Monday, May 26



since ramai sgt tanye ape yg aku wat skarang either stdy/working. so now am being so kind wanna share wat  FSTEP is all about.


more details below:

Financial Sector Talent Enrichment Programme (FSTEP)
Bank Negara Malaysia wishes to announce the FSTEP to address the shortage of skilled talents in the financial industry. This programme is an initiative by the financial industry players in collaboration with Bank Negara Malaysia to produce highly trained industry professionals.

FSTEP is aimed at attracting high calibre students who have recently graduated from local and foreign institutions of higher learning to join the financial industry - banks, insurance, Islamic banks and Takaful. Graduates in related business disciplines or other non-business disciplines are encouraged to apply. This programme is also open to those who are currently working in the non-financial sector and interested to pursue careers in the financial industry.

Funded by the financial services industry, this programme provides a one-year intensive technical training in banking and insurance, including Islamic finance and takaful. Its orientation will focus on practical and operational aspects of the financial services industry. The training module also includes simulations, workshops and case studies as well as on-the-job training through internships with the financial institutions.

Participants of this programme would receive a scholarship of RM2,200 per month as well as basic medical and insurance coverage. Participants who successfully completed the programme will be absorbed into the financial sector.

so basically mcm tu la. now aku da nk smpai end of classroom training. am going to b placed for attachment right after my final exam which on 9/10 june. sgt nervous. because very high expectations from others. I highly recommend for those interested working in financial services industry to join this programme. it is worth it. plus best la.. :))


  1. yeke kaka?sounds kne blaja lg..adoy..
    kaka,kaka..klu tao mane2 nk pakai accoutnexec or related to dat..bgtao yaya keh :)

  2. kaka..invite la cik ya utk blog lg satu tuu

  3. Salam n good evening...

    ive came across ur article here n incidently ive been selected as one of d participants for thE NEW INTAKE..

    act, i have mixed feelings regarding about this programme.. a part of me convinced that this prog is the one and the other part kept bothering me to look for other opportunities..(d bonding terms n cons kept disrupt me abit, act)...

    However, i do believe that most part of me is excited to join this prog as it could offer me a lot of new and different opportunities as not many of us do get this type of opportunity.

    i really like to know what would happen to us after the bonding period (2 years). Since i am just the 2nd intake and u just entered the 2nd half of this 21 year prog, it is hard to get the clear view of this prog...

    i am very confused n hope that u can lend me some advice or opinion regarding about this prog... i heard u r in d mid of ur assesment, so, hope i can get ur reply a.s.a.p after that..i can be contacted at the email below.

    thanks n regards..
