Tuesday, July 21



*malindi leopard*


i want these 2 crocs! i want it so badly.. isk. sudah jatuh cinta..
comel sangat!
kalau lah ade duit sekarang juga nak beli!
tapi apakan daya, nad makan gaji..
gaji pulak tak tau bila masuk. kalau ikutkan every 24th but since nad lambat update account, payroll lak wat jauh2 kat chennai sana, so most probably my salary masuk on 7th next month.
aiyaakkkkk :(
harap-harap boleh dapat crocs ni la. kalau tak sure termimpi2 nanti.
or ade sesapa yang baik hati lagi budiman nak belikan untuk nad?? hehe

notakaki: rasa sangat menyesal sebab terlalu tegas dengan dia. akhirnya memakan diri :( arghhhhh!

Thank you for reading ~!

13 thought(s):

.ArianiAizat. said... Reply To This Comment

eeee syomel syomel!
nani pon tingin sesangat nx sarung crocs..tp ble la agaknya..
slaloo design2 yg mcm neh slaloo jer xjumpe..huhu

nad said... Reply To This Comment

hehe ;) tu la nad tgk slame ni cm design biase2 je.. sekali tgk design ni, oh tidak! sgt la comel smpai rasa da tak sabar nk sarung kt kaki.. hehe ;)

nad said... Reply To This Comment

~heee ;) mmg da lama aim la.. at least worth la kalo beli sbb sgt comfort crocs ni... hehe

cc said... Reply To This Comment

hi nad,
blog hopping!
tetiba nmpk u kata nk those crocs...my sis ada kt US, n dia amik order for crocs...kebetulan plak Olivia tgh sale kat sana..so nt u just give her emel la yerr :)

ni blogshop my sis http://kami-kaki-shopping.blogspot.com


cik yaya said... Reply To This Comment

eiii..ada buah hati tak bgtau pon :D

Hasnah said... Reply To This Comment

nak beli yg mahal ker yg murah?
Kot nak yg murah kat pasar malam pun ada..

Kot nak mahal tp ori reject.. kat pasar malam pun ada jugak.. =))

lourvetravel said... Reply To This Comment

mmg cun la babe :)

nakk jgkkk~

nad said... Reply To This Comment

~buah hati?? huhu.. tak sempat jd buah da gugur ya... :(

nad said... Reply To This Comment

~nk yg ori tp murah bley? hehe ;)

nad said... Reply To This Comment

~tu la kn.. jom g beli nk! hehe...

Miss Izah Mohamed said... Reply To This Comment

wah cantiknye yunk..
i nak yg pink.. hehe
klu i berduit sure i da kasi u.. hehehe

u mintak laa ngan sape2 tuk beday present u.. hek3

a.k.u.p.e.n.t.o.i said... Reply To This Comment

salam nad..

nad said... Reply To This Comment

~tu la kan.. comel je.. pink lg la sweet! hehe.. alahai.. so sweet ckp mcm tu...

hurmmm... kalo mtk bday lmbt agy ar yunk... hehe


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