Sunday, August 31

30th August 2008


here is my last entry for this month..
byk sgt nk cite.. tp saya x pandai berkata-kata.
tidak pndai menyusun ayat2 menarik.
thus, my entry become so dull n boring. yeah.. i know that.
i'm aware of it since years ago.. i'm not talented in writing. GOD has not grant me with that kind of talent. but i am what i am. just bear with me if this entry gonna bore you till death. *sigh*
hahaha. ape yg aku merepek nih?? adehhhh

semlm sgt manis utk di kenang.. hehe :)
in the morning we had picnic at lentang. hoho. gurls only this time!
n is not only my D2 girls.. campur ngan kelas lain. dpt kenal dgn kwn baru. weird eh?
we have been in the same building for more than 6 months but yet i still xkenal rmai.
nmpk sgt i didn't mingle that much.

smpai lentang, we had nasi lemak stuffed in our tummy. diet eh?
then tewus terjun dlm sungai.. sejukkkkk! tp best.. but then i rase sumthing kt jari kaki.\
i cube buang by squeeze it dkt batu2 dlm sungai tu. but it stick like glue. ohh no! i da rase xbest. it must be pacat! huaaaaa! i terus suwuh my girls utk buang. but i xtgk pun. i closed my eyes n start screaming like hell! eee yucks! sy sgt geli dgn haiwan species menjalar ni.. xbleh tgk.
then sume stat tgk kt kaki masing2 n guess what! each of them had at least one pacat dkt kaki. haha ;)
sume jerit2 mcm ape je kt situ. starting frm that moment onwards i was feel uncomfortable to mandi manda. every now n then i checked my leg,hand n even my neck. meremang je bulu roma all the time. hahaha ;)

xlame pun picnic tu
then me,wawa n fuzi headed to klcc. we went to tgv and watch death race.
pheeewww! i like dis movie. sgt puas menonton.
then i juz hanging around.. window shops. yeah.. me xbley nk shopping coz budget da lari. weird eh, allowance br msk tp da abis? hahah.. ye la nk byr itu, ini, nk save, duit raya utk cousin lg. haih :(

ingt nk countdown merdeka kt klcc, but then suddenly wawa came out with this idea, we went to tgv once again n watch penelope. haha. movie marathon eh for today. penelope was hillarious! n yeah.. the hero was cute.. comeyyy jek! ;)
then around 10.30pm we decided to go back. mls nk tnggu countdown since ujan n cm xbest jek. smpat la jmpe jep kejap.

the most interesting part is otw back to home i received 1 sms frm him..
yeah.. sms psl ramadhan ni la. ingt nk sm die esk. tup3 die sms dlu.. *huge grin*
kami ber'sms' smpai kul 2 lebey. smpai saya trtdo. haha. sian mesti die tnggu me reply. adehhh
owh ya, he is not my bf ok. he is... hurm.. how i want to describe eh?? dunno la.
but HE is not my bf. that's for sure!
enough la crapping.


here are the piccies ;)

*before taw ade pacat. im kinda excited!*

*pose dlu before balik*


*mamat kt poster ni sgt cute! ;) ~melting~*

Friday, August 29

s m i l e

i can't stop smiling..
a fren of mine juz made my day :) this is ridiculous.
i really can't stop smiling since i've read ur e-mail..
am looking fwd for that..
owh 2 weeks seems to be sooooo longgggg!

Tuesday, August 26


salam.. heeee ;) bkn nk update ape pown. cume nk update piccies jek.. haha xde kje la saya skang.. lets pictures do the talking! =)

*huhu.. 2c reunited!! after 11 years.. teringat lak psl cikgu samad.. oopppss! silap cikgu khalid la. hahahhaha ;)


happy hour... ;)


*this is my dear fwen, wa. hoho. ni pon da lame xjpe.. td (25aug08) br ade kesempatan tuk jmpe. tu pun sbb saya ade hal pegi ofis die di kelana jaya! alahai wa, name je kite ni dok kl kan. btw, im looking fwd to lepaks wif u darling! =)

*huhu. obsession! lately xbleh jmpe cermin. ;)

ok. im done for today.. daaaaa~~

Sunday, August 24

m e m o r i e s ;)

nothing special to share.
juz wanna upload yesterday pictures.
yesterday, met my classmate when i was form 2~sharifah. she stay in kuching n gettin married this coming nov!
here is she ;)

heee ;) die sgt slim! sy sgt jeles taw. n she's beautiful!

then, mase nk g solat asar, bumped into my exroomate when i was form 4~hudayu.
owh no.. i can't believe it. after nearly 9years, finally!

ayu~ x berubah lnsung! tetibe je ingt memroy mase sek. owh no.. i missed those days! wish i could turn back time. huhu

yg plg besh skali. saya berjaya mengawal nafsu utk tidak membeli ape2 selain barang yg diperlukan! whoa! big clap to me! congrats nadea ;)
hehehe =)


Sunday, August 17

cerita semalam


holla kwn2..

saya agak bosan hari ini..
saje nk mem'blog'kan diri..

saje nk story..
smlm lepas abis speaker's club ( hoho. jgn xcaye, saya berjaya bg 3 speech smlm.. ) saya N wawa pegi melawat jj maluri ni.. da lame xdtg melawat kt sni..tujuan melawat tu sbb saya nk pegi ke mph bookstore, nk cari novel baru. da lme xbeli novel english yg baru. tgk2 remember me by sophie kinsella masih lg rm74.90, so kena cari novel lain la ni.. hurm.. cari pnye cari, sudah nye saya tertarik dgn 1 novel ni..

second chance by jane green..the story is about a life-affirming tale of friendship and fate.
saya suke sgt kalo pasal friendship first time bace karya jane green. if this book berjaya memikat hati, then no reason for me not to buy her books again! juz wait n see. but i love this book cover.. yeah.. saya mmg suka hijau. :)

*abaikan kaki kucing saya tu. tu kaki nonen.. sibuk je nk interframe. hehe ;)

then selepas singgah mph, saya dan wawa pegi mkn. kelaparan ok. hoho.. xpyh mention la kami mkn ape. sbb makanan yg kami mkn mmg sgt sgt x bagus utk diet. haha. hancusss la diet saya!

then after mkn saya singgah plak di booth maybelline. tibe2 je rase nk beli barang make-up. owh lately saya suke make-up. haha. tp make-up bahagian mata sahaja. maklumla baru pndai pkai eyeliner n eyeshadow.. ;)

jadi ade 3 items yg i manage to grab! heeee ;)
since i like to put make-up lately i think it is necessary for me to buy this make-up remover. kan kan kan??
then since i lost my mascara, so i need to have new one la, and i choose this, volum' express turbo boost maskara (as this one is promotional item). the last one, is finishing loose powder. no reason why i bought it. haha.. i don't think that i need it but i like it so i decided to buy. bleh x mcm tu? hahah ;) ni pun nasib baik dekat booth je.. kalo x sure lagi byk la saya beli. wawa mase tu da geleng kepala.haha
n since the amount is more than RM50, they gave me a free gift, which is maybelline umbrella-pink color. yeay! ;)

then pegi guardian beli panadol. kucing saya, LEO demam. die batuk n selsema. jadi nk bagi die makan panadol ni la. mcm manusia plak kan? hehe ;)
owh no.. ari ni baru half of aug. there are 2weeks more to go. tp saya da financially broke! adehhhh :(

*oh ya, esok final men's sigles for badminton.. saya xsabar nk tgk lee chong wei. harap2 die berjaya n bring us the first GOLD medal for MALAYSIA. :)

Wednesday, August 13

olympic 2008

holla guys.

dis one juz a quick one.
juz wanna voice out what i feel inside..
owh no.. juz watch badminton men's double quaterfinal (indon vs msia)
and guess what, msia once again, lost!

adehhhh.. apsal la.. walhal xpnh pn kalah dgn beregu yg ni b4 this.
n kekalahan mlm ni pn agak senang. game sekjap gler.

hurm.. tinggal lee chong wei je esok.
hopefully, he manage to beat sony n finally be a winner.

am not gonna watch his match but definitely
will keep track his score tru live result at the website.
mase kje mane bley tgk tv. so tgk score je la kt website. haha ;)
pls chong wei, kibarkan jalur gemilang!


Friday, August 8


heee ;)
tarikh ni sgt cantik kan? hurm.. ade 2 benda yg nad suka sempena tarikh ni

first, sudah tentu olympic opening ceremony...

yea.. nad sgt suke tgk games. xkire la sea games,commenwealth, olympic. this time around, can't wait to watch badminton! fuh.. my fav! :)

second, congrats to my classmate/team mate/watchmate


she's gettin married today. akad nikah. CONGRATULATI0N dear..

i'll be at her place tomorrow. heee ;)
that's all for today.

Monday, August 4

0utward b0und sch00L (12july-21july '08)

hello peeps!
nah! ni br la entry psl 0bs... okey lets start! actually kalo nk cite btol2 nnti pnjang sgt. i juz wanna make it simple n sweet.

  • ni name nye GYM hall. even xde 1 pn facilities yg bley digunakan. so dis one like hall kalo de ape2 briefing ke. dis pic was taken on 12th july. mase kitorg tgh briefing dlm watch.

  • sunset view! sgt cantek kan.. hurm.. tu boat house. so sume equipment tuk berkayak, rafting ade kt situ.

  • ni la group sy. actually kt sni kite panggil watch. there are 5 watches altogether. mine is beremban.. group 1 is combination of beremban, ledang & jerai. while for group 2 consist of tahan & kinabalu. ni mase register. tu tgh isi form utk mgt pnye rotation. everyday mesti ade sorg jd manager, asst mgr n logistic mgr.

  • haaa... ni da abis briefing. nk gerak pegi dorm.. tu yg pkai baju merah, botak tu instructor kami, UJANG!
  • ni sesi gambar beramai2 dgn instructors course director..
  • ni la dinner pertama kt OBS.. 1st day rajin la sket. haha ;p
  • jungle tracking.. tp ni warm up je. bg blaja tgk bearing.. mase ni ade sesat2 sket. haha ;p saya lah navigator nye. adehhhh

  • ni mase da smpai. pnye la hepi. skali instructor tdo daaa!

  • ni plak mase last day. with that lil clip i am now officially ex bounders!

skali rase mls la nk tulis n upload pic.. more piccies go to my frenster,myspace,fotopages ok? korg tgk vid ni je la eh? hehe daaa ;)