Wednesday, June 3

food for soul


here's lil damage to my wallet recently...

ni la 2 books that i manage to catch recently.. huh lama gile tak membaca ataupun bak kata orang putih tak bagi makan kat jiwa raga. (food for soul) haha. sekali bagi makan hah amik kau dua buku sekali! kalau ikutkan nafsu shopaholic ku ini rasa nak beli sampai sepuluh tapi nanti dah depan counter nak jawab ape kat cashier bile duit tak cukup? agaggaga ;) so dua buku pun jadi la kan... hehe

whoa! tak sabar mau baca... 2nd time baca karya marian keyes.

my first time bought a book from jodi picoult. yeah i know she's one of the famous author yet i havent read her book before.
right after i publish this entry i'm gonna start google about this novel and pls do expect an entry for it really soon ok!

eh ni bukan food for soul. tp ni food for my pewut muncit! ;) haih. cmne la nak kurus camni. tsk.

ni pun bukan food for soul. tapi saja nak kasi duit lebih kat body shop sebab mata dah naik juling tengok sign 70% offer, 50% offer. haha.


  1. xpe bahan bacaan leh claim tax tahun depan ;) hehe

  2. owh.. i never read from marian keyes n jodi picoult pon.. nanti wat review yerr :)
    so far my faveret author, sidney sheldon , ni dah lama since school, the of coz sophie kinsella n skrg tgh twilight fever, stephenie meyer hehehe..

  3. nad
    ~heee blom layak utk byr tax. ehhe ;) xpe kumpul je sume receipt dulu kan. ahaks.

  4. cherry pie sweety
    ~sophie kinsella tu mmg fav pon! hehe. owh tu la ingt nk beli new moon. tp i tak suka la size besar2 nih. suke yg standard size jek. hehe. nnti ek i wat review.. thanks!

  5. helo.i nak tanye psl fstep ni.i dpt offer utk 4rd batch tp ada kontrak with jpa.u dlu jpa de panggil utk keja x?
