Friday, March 7


hurm.. today sumthing happen which makes me feel so bad.. here it goes.. since my exam is juz around d corner so today is self study which mean no more lectures. so we were scattered everywhere but my classmates comfortable seated at our class. so yeah we were there stdy, chitchatting n so on.. of cos la me xstdy mane. gelak n borak je lebey. hahaha :) then one of my classmate gatal tgn bkk my hp. at dat time i main game kt hp my fwen lg sorg. so i didnt knw wht he was doing with my hp until i realize dat he browsing my pictures. actually there are 2 folders in my hp. camera album consist all my pics taken by my hp itself n folder called pictures consist of all pictures frm others. in d pictures folders there is one of my sexy pic. hehe :) me suke amik gambo sndiri anytime,anywhere.. i didnt expect dat anyone frm my class esp man, will explore my hp. n then yeah.. he saw dat pic. which makes me feel so bad... i dunno how to describe. but i feel so terribly sad until i cry. :( i cannot stand anymore. :((

im in d middle deleting/transferring all my free hair/sexy piccies to my laptop. no more incident like dis perhaps. i feel so ashamed n totally frustrated wht had happen today. hurm :(

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