Thursday, January 9

Betrayer Girin ( Lee Kwang Soo) in Malaysia


This tall guy came to Malaysia last weekend.. I was so close to join the hype of meeting him but eventually I started to think sensibly.. shhh am not a teenager anymore. Am just a 30 years old lady and this kind of thing is not my cup of tea ! Sorry Kwang Soo shi.. I'm your fan but that just it. Hihi..

However I keep on liking his pic on twitter and instagram. Tak boleh tahan.. HEHHEHE

Here a couple of pictures that catch my attention !

Do you know that he can sing? He has a very soothing voice...  I just love it... Cari kat youtube ada banyak !

So sweet.. From my lil observation during his fan meeting, Kwang Soo is so humble, funny and shy guy...

Okay tu je nak blog kali ni.. Sebenarnya stress sikit ni sebab banyak kerja pending and meeting dah start non-stop... Pening ahhhh (gaya Shuib Sepahtu)

Nota kaki: This is autopublish entry....

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