Saturday, July 4

rasa macam 3 tahun


nad baru keje tempat baru 3 hari..
kat office tak boleh online.. sbb pc pun takde lagi.. so 3 hari tak online rasa macam
3 TAHUN!! tsk.

nampaknye weekend je la nad boleh online, update blog, baca blog n etc. tsk.
so lepas ni kalau ada entry nad publish weekdays most probably tu semua autopublish punye entry la yer.
take care guys


  1. siannye dia xleh on9.hehe. tp xpe,kat situ ada jejaka tampan. leh la mgubat kerinduan kan.hehe^_* [my blog]

  2. tu la
    nasib baik boleh cuci mata
    heee *_*

  3. alahai.. cianye u yunk..
    u keje ktne skrg ni?
    sabar ye.. nant u bawak ur lappy n braodband sdiri.. len on9! hihi
    xpun curik wireless ctu je.. ngee~

    tkcr yunk!

  4. hehe..
    lappy ade.. tp boradband tkde.. so xleh bwk gak.. hehe... ala lgpun xsmpt kot nk online kt ofis.. now ok la sbb new joiner xbyk kje. sok2 da lme tak yah cte la.. everyday stayback smpai kul 8. tsk :(

  5. Hi there, feel sorry for you. Mcm orang koma putus lifeline. Been there be4, remembered when I first report for work, had to wait for 3 months to get my own pc...

  6. sophian
    ~mcm org koma? OMG.. not that bad la.. hehe.. thanks yeah..

  7. nant bile da lame mest u da terbiase.. hehe
    xde tenet pn xpe.. sbb da focus sgt kt keje.. :)

  8. haah... tp still borink... cume kalo ade pc leh la i bace paper online ke.. tp fb tak boleh ar.. kne block. lgpun kalo de fb nti kang xleh wt kje lak kan. hehe. hopefully blogspot boleh la bukak. leh bace blog u n blog lain slalu... ngee~
