Sunday, June 29

holla peeps!
actually xde ape pn ari ni. i just stay at home, play around wif my cats n surfing the net. that's my routine for sunday. heee ;) but since im gonna start my attachment soon, i need to know where exactly my bank located. so today at 6pm me & both of my parents went to kl (golden triangle) to find where is it. owh ya, my office located at jln sultan ismail. so i'll take monorail to go there. heee ;) dkt ngn sg wang, lot 10-senang nk shopping. wakkaka ;p so we went along the sultan ismail road. for those who dosent know, i wanna tell u that jln sultan ismail sgt panjang okey. n there are a lot of bank at that road. i pown xtaw sgt. my mom yg kate la. so we were there almost for one hour searching where is menara dion & jp morgan. but then still cant find it! argghhh.. i da mule tension nih! pstu my mom rushing nk blk because its already magrib. we headed home with unsatisfaction! cmne nk g keje nih?? hurm... so guys if u all know where is JP MORGAN located, do inform me k! thanks.


Saturday, June 28


smlm pegi tgk movie ni.. da lame xtgk movie melayu.. last skali dunia baru the movie. lgpun i mmg jarang g cinema. cume lately la agk slalu sbb kwn2 ajak. n yesterday was my 2nd time watching movie ALONE. yes u read my lips.. a l o n e. before this tgk movie the da vinci vode. actually i dind't plan to watch movie yesterday. i was suppose to shop 4 my OBS n attachment. but when i passed by this film banner at lrt, all of sudden i was like, "hey why dont i watch dis movie?". so here i am watching sepi alone. furthermore xrmai kt cinema smlm sbb weekdays kan.

i personally enjoy watching dis movie. it really touch my heart. there are certain part which brought tear to my eyes. sedey ok. lgpun i mmg suke menangis. especially poem tu.. sgt mendalam maksudnye. then rase movie ni mcm kene je ngan my life. i love nasha & pierre in this movie. i wish my bf-to-be, cool as pierre in this movie. haha ;) plus my bestfriend (widya), play small part in this movie. ahaks! the soundtract was great as well.. arggghhh, i dunno la ckp pe lg. for those who loves kabir's movie, i strongly recommend u guys to go & watch this great movie. 9 /10 *


Thursday, June 26


uhuh.. 1st time kne tagged neh. adehhh. xpsl2 kne.. naa la ni!
;) tp xpe sbb today aku cuti so dgn rela hati aku menjawab.. ngee~~

7 fakta tentang aku:

1) Aku ni biase je. aku xde la baik sgt. jahat pn xde la sgt. simple2 je. sgt pemalu n ssh nk mesra mase mule2 kenal. tp bile aku da slesa, fuh.. mulut aku xberenti ckp nnti. xcaye tnye kwn2 aku. ngee~~
2) Aku suke mkn. heee.. skang ni da jd cm ketagih dgh western food. tp tgh diet. adehhh. xfhm btol la! haha ;p
3) Aku ni sebenarnye xpndai2 nk menulis2 blog ni. susun ayat pn mcm pe je. tp sbb tgk org lain wat blog, nk gak wat. hehe ;)
4) Aku suke berkwn. xkesah ngan sape2. mybe sbb aku ni byk pindah randah so mmg rmai kwn. dulu slalu bg surat je ngan kwn2 since skang sume gune internet so skang contact gune friendster je. hee ;)
5) Aku blom ade bf ok. sume bising tnye psl ni. aku da naik rimas. and aku xsuke kalo classmate aku sndiri de hint2 konon nk tackle aku. pls back off! or else aku xkwn ko da. aku rimas!!! siyes! i hate it. da byk kali kne. n recently de lg sorg mamat ni. adeh... rimas makcik! pls la fhm aku.
6) Aku suke kuar ngan kwn2 yg aku selesa. even aku de rmai kwn tp bkn sume aku slesa nk ajk hang out same2. especially bile bab shopping. aku mmg gler shopping. so obviously aku xleh nk g shopping ngan kwn2 aku yg xbrape suke sgt shopping. nnti rase cm xbesh plak. btol x? heee ;)
7) Aku suke sgt ngadap tenet ni. xkesah la frenster, myspace, facebook n now blogger ni plak. kalo bleh nk on9 24/7. tp aku cpt bosan. haha. pelik btol aku ni.

7 perkara menakutkan aku:

1) MATI... serious bile aku fikir psl ni meremang bulu roma.
2) kehilangan one of my family member.
3) kucing kesayangan aku KIKI, hilang/mati
4) bile nk attachment kt JP MORGAN CHASE BANK ni. ish
5) jika aku kehilangan nikmat dan rahmat dr ALLAH S.W.T
6) sume kwn2 aku xnk kwn. isk.. bley jd sewel seh. huhu
7) kalo aku xkawen2 smpai tue. uwaaaaa xnk la!!

7 lagu buat masa skang:

1) Rihanna - take a bow
2) coldplay-violet hill
3) alicia keys- teenage love affairs
4) one republic- stop and stare
5) siti nurhaliza- wanita
6) aizat- hanya kau yg mampu
7) nubhan- aku xingt tajuk lagu yg die nyanyi mase af final tuh. ;)

7 perkataan yang aku slalu sebut:

1) Astagfirullah-sbb slalu nguap. haha ;p
2) biarlah!
3) mengong!
4) ye ke?
5) eleh... ;p
6) suke ati la!
7) hurmmm

7 perkara yg amat bernilai:

1) Family
2) kwn2 dr sek ren smpai la ke fstep ni
3) handphone (se & motorola)
4) my pink dell laptop
5) kucing2 ku.
6) experience yg aku dpt sepanjang aku hidup ni
7) all my stuffs la..

7 'pertama kali' dalam hidup aku:

1) aku kne kje ngan foreign bank. us based lak tuh. bank ni 1 of the top investment bank in the WORLD! stat 1 july ni.. huhu
2) ade bf mase form3. haha. classmate sendiri lak tuh.
3) kje sbg mc d crew mase tnggu result spm. besh nye pegang duit sndiri! heee ~~
4) berat aku mencecah 50kg. skrang ni la. dlu2 biase 43-45 kg je. :(
5) masuk wad sbb demam denggi mase diploma dlu. sgt xbesh ok dok wad.
6) overnight kt kl (round2 kl smpai lewat pagi ngan member2 fstep. gler ah!)
7) dpt jumpe governor, n rmai CEO dlm mase 6bln. :)

7 org bertuah. (Aku tag korang plak!! Haha.)

1) yaya
2) lini
3) hana
4) kak zila
5) ayu
6) fad
7) nadia

hehe ;) tah hape2 aku jwb tuh.

Sunday, June 22

my obsession

my current obsession~~
  • seaweed ( be it wasabi/original/hot & spicy)~~ pdhal 1st mkn dulu sgt xsuke! lame2 da jd addict lak...
  • beryl's choc-mint flavor!~~ huhu.. i'm not a choc lover.. but recently sy suke mkn choc ni after i take my meal.. hurmmm.. yummy!
  • blogging!~~b4 this sy sgt mls nk update.. tp influence dr rakan2 jd mcm nk update slalu.. tp malas tu ttp ade. haha~~
  • on9 shopping~~arghhh! couldn't resist the temptation.. i'm shopaholic!
  • perfumes~~hurm.. b4 this im not a perfume lover.. but now rase cm nk beli je.. tmbh2 tru on9 shoping kan. heeee~~
so far, ni la my current obsession yg i notice since last few weeks.. ngee~~


Saturday, June 21


yeah.. hurm.. 8000 words to go
chaiyok chaiyok!
my panic button already fully activate... huhu


Tuesday, June 17

birthday present

hurm.. my mom's birthday, PN HAJJAH JAMAIYAH BINTI RAMLI is just around the corner. so i wanted to buy a present, i might say a veryyyy nice present for her. but i really don't have any idea right now what i should buy for her. baju, da biase sgt. since mama sendiri mmg slalu beli baju. handbag pn da belikan, plus mama pn baru dpt mase teacher's day ari tu. maybe a wallet/ purse kot? which one eh?? any idea guys??


Sunday, June 15

diet ker?

holla guys.. yeah.. i knw i dnt update much.. been bz n lazy.. heehe ;)
b4 start juz wanna wish happy father's day to all daddy in this whole world!

alrite.. so actually i tgh on diet skang. i choose herbal life as my replacement. so far not bad la. selera xde la menjadi2 sgt. n so far xde mkn mlm. but then this whole week i didnt consume herbal life. too buzy. xsmpt nk wat shake. heeee ;p but still manage to avoid dinner. plg lmbt pn kul 7.30 sbb buke puase.. but today mkn agak byk sbb i beli pizza hut for my family. its my treat la since today is father's day kan. whehee~~
sgt sedap. ni xmkn lg spagetti cabonara. haha ;) abis la diet aku.
xpe esok me start consume herbal life blk n try to be consistent. wish me luck ok....

ok till then.. daaaa...


Friday, June 6


How You Are In Love

You take a while to fall in love with someone. Trust takes time.

You tend to give more than take in relationships.

You tend to get very attached when you're with someone. You want to see your love all the time.

You love your partner unconditionally and don't try to make them change.

You are fickle and tend to fall out of love easily. You bounce from romance to romance.

hurm.. rasenye yg last tu bkn kot.. heeee ;p

Monday, June 2


today ade intellectual course wit CEO frm MNRB & PIDM.
hurm..byk sgt talk frm CEO ni. b4 dis frm maybank,cimb,kfh,bank muamalat, govenor :)
smpai da xrase ape2.. tp td.. perghhh.. 1st time speaker dtg n gave us goodie bag. normally bile went to their permises je br dpt. PIDM ppl gave us very nice goodie bag. like mr azhar said, they gave us BIG carrot.. mcm2 ade... thumb drive,notebook,t-shirt,pen & etc. whehee~~ besh2!
but then 4 the is1 time i fall asleep while d course. so sleepy lor. speaker tu ckp slow sgt. hahaha ;)



Sunday, June 1


whehee~~ my class D2, is the champion for debate! and fiza won d best debator. congrats guyss! but still, not satisfied as i didnt get a chance to watch it live. becoz at d same time, me n d rest of my fwen hav to join shakespeare hunter. but then we enjoyed it. even mase tgh cracking our heads find d sticker, we kinda shouts and apply our amazing capabilities-everybody talks, nobody listen. hehe ;) dunno yet whether our team won d race or not. but we had a good time ;))
our team's name is portia ;)

yeah.. us b4 d race. girls je sbb guys xpkai red color. so xlawa. haha ;p


best fwen wedding

whehee~~ smlm g bariah nye reception kt segamat.. xsangka bariah da slmat jd isteri org. :) i'm happy for her. it means we hav been friend for a year la. coz i know her since i work in CIMB a year ago. so i went there wif richee (as a driver) and abg az (as a mamat kecoh). naik richee's new car, NISSAN LATIO. :)) besh ok kete ni.
after 3hrs journey we arrived there around 11.30am. awl la sbb mase mkn tu kitorg mkn dgn penanggah skali. haha ;p
pas mkn juz lepak kt bilik pengantin. lepak ngan bariah la. mcm2 la kitorg borak. heee ;) bariah sgt cantek! tp die agak chubby la. mybe happy sbb nk kawen. bertuah anep dpt wife yg cantek mcm bariah. kitorg lepak kt sane smpai kul 3.30pm.
went back to kl. smpai kt nilai, jammed plak. isk :( mule2 richee anta abg az. then br anta aku.. almost 9pm la smpai umah. fuhhh! penat..

okey here are the piccies.. :))

wif bride n abg az

i love her :)

me, bariah n richee

p/s : mls nk upload da. haahaa. more piccies juz go to :))
