Friday, September 12



rase nk update sgt.. xbleh tahan daa! hehe ;) kt luar angin sepoi2.. best je.. ;)
owh nk cite psl snatchers. td pas berbuke, btol2 dpn mate adik NAD, faten, 1 kejadian ragut berlaku. it did happen again nearby my house! kali ni the victim br nak keluar dr kete, but too bad! the snatchers already there. waiting for her! according to faten, there are 2 riders. yeah.. so altogether 4 ppls get involved. so sad. diorg ni xde ati perut ke??

lemme share one story. it did happen to me 4 years ago. i was being snatched right in front of my house. only a few steps before i reach my house la to be exact. it was totally a nightmare! it happen during raya. i juz came back frm my fwen's house. as usual me jln lenggang lenggok. ye la pkai baju kurung kan. mane bleh jln laju2. but it was my fault too. hehe.. becoz NAD jln smbil baca magazine. so i was quite engrossed la.. sronok bace magazine. couldnt recall either CLEO or EH! but i didnt expect that going to happen. ye la, NAD jln dkt dgn padang which rmai guys play football (5.30pm), then, dpn umah NAD masjid, and the road wasn't empty. there are a few people here n there. ye la ptg ahad kan. sume org ade kt umah la. the snatchers came from the opposite n grabbed my handbag. but too bad! i fought back! ye, NAD tarik balik handbag tu. in the end, me kne seret for a few metres i guess. it happen too sudden so i didnt scream or shout. i was kinda shocked. but there is a witness,my neighboor. he saw it but he just stand still. nobody help me. pity me. huhu. :( why i pulled back my handbag? it is not so much about the handbag as i wasnt carry a GUESS or any designer label handbag, but what was in it.

  • cash-almost RM200 ( sbb br dpt PTPTN. hehe )
  • my handphone. NOKIA 6510 ( ye ke? haha. xingt. but yg kecik2 n screen kaler turqoise tu)
  • mase tu br top up. prepaid RM100
  • kad metriks
  • ic, license
so mase tu mmg xfikir ape dah. fikir nk dpt balik handbag tu je. nasib baik dpt blk. but me suffered minor injury. baju kurung koyak rabak. n my palm luke, my waist. even until now the scar is there. ade lg ni ha.. bile da masuk rumah br la ayah taw yg NAD kne ragut. sume br nk kecoh2. mase tu br rase saket. da la mase tu tgh ade krisis dgn bf. so the pain is double! pegi klinik dpt mc tp kne balik ke uni jugak. mase tu NAD wat diploma kt Uitm Jengka. since luke tu masih bleeding, so NAD xbleh pkai jeans. xpsl2 blk Jengka pkai baju kurung. huhu. n bile blk Jengka lak, tewus break off dgn bf. adoiiiiii..

so bile td tgk kejadian ragut tu tewus rasa sedey. kenapa la ade manusia sanggup wat mcm tu? di bln puase plak tu. i guess tu mesti org sni jugak. maybe da lame diorg usha the victim so they know what to do. tp nasib baik la xde injured or ape2 td.

moral of the story, jgn likut ape yg NAD lakukan. i was so lucky tho! sbb lps tu byk kuar paper psl ragut, sume teruk2. ade yg smpai meninggal. nauzubilah. kalo ade peragut, let it be. its not worth ok. brg2 sume bley dpt blk, tp bkn nyawa.

*juz a qucik note to myself. lps ni kne extra careful n carry handbag sblh kiri.


  1. huishh.. dah jatuh ditimpa lif.. org2 ragut nih mmg org tak halal aa mkn minom dia wat camtuh. aniaya orglen. diorg ni buat hal tak kire bulan posa ke tak :(

  2. btol tu lily. dorg ni mmg xpenah pk bln ape pon. asal dpt ragut org. haih

  3. kena ragut break plk yer..mmm ank jiran yg tlg tgk jer i knw d d mana ya..;)...ok more careful after dis sis...
