Tuesday, November 11

remember me?


heeee ;) finally dpt juga beli buku ni! da lame mengidam taw! dulu kan penah i wt entry pasal ni kan? setelah berbulan-bulan akhirnye turun jugak harga buku ni.... i'm happy :)
owh bukan la i kedekut orgnye tp, rase nye membazir la kalo beli masa harga tgh mahal but then a few months later, the price will drop. so baik tnggu mase price da turun kan? sbb mmg confirm price akan turun until RM35++. i biase beli buku i know la. huhu. ini namenye financial planning. hahah ;)

and, bukan remember me je i manage to grab, thanks for the memories pn i grab jugak! heee ;)
best sgt.. sophie kinsella & cecelia ahern~ my fav author. n when i hit kinokuniya last sat, i discovered that cecelia ahern juz released her new book called~the gift! very tempting taw.. teruja je nk beli, but no la. cm biase tnggu price jd RM35++ br beli. hehe ;)

then when i passed by malay books section tetibe teringat, ema suwuh belikan buku ayat-ayat cinta utk die.. so i beli la...

n now i tgh bace ayat-ayat cinta.. best buku ni.. best dr filem taw. rase cm xnk jual kt ema laks.
tp xbleh, da janji kan.. xpe nnti i beli yg lain :)

okey la.. nk smbung bace ayat-ayat cinta ni
owhhh fahri! heeee ;)


  1. I love ayat-ayat cinta, but i havent watch the film yet...and the other two authors...errk...havent heard about them...maybe i should try to read that kind of books...but first, care to share a few paragraps?


  2. best kan miss ayat2 cinta
    sejuk je ati membacanye

    owh.. buku2 sophie & cecelia ni light reading miss..
    sophie terkenal dgn shopaholic series, & cecelia plak ps, i love you
    heeee :)

  3. owh yeah!

    been meaning to read shopaholic nih....sebab my friends pon baca buku citer nih...anyway, will find it in the durham public lib...hi kaki..bile lah hang nak sembuh! doakan yer...

    anyway, dah baca buku2 terbaru diorng ni? for me buku2 kat msia sangat2 mahal...kesian nyer rakyat kita...

  4. yup..
    kt msia mmg mahal buku2 taw.
    sbb tu sy tnggu price da turun sket br beli.
    heee :)

    kalo miss cm nk release2 pas bace sume textbook kan, bacala shopaholic series!

    sy doakan kaki sis cpt2 baik...

  5. salam

    last oct08 pegi mph warehouse sale kat PJ. Sume buku2 yang disebut di-atas berharga rm20!

    Mmg cik izyan borong la buku2 tu. Mmg berbaloi. RM20 each. Mane nak dpt tpt lain kan.

    nway...sy pun big fans of sophie's and cecelia.

  6. izyan

    ~tu la..nk pegi warehouse sale tu tp jauh kt pj, xde mase..
    kalo x sure borong lg byk buku
    heheh ;)
