Wednesday, October 8

tagged by nani

5 things

What were the 5 things on your to do list today?

  1. update blog~done!
  2. do some research for this week topic (speakers club)~almost done!
  3. tdo awal~
  4. pkai mask ( muke da teruk!)
  5. ape lg? ntah. sbb da mlm da ni. heee ;)

What are 5 snacks that you enjoy?

  1. cekedis tam-tam
  2. twisties
  3. donut Jco (yummylicious~snacks ke tuh?? haha ;p )
  4. yoghurt(consider snacks ke? haha ;p )
  5. seaweed~hot & spicy

What are 5 jobs you’ve had?

  • Mc Donald's crew (jan 2001-may2001)
  • KL Sea Games 2001 ( one of d volunteer with salary. heee )
  • Guru Ganti at SK Cheras Indah (2001 gak)
  • Executive Officer at CIMB Bank Bhd (May 2007-Nov2007)
  • Trainee with salary (FSTEP)~currently

5 people you wanna tag back?

  1. kak zila
  2. ellena
  3. mee chee
  4. boo
  5. bunga

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