Monday, December 29

A thousand splendid suns


I've started my reading journey with my new books I purchased during #BigBadWolfBooks2014. Aku start dengan Bridget Jones Diary.. Tapi sorry to say, I read about 3 chapter je lepas tu stop. I don't know why... Gagal mencuri perhatian ku....

Then aku teruskan dengan Heart of the matter by emily giffin.. I hate this book !!!! Tapi habis jugak baca. LOL. Tak pernah aku tak suka buku tapi this one is exceptional... Seriously aku tak suka...  Siapa nak aku nak bagi free buku ni.. HAHHAHA... Oh don't get me wrong.. Mungkin aku je rasa buku ni tak best. Lain orang lain selera... Mana tau uols suka buku ni.. Pls let me know if you interested..

My 3rd book by Khaled Hosseini... A thousand splendid suns...

My verdict? I love it ! Dah lama dengar rave pasal The Kite Runner (yet to read), tapi I chose to read this novel 1st because the plot is about women in Afghanistan... It such an eye opener... You will see how the relationship between  two women (main character; Mariam & Laila) blooming until one of them sacrifice their own life for the benefits of others. Dalam ni ada cerita jugak pasal hak-hak wanita yang di nafikan. Every single era is potrayed in details.  Towards the end, aku rasa puas dengan endingnya. Very meaningful. How beautiful a relationship can be. I highly recommend this book for you to read and have some insight about Afghanistan generally... Try la baca novel-novel macam ni. Korang akan rasa lebih grateful with what you have now. Aku habis baca within 3-4 days je... 

Currently reading is Good Husband Material by Tisha Ashley. Dah halfway... Storyline takde lah best mana yet still boleh layan.. Beli hari tu pun sebab suka cover and line muka surat warna pink. Hiks...

Okay till then !

Notakaki: Banyak buku best tapi saje baca yang tak best dulu.. Save the best for last katanya...

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