Wednesday, June 17

a whole new world~ aladdin & jasmine

i was watching this series last night and apparently they loves aladdin. so do i!! heee ;) let's enjoy!! daa~

*tengah berusaha untuk menyiapkan semua drafts. haih.

Thank you for reading ~!

7 thought(s):

Nadya Heidi aka nadxoxo said... Reply To This Comment

lagu aladin ni antara lagu english first yg kukenali :P

mizbora said... Reply To This Comment

luv dis-The Accidental Couple

nad said... Reply To This Comment

~ye ke? wah.. kte pon xingt 1st lagu english yg kte tau. ahaks. ape pun lagu ni best kan.. ngee~

nad said... Reply To This Comment

eh suke jugak ke? best kn... tp kte tgk online la. ade ke kt tv. chanel 303 eh? kalo online tajuk nye THAT FOOL.. but series gelak guling2 tgk cte nih.... dah tgk cinderella man x? cte ni pon best.. ngee~

- said... Reply To This Comment

saya tunggu ;)

mizbora said... Reply To This Comment


nad said... Reply To This Comment

mee chee
~ ahaks. bkn entry best2 pun syg... ngee~

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