Sunday, June 6

personal taste

helloooooo guys~

lama rasenye tak review pasal korean series. review la sangat kan.. hehe ;) okay la bukan la review.. tapi just nak share new series yg aku tengah addicted sekarng ni... tak lain tak bukan...
*drum roll plssss!* PERSONAL TASTE

huh.. actually aku pon sebenarnye dah lama tak layan korean series sejak tahun lepas. last series yang aku tengok adalah accidental couple/that fool. pastu ade la tengok series lain tp semua dalam 1-2 episode je. sebab tak berapa nak kick! pastu dalam 3 mnggu lepas saja masuk just wanna update myself which series yang tengah HOT la kan... then tengok PERSONAL TASTE dah keluar and top drama of the week! aku ape lagi sepantas kilat la layan. before ni penah baca kat paper pasal cerita ni.. LEE MIN HO berlakon u all!! heee suke i~~ tapi masa tengok tu banyak broken link... so aku cam penat ah nak tengok. so stop...

then last week baru sambung balik... oh myyyy best okey cerita ni!! suke sangat!!!! soundtrack pon sangat catchy n touching~ complete pakcage la... aku suke tengok watak hero dalam ni.. sangat cold tapi tak over. nak bakal suami macam tu boleh? haha ;p okay nak berangan jap~
boleh baca sipnosis ni :

Jeon Jin Ho is a straight guy who pretends to be gay in order to become a roommate to his female friend, Park Kae In. His hobbies include organization and ironing, and he’s known for his stoic poker face. He’s a stickler for cleanliness, but he also has a talent for figuring out women’s feelings. Kae In is very trusting even though she has a habit of being betrayed. However that doesn't stop her from giving people the benefit of doubt and Jin Ho is no different. How will Kae In react when she finds out that her gay roommate is not actually gay at all and that he has fallen for her?

semalam 1 malam aku layan.. so sekarang tinggal lagi 2 episodes je.. aku stop tgk kejap2 sebab part hujung-hujung ni sedih2.. tak suke i!! hehe ;p ni korang leh tengok OST die kt bawah ni... takpun kalo nak dengar/download OST boleh klik sini.

notakaki : semalam banyak jugak la airmata aku habis kan untuk cerita ni. heee ;p typical me 

1 comment:

  1. kak nad, sy dah penah smpai citu.. best giler view KL dari menara tinjau kan kan? pegi pukul 12 mlm best... ;p
