Thursday, November 20



hurmmm.. td tgk TARA 3 ( the amazing race asia) final episode..
as wht i'd expected HK boys won!
never mind... coz msian team still in the final leg.. 3 consecutive years..

in the 1st season our msian girls had made it! we r the champion..!!!!

*zab & joe jer*

in the 2nd season our msian girls placed 2nd

*pamela & vanessa*

n this season once again our msian girls (girls ke? ahaks) in the final n placed 3rd

*ida & tania*

its ok.. as long as bkn team "tu" yg menang, i xkisah
hahahahha ;p

so cpt2 la TARA 4 plaks..
how i wish i can join.. but i just cant
hoh.. mane bley nnti kang solat tah ke mane. dgn task yg kne mkn tah hape2 nnti. lgpun nad bukannye fit sgt. haha.. kang br half race da pancit.... adehhhh! naya je...
xpe la hanya bley tgk n support jek.

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