Sunday, August 17

cerita semalam


holla kwn2..

saya agak bosan hari ini..
saje nk mem'blog'kan diri..

saje nk story..
smlm lepas abis speaker's club ( hoho. jgn xcaye, saya berjaya bg 3 speech smlm.. ) saya N wawa pegi melawat jj maluri ni.. da lame xdtg melawat kt sni..tujuan melawat tu sbb saya nk pegi ke mph bookstore, nk cari novel baru. da lme xbeli novel english yg baru. tgk2 remember me by sophie kinsella masih lg rm74.90, so kena cari novel lain la ni.. hurm.. cari pnye cari, sudah nye saya tertarik dgn 1 novel ni..

second chance by jane green..the story is about a life-affirming tale of friendship and fate.
saya suke sgt kalo pasal friendship first time bace karya jane green. if this book berjaya memikat hati, then no reason for me not to buy her books again! juz wait n see. but i love this book cover.. yeah.. saya mmg suka hijau. :)

*abaikan kaki kucing saya tu. tu kaki nonen.. sibuk je nk interframe. hehe ;)

then selepas singgah mph, saya dan wawa pegi mkn. kelaparan ok. hoho.. xpyh mention la kami mkn ape. sbb makanan yg kami mkn mmg sgt sgt x bagus utk diet. haha. hancusss la diet saya!

then after mkn saya singgah plak di booth maybelline. tibe2 je rase nk beli barang make-up. owh lately saya suke make-up. haha. tp make-up bahagian mata sahaja. maklumla baru pndai pkai eyeliner n eyeshadow.. ;)

jadi ade 3 items yg i manage to grab! heeee ;)
since i like to put make-up lately i think it is necessary for me to buy this make-up remover. kan kan kan??
then since i lost my mascara, so i need to have new one la, and i choose this, volum' express turbo boost maskara (as this one is promotional item). the last one, is finishing loose powder. no reason why i bought it. haha.. i don't think that i need it but i like it so i decided to buy. bleh x mcm tu? hahah ;) ni pun nasib baik dekat booth je.. kalo x sure lagi byk la saya beli. wawa mase tu da geleng kepala.haha
n since the amount is more than RM50, they gave me a free gift, which is maybelline umbrella-pink color. yeay! ;)

then pegi guardian beli panadol. kucing saya, LEO demam. die batuk n selsema. jadi nk bagi die makan panadol ni la. mcm manusia plak kan? hehe ;)
owh no.. ari ni baru half of aug. there are 2weeks more to go. tp saya da financially broke! adehhhh :(

*oh ya, esok final men's sigles for badminton.. saya xsabar nk tgk lee chong wei. harap2 die berjaya n bring us the first GOLD medal for MALAYSIA. :)

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