Monday, November 23



heee ;) im counting hours to hit 26.. *wink*

just wanna say
betapa terharu nye daku bile ada yang sudi buat surprise birthday party buat ku...
heee ;) xpenah ok!
seumur hidup xpenah ade.. this is my 1st time experience.. kesian kan... hahah ;p

well thanks to my teammate! u guys really made my day... pandai korg berlakon kan! tsk.
malu i bile sume nyanyi kuat2 .. lgpon my birthday is tomorrow.. this is early celeb sbb esok i on leave... thanks a lot! this is surely one of the greatest moment i ever had.... ;)

notakaki: i lahir pada 24 nov 1983 pada pukul 2.24 am... seberat 1.49kg.. can u imagine how small i am? heee ;) alhamdulillah... syukur tuhan masih panjangkan umur.... :))


  1. happy birthday Nad!
    wishing U all the best in future undertaking!

    1.49kg? patutlah sekarang pun kecik cute aja. ehehehhe


  2. alaa sekarang pun bukan la besor mana..

  3. haha
    sengal la ko firdaus...

    thanks a lot!

    skang da besa.. n now tgh dlm proses mengecik balik.. heee ;)

  4. happy bday dear!!keciknyaa 1.49!!u were tiny;)

  5. tenkiu dear ;)
    that was 26 yrs ago. now no more kecik la.. membesar dgn sehat.. hehe
