Sunday, June 15

diet ker?

holla guys.. yeah.. i knw i dnt update much.. been bz n lazy.. heehe ;)
b4 start juz wanna wish happy father's day to all daddy in this whole world!

alrite.. so actually i tgh on diet skang. i choose herbal life as my replacement. so far not bad la. selera xde la menjadi2 sgt. n so far xde mkn mlm. but then this whole week i didnt consume herbal life. too buzy. xsmpt nk wat shake. heeee ;p but still manage to avoid dinner. plg lmbt pn kul 7.30 sbb buke puase.. but today mkn agak byk sbb i beli pizza hut for my family. its my treat la since today is father's day kan. whehee~~
sgt sedap. ni xmkn lg spagetti cabonara. haha ;) abis la diet aku.
xpe esok me start consume herbal life blk n try to be consistent. wish me luck ok....

ok till then.. daaaa...



  1. Hush... kalau dah makan semua tu bukan diet namanya.. haha... tp saya rasa badan awak ok jerr.. cute what... i judge from the pic la...

  2. hehe ;) tu la psl. minggu ni mkn je ape yg ade. xdpt nk diet sgt. cume elak mkn mlm je skang. sok br nk start diet btol2 blk. whehee~~ sy juz nk turun 5kg je.. bkn la gemok cume agak flabby sket.

  3. wahhh...try herbal jgk eyh.keep on diet darl ;)
