Monday, August 24

random ramblings


camne puasa korang so far? me, went on well. except for today. totally exhausted! tenaga ku dikerah sampai ke titisan akhir. has been working from 9am until 6.15pm without rest. yes. no rest. cume ade pegi solat zohor & asar je. :( *demotivated mode activate*

isk. sangat penat. then my back ache. tak tahan betul. sampai tak larat tarawikh. dah lubang 1. isk. there goes my azam :((

tak larat nak taip sebenarnye. saje je nak tunjuk gambar. dah lama tak tepek gambar kat blog. heh. ni gambar lama. tapi layan je la ek.

*these are the people yang aku tengok hari2. sampai terbawak-bawak dalam mimpi. hahahahah =P*

notakaki: isk. cmne nk diet ni. bile buke mkn tak hengat byk nye!! help help!!


  1. keje tu kan ibadah. sesiapa yg penat bkerja utk mcari rezeki yg halal, terhapus dosa-dosanya.jd,senyum2 aja. jgn mgeluh ^_^[adhaband mp3]

  2. i keje from 9am to 9pm haha 12hrs haha lg terukkk tau yang~ :p

  3. fajridil

    yea... tapi biasa la.. manusia mmg suke mengeluh... heee

    akn cube sedaya upaya utk tidak mengeluh... :) thanks!

  4. eira

    yunk tu la... i was thinking about myself.. tak fikir org lain lg teruk kne.. hehe...
