Saturday, July 5


heee finally! oooppsss.. lupe.

today was my 4th day at jpmc. so far so good. :)
n for the 1st time i was assigned with task. even the simple one.
oh ya, i'm in compliance dept.
it is definitely not my area. but i've to take this challenge.
even at first i feel down.
i keep asking why they put me here instead of trade finance/corporate finance?
but then i realize we dont usually get what we want.
so be thankful for what we have! huhu.. so here i am... :))

n today is first gathering after 4 days not together wif my besties :) haha.
mcm lame sgt je xjmpe!
we went to time square (sbb dkt dgn my ofis. even diorg sume dkt ngan klcc ).
we were there sharing our moments n litle experience, watching WANTED n have dinner together.
Oh my godness, i love those moments.
but we never know when we will have such opportunity...

* i missed these people, this place n those moments! :( *

*owh ya.. its kinda reminder for me. im gonna be away for 10 days to lumut starting this 12th july. gonna miss all my bloggers peeps!


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