Thursday, August 25

Application wajib ada bagi pengguna smartphone


Aku selalu terbayang sekiranya aku terlibat dalam situasi di mana aku diculik ke apa ke.. dan selalu terfikir macam mana nak call someone for help? Sebab penjahat mesti dengar.. aku selalu imagine 1 sistem yang mana tak perlu bercakap. Do it in silent. Just press any button ke apa. So finally I found one app yang seperti aku bayangkan walaupun tak sama 100%. HEHE Btw app ni untuk pengguna smartphone ya. App yang setiap dari kita harus ada !  MyDistress.

Just type on your phone and it will straight away download it, into your smartphone.
Easy peasy !
But sorry to inform that this application cover Selangor area only..

So how does it work?
When you're in trouble, all you have to do is, keluarkan smartphone korang tu, click the 'HELP' button , the cops will detect your location and they will come to rescue you. As simple as that.  Details instruction you can read once you download the app !

InsyaAllah dengan izin Allah. Sekurang-kurangnya kita usaha.

Nota kaki : Safety first !

- Posted using BlogPress from Nadea's iPhone

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