Wednesday, January 4

Day 2 : Road Trip to JB & Universal Studios Singapore


1st entry in 2012 ! Heeee dua tahun aku habiskan untuk up entry pasal USS ni tau. HAHA. Busy sangat la hujung tahun lepas.. terbawak-bawak sampai tahun ni... Tapi since aku dah tak larat nak buat kerja, aku pun update kejap la... HEHE...
Since aku tak upload gambar kat FB so aku letak banyak sikit dekat sini.. Sila lah tatap... Kalau tak nak tatap sila exit. Sekian, harap maklum.

So here goes my entry for Day 2... As I mentioned in my last entry we took bus from JB to USS. Since bus ni dari tempat lain so agak lambat lah sampai ke Merlin Tower tu... After that check in dekat kastam JB, kena la turun dari bus. Cop passport then jalan kaki cari bus semula... Dekat kastam ni kejap je sebab banyak counter... Then another stop dekat Woodlands Checkpoint... Haaaa dekat sini agak lama sikit beratur. Sebab counter nye sikit.. !

Dari Woodlands Checkpoint ke Sentosa Island ade lah dalam half an hour. Aku siap menguap-nguap lagi.. Hilang excited sebab penat dah beratur lama.. HAHA. orang tua sungguh aku ni... Tapi bila nampak signboard USS, terus semangat semula... ekekekeke ;p

Once there perkara wajib adalah bergambar tanpa ada rasa malu di setiap sudut USS !! HAHA. One of the wajib spot ialah dekat globe UNIVERSAL ni... Disebabkan cuti sekolah so memang penuh la manusia.. Jangan la berangan dapat bergambar sorang kat situ yer....

Aksi-aksi comel kami.. erkkk comel ke? Muahahaha ;p

Nak masuk pun beratur lagi.. Adoi laaa.... punya ramai umat... Masuk sikit yang penting cari schedule ride/game/show sebab tak terlepas Live water show.. Later story pasal tu... Masa mula-mula sampai ni panas terik ! Especially masa dekat Madagascar... Sebab tu tak banyak gambar dekat situ... Terus je pergi ke Far Far Away sebab nak tengok Shrek 3D show....

Far-far away

Memang macam istana.. Lawa....
Shrek 3D show, best !
Tak puas rasa.... Macam real je Shrek, donkey & Fiona dekat depan mata... Degan effect kerusi goyang, air & mcm-mcm lg.. You all kena pergi baru dapat tau best ke tidak ;)

Then terus ke Ancient Egypt... Jauh cross dari Far far away ke Egypt.. We spent most of our time here... Sebab live Water Show dekat The Lost World tu sebelah je.. Show starts at 3.30pm (kot) so pergi sini dulu. Dekat sini ada 2 ride.. Revenge of the mummy & treasure hunters. Tapi aku tak naik dua-dua... revenge of the mummy tu roller coaster ye.. Dalam gelap.. Memang takdela aku nak naik kan... Sebelum tu singgah makan dekat Oasis Spice Cafe.. Since everything is in SG Dollar, so pilih yang paling murah je la... HAHA. Aku pilih Cairo chicken wing.. Sedap je... SGD5.90 kot...

Since dekat Egypt ni lama so dapat la jumpa & bergambar dengan character-character dalam the mummy ni...

Cleopatra tu sangat sexayyyyyy ok ! Tapi badan tough. I like ;p

Then tepat pada masa, kami gerak ke live water show.. Sampai je memang pintu nak dibukak.. great sebab tak lama sangat nak menunggu.... Okay dalam ni ada 2 side of seating... If korang tak nak baju basah sila duduk bahagian atas... Dekat seat tu ada tulis water spalsh or not.. Jangan fikir row tu agak atas tak kena air ye.. Sebab memang diorang akan pastikan semua orang basah... Actually byk lg rides/show tp kitorang tgk watershow ni je..

Watershow ni basically based on the blockbuster film, "Waterworld", witness a tidal wave of death-defying stunts, along with thrills and spills from real explosions of fire and water at this sensational live water show.So diorang berlakon semula... Perghhhh meletup, api bom sana sini.. Memang macam real... best !

Next is Sci-Fi Zone !!
Kat sini la terletak nya rides yang memang aku takkan naik tu.. macam Accelerator &Battlestar Galactica: HUMAN vs. CYLON

Too bad tak jumpa 1 character pun dekat Sci-Fi zone ni...
Transformers Ride 3D
Get ready to experience this hyper-realistic 3D thrill ride, right in the middle of all the action in the incredible world of TRANSFORMERS. The fate of humanity hangs in the balance as villainous DECEPTICONS invade NEST Headquarters to steal the ALLSPARK. And you’ve been volunteered to take it to safety and save our planet! Race through the city, zipping through subway tunnels, down city streets and across high-rise rooftops, hanging on for dear life. Join OPTIMUS PRIME and the AUTOBOTS as you become a freedom fighter in the ultimate 3D battle against the forces of evil.
Terbaik ! Serious ride ni best.. errr walaupun aku ada pejam mata sebab gayat. HAHAHAHA.. Fyi, aku memang seorang yg gayat... No way la aku nak naik roller coaster tu semua. Aku naik kat fun fair pun mengucap sejuta kali.. Tapi sebab aku dah terberatur untuk transformers ride ni aku pun naik la... Sebenarnya bukan la apa pun. Cuma skrin gambar tu macam real sbb 3D kan...Robot-robot tu real mcm depan mata kita.. Siap jatuh bangunan bagai... Berpusing-pusing.. Fuhhhh memang aku gayat la kejap.. Tapi best ! Puas hati. Recommended untuk naik ride ni kalau pergi USS ~!!

New York City
Feel the spirit and energy of America’s biggest and grandest city as you stroll along the sidewalks and enjoy all the classic landmarks. Soak in the impressive city skylines, neon lights, and facades that set the scenes for big city fun and real-time movie production.

Feeling ala-ala Blair Waldroft lepak kat stairs dengan minions.. HAHA. National Library ni memang macam dalam Gossip Girl tu

NYC street

Memang rasa macam kat NYC habis laaa... sempat la tengok dan the rockafellas menari.. Mula-mula tengok dari jauh.. Makin lama makin dekat... HEHE. Dalam hati berkata, eh handsome pulak yang no 8 tu ! Ape lagi haruslah bergambar.. Tapi gambar blur... -_- tu yang tak tepek kat sini..

Next is Lights, Camera. Action!™ Hosted by Steven Spielberg
Be blown away by incredible special effects as an empty soundstage becomes the setting for a Category 5 major hurricane about to hit New York City. As you stand in a boathouse by the harbor, watch how a calm day suddenly turns stormy.

Brace yourself as hurricane-force winds sweep in from the sea and drive a cargo ship and debris towards the boathouse you’re in. Calm soon returns and the damaged boathouse restores itself, all thanks to movie magic.
Hebat ! Canggih ! Tips to you, duduk lane 2-3 sebab ada effect lain.. HEHE

Okay now let's see the character I've met that day...

Me with Betty Boop & Marilyn Monroe and errrr didn't catch her name. Antara 3 tu bagi aku betty boops yang paling comel ! Setiap orang yang bergambar mesti dia suruh pose lain-lain... Comel je. Kalau yg dtg tu couple, haaa siap la dia pose menggoda ok....Yg lain-lain tu biasa je.. Aku punya la tunggu Marilyn Monroe tu... Tapi kureng sebab pose biasa.. Skirt pun tak kembang ! tak feel lansung. HAHAHAH

Me with Po, si kung fu panda ~! Yeayyyyy gebu sangat.. syok peluk woiiii.... Yang sebelah kanan tu my new boyfie ! HAHA. Charlie Chaplin.... setiap orang, pose lain.. Kelakar je tengok aksi-aksi dia ni... Cuma a bit frustated sebab tak dapat gambar dengan Puss in Boots ! Sebab kitorang lepak dekat Madagascar tu sekejap je ;(
Last but not least gambar yours truly berlatang belakang kan H O L L Y W O O D

Nampak tak? HEHE. sebenarnya kat Hollywood ni snow ada turun sekejap. Tapi masa tu aku tengah pening kira duit nak beli souvenir untuk kengkawan kat ofis. So aku just pandang snow tu tanpa ada perasaan nak bergambar. We missed the chance to watch the street shows too !What a waste !

Masa dekat Hollywood ni pun aku jumpa schoolmate aku... Actually memang expect jumpa dia pun sebab tau dia pergi hari yang sama... tak sangka dah nak balik baru jumpa... Happy kejap jumpa rakan senegara di negeri orang... HEHEHE 

Me & Wahiza at H O L L Y WO O D 

All in all, it was a fun trip. Enjoy sangat... Tak rugi lah pergi.... Okay meh aku share berapa bajet

Tune hotel for 3 days 2 night - RM120++
Transportation fro and to JB-USS - RM200
Food - RM50
Souvenir - up to you !

Lebih kurang RM500 dah boleh la pergi USS... Affordable I must say..

Okay I'm done. Next is JPO.... Stay tune !

Nota kaki : This year plan nak pergi lagi USS. HAHAH


  1. wahhhh...bestnyee akak..teruja..lmbtnye nk dpt keje..nk pegi jgakk..huhu

  2. @|wawa|

    mmg best ! takpe kumpul sikit2 dulu... doa byk2. InsyaAllah...

  3. kiteorang pon gi USS 29hb ritu...bestkan?

  4. next is legoland. sayangnye tak siap lagi..hehe

  5. @Marina

    oh ye ke.. mmg best pun.. tp tu lah xcukup masa.. tu yg rasa nak pergi lg. HEHE

  6. @yun

    legoland... semua area selatan kan... bila eh siap?
