching nyerr..
never cross in my mind that she gonna talk about me in front of our classmates + facilitator.. i feel honoured.. indeed.. :)
im lucky to have u as my best friend EMA!

ok biar nad story dr mula ye..
ema & nad were classmates since we did our dgree back in 2005..
we were not so close those days.. in fact we rarely spoke to each other because we r in diff group of friends. me with my diploma buddies(all frm uitm jengka) & she's been friend wif her buddies ( fast track students). but towards the end we develop our friendship..
i still recall when they (ema & friends) came over to our house (rented, sec 17) for open house.
that's where its started! mase tu nad n the geng masak laksa.. nad la ketua nye sbb laksa is my fav dish ok. so mmg nad da terer la masak. hahha (satu-satunye yg nad pndai masak)
ema pon mmg suke laksa and it turned out that my laksa sgt sedap. heee ;) sgttt tuh!
ye la mase bg speech ari tu ema siap kate die ingt lg rase betapa sedapnye laksa tuh..*kembang*

then it ends there la bcoz after graduate kitorg lost ctc.. at first nad kje kt hr jusco maluri, ema dkt audit firm buttt miracle does happen! may 2007, we bumped into each other at menara bumiputera.. rupenye nad & ema dpt offer yg same.. utk kje di tmpt yg same, post yg same & branch yg same.. heee ;) so dr situ la we become close.. :)

then... nov2007, once again we have been selected to join 1 course ( yg tgh nad wat skang ni la) together! okey la sbb ade geng & turned out rmai lg geng lain dpt jugak.. alhamdulillah
 we've gone tru 1 week induction. mase tu lain2 class.. then bile time masuk kelas, nah! once again.. nad & ema dpt 1 kelas.. D2.. best kan... hehe :) we become veryyyy close since then..
& now she's one of my besties.. :)

oh no... im not good in writing xpndai nk bg kate2 touching like she did back then*sigh*
but ema, if u happen to read this

just wanna say that,

"our friendship like a wreath has no ending- it just grow on & on"

"i want u to know that you and your friendship means a lot to me"

jom tgk pic
nad & ema

*my fav pic.. yeah.. we looks like twin! mind u! nad 25, ema24*

*at pangkor*

*gediks2 kt dlm class.. heee ;)*

Wednesday, November 5

80 days


today da 80 days nad dkt ofis ni..
tnggl lg lebey kurang less than a month je kt sni..
sedey? happy? ntah.. sume ade.. mmg happy sgt sbb nk abis internship ni.
but at the same time sedey gak.. dunno la knape nk rase sedey..
mybe sbb pas ni xleh la nk relax2 sgt da kot. ye la work life mane de relax2.. mcm mase kje kt cimb dlu. huhu.. trsgt la stress nyerr... :(
but wut to do kan.. nk cr duit bkn nye sng...

so 5 dis 08 InsyaAllah will be my last day here..
at that time my supervisor will not around sbb die pegi haji..
dis week gonna be final week i will be supervised by him..

enough la crapping...

ni sekadar nk memenuhi azam update blog ari2 jek..
hehe ;)

Tuesday, November 4

4 november 2008


berjaya jugak merajinkan tgn utk mengupdate [ape pnye bhs daa~~] blog nad nih.
heee ;)
so today wht had happen??
hurmmmm.. same jugak mcm sblm2 ni.. routine life...
g kje, blk, ngadap internet.
but then ade 2 stry yg cm best je nk share kt sni

dpt taw my best fwen [girl] tgh munge2 cinta dgn my best fwen [guy]..
alhamdulillah.. harap2 berjaya la hubungan mereka. mase dpt taw nad plak yg overexcited. haha ;) well, im happy for them..

td blk keje.. naik monorail.. mcm biase la.. mmg padat.. then smpai 1 stesen nad pn dgn konfiden nye turun.. skali kluar tgk br stesen imbi. isk.. mcm mane bley salah ni?? suppose turun hang tuah [1 stesen je dr imbi tu]. nak kate berangan xjugak.. hurm.. nk cover malu so terus kan berjalan.. sudahnye jalan kaki la ke hang tuah.. nasib baik dekat.. haha

tup tup tup dpt sms dr member ofis sblh
"nad nk g dating eh turun kt imbi"
rupenye die pon ade dlm monorail yg same. cmne leh xnmpk nih?? hurm...
hoho.. die ingt nad mau g dating kt times ngan saper??
adehhh die xtaw sbnrnye daku trsilap stesen.
malu nyerrrrr... kikikiki

today nad pkai kaler merah.. i like =)
pagi2 rase gloomy jek.. then tetibe cm bersemangat bile smpai ofis..
btol la org kate colour can influence ur mood~
smlm pkai kaler hitam.. thts why gloomy jek the whole day~

*20 days to go sblm nad mengakhiri zmn2 24thn.. heeee ;) sedey + happy..

Monday, November 3

l u c k y

yea... azam baru~nk update blog if can, E V E R Y D A Y
since today xde story best sgt.. i juz wanna share about my fav song at this moment..
well there are a lot but this is one of it laa....
best kan lagu nih..
sape ske angkat tangan.. hehehe

Do you hear me,
I'm talking to you
Across the water across the deep blue ocean
Under the open sky oh my, baby I'm trying
Boy I hear you in my dreams
I feel your whisper across the sea
I keep you with me in my heart
You make it easier when life gets hard

I'm lucky I'm in love with my best friend
Lucky to have been where I have been
Lucky to be coming home again

They don't know how long it takes
Waiting for a love like this
Every time we say goodbye
I wish we had one more kiss
I'll wait for you I promise you, I will

I'm lucky I'm in love with my best friend
Lucky to have been where I have been
Lucky to be coming home again
I'm lucky we're in love in every way
Lucky to have stayed where we have stayed
Lucky to be coming home someday

And so I'm sailing through the sea
To an island where we'll meet
You'll hear the music, feel the air
I'll put a flower in your hair
Though the breezes through trees
Move so pretty you're all I see
As the world keeps spinning round
You hold me right here right now

I'm lucky I'm in love with my best friend
Lucky to have been where I have been
Lucky to be coming home again
I'm lucky we're in love in every way
Lucky to have stayed where we have stayed
Lucky to be coming home someday

Ooohh ooooh oooh oooh ooh ooh ooh ooh
Ooooh ooooh oooh oooh ooh ooh ooh ooh

Sunday, November 2

if my mind is still enough, i can see the deeper meaning behind each situation.
no matter how bad a problem may seem on the surface, if i remain positive, eventually i will see how everything has worked out for the best...

n o v e m b e r


welcome november..!
bln yg pling ditunggu2 truout the year.. heee ;)
ingt nk update blog on 1st but i was super duper bz so i just can't!
hoh.. excuse aje nad nih. heh ;)

btw, nothing to share. i juz rambling nothing here. do u notice?
well.. it's just maybe i just want to welcome november into my life..
so since im gonna b a year older this month, so i have decided to change to new template. comeyyyy tak?? heeee ;)

that's all...
wish to have more entry to be uploaded soon..
