Sunday, June 1

best fwen wedding

whehee~~ smlm g bariah nye reception kt segamat.. xsangka bariah da slmat jd isteri org. :) i'm happy for her. it means we hav been friend for a year la. coz i know her since i work in CIMB a year ago. so i went there wif richee (as a driver) and abg az (as a mamat kecoh). naik richee's new car, NISSAN LATIO. :)) besh ok kete ni.
after 3hrs journey we arrived there around 11.30am. awl la sbb mase mkn tu kitorg mkn dgn penanggah skali. haha ;p
pas mkn juz lepak kt bilik pengantin. lepak ngan bariah la. mcm2 la kitorg borak. heee ;) bariah sgt cantek! tp die agak chubby la. mybe happy sbb nk kawen. bertuah anep dpt wife yg cantek mcm bariah. kitorg lepak kt sane smpai kul 3.30pm.
went back to kl. smpai kt nilai, jammed plak. isk :( mule2 richee anta abg az. then br anta aku.. almost 9pm la smpai umah. fuhhh! penat..

okey here are the piccies.. :))

wif bride n abg az

i love her :)

me, bariah n richee

p/s : mls nk upload da. haahaa. more piccies juz go to :))


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