Tuesday, August 26


salam.. heeee ;) bkn nk update ape pown. cume nk update piccies jek.. haha xde kje la saya skang.. lets pictures do the talking! =)

*huhu.. 2c reunited!! after 11 years.. teringat lak psl cikgu samad.. oopppss! silap cikgu khalid la. hahahhaha ;)


happy hour... ;)


*this is my dear fwen, wa. hoho. ni pon da lame xjpe.. td (25aug08) br ade kesempatan tuk jmpe. tu pun sbb saya ade hal pegi ofis die di kelana jaya! alahai wa, name je kite ni dok kl kan. btw, im looking fwd to lepaks wif u darling! =)

*huhu. obsession! lately xbleh jmpe cermin. ;)

ok. im done for today.. daaaaa~~


  1. hehe.. kita samer ;)
    pantang tgk cermin walau d mall ;)

  2. ye ke??
    hehe ;)
    kite pnye hobby yg same!
