Monday, October 13

n o t h i n g

yeah.. nothing to share. but since i've promised hani to update bout this, so here i am! hani, u knw wht i meant rite? segan la mau buat entry totally psl tu. heee ;) so i juz upload the pic here which clearly show it. ok la kan than nothing? hehe. ;) btw thanks hani for made my raya more meaningful...

thats all guys.

so sori.. NAD ter sgt la malas nk update psl lain.. nnti la bile mood da okey ye.

take care all.



  1. hye nad..thanks...suitable la with u nad..
    p/s u lawa la...eheehehehe

  2. heee. ;)
    nnti upload lg item2 yg comeyyy yea.

    p/s : lor.. mane de lawa. biase jek. hehe

  3. he he ... cam nak bagitau jam ngan handbeg raye jerr

  4. yeah u got it rite sangpecinta. this entry is especially dedicated to hani, not for me to menunjuk-nunjuk ok.
