Sunday, July 12


It has been a year since that day...

and I'm totally over it... In fact I'm looking forward to start a new one. I believe I will find it sooner or later and

Patience is the key

notakaki : semoga tuhan permudahkan segala urusan.. amin :)

Thank you for reading ~!

4 thought(s):

Miss Izah Mohamed said... Reply To This Comment


insyaAllah.. smua akan bjln lancar ok..
i'll pray 4 u .. huhu

nad said... Reply To This Comment

~u know about it.. i told u.. but then u da lupe la kot.. hehe ;)
its our lil secret back then.. i cite kt u sorg je ari tu..sshhhhh!

Miss Izah Mohamed said... Reply To This Comment

hihihi... xkn laa i lupe.. whee~
shhhhh! :p
i keep it to myself only.. hihi

//angah// said... Reply To This Comment

mmm...yg pth kan tumbuh yg hlg kan bganti...;p..sabo yer sis...

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