Monday, July 30

Jovian RTW Collection #Jovianrtw


Alhamdulillah, today is 10th day of fasting. Tak lama lagi kita nak sambut raya. baru 10 pertama puasa dah fikir pasal raya. HAHAHA. But I'm sure some of us pun dah ready with Raya preparations. Baju raya, duit raya, perbelanjaan raya, kasut raya, semualah raya... HEHE

So raya kali ini aku invest in something that I couldn't resist! . I'm super glad that I could fit into this Jovian piece. Speaking of baju Raya, I just need to say that I am impressed with Jovian Mandagie's Aviraya Ready To Wear collection. Two thumbs up for all the to die for pieces.


Jovita & Jova

Jaida & Jahzara

Janelle & Jaylene

Untuk hasil designer seperti Jovian ni harga macam tu reasonable & affordable la untuk middle income kan...sebab kalau korang pergi tengok baju-baju yang kat luar sana tu pun kadang-kadang harga lebih kurang je dengan #Jovianrtw ni haa

So last Sunday daku bersemangat waja ke FL Jln TAR untuk dapatkan koleksi #Jovianrtw ni. Nak beli dekat Zalora tak confident sebab takut salah saiz. Price macam tu kalau salah saiz menangis jugak la.

Dari 8.20am aku sampai okay. Berdiri depan FL tu.. Makin lama makin ramai yang datang jadi sangat sesak sampai rasa seperti kekurangan oksigen. Tapi dah alang-alang tu teruskan jugak. My 1st time ever buat perangai camni. HAHAHA. Around 9.25am camtu barulah FL bukak, semua meluru masuk macam apa. Everybody were pushing each other. Ada yang jatuh tergolek la, ape la.. Fuh penangan #Jovianrtw !

Sampai kat dalam FL lagi sesak & teruk keadaannya. Semua orang macam jadi gila tolak menolak, grab apa yang ada. Sampai rak baju nak jatuh. Memang tak boleh gerak. Baju jatuh kat bawah bersepah-sepah. Ya Allah aku takut gila masa tu. Rasa macam nak pengsan sebab tersepit, tak boleh gerak lansung ! Tapi aku perhatikan ramai je yang tangan grab jugak mana yang ada, tak hirau keselamatan orang sekeliling. Hurm. Luckily at that time memang aku dah grab dalam tangan #Jahzara yang aku aim tu. Tak sanggup nak bersesak aku decide untuk turun pergi ke Fitting Room. On the way tu aku hampir jatuh then ternampak #Jules kat lantai. Rezeki aku agaknya, terus grab dan dengan susah payah aku berjaya turun. Fuhhhh. I'm sweating like mad !

Masa ini aku dekat fitting room dah. Ramai gila manusia. Perempuan kalau dah dapat shopping macam ni lah gayanya. Menakutkan. HAHAHA. Tapi yang tak best ade jugak lelaki (bf/husband) diorang kot turut sama bersesak-sesak then grab sampai 4-5 pasang sekaligus. Lelaki ape ade hal sesak-sesak ni kan. Kita yang perempuan ni memang takut habis.


So this is my #Jules & #Jahzara

Tapi kalau lah dekat Zalora ada restock Jova Midnight Blue ni, aku maybe tertewas lagi. HAHAHA. Let's hope they didn't restock ~

to die for ! 

 Ada yang bertanya kenapa this year semua berebut designer collection? My answer would be, first and foremost sebab design tu cantik ! Kalau tak cantik, lantaklah designer apa pon , aku takkan beli. 2nd of course price nya reasonable & affordable... Alhamdulillah ada rezeki lebih dapat beli #Jovianrtw. Kalau ikutkan aku punya gaji bukan banyak mana. Rezeki Ramadhan walaupun seminggu sebelum Ramadhan aku ditimpa musibah. Well tengah single boleh laa beli camni.. HEHE.

Nota kaki : Ramai yang boria raya #Jovianrtw tahun ni... Ada aku kisah.. Baju raya ready made yang lain pun ramai je yang serupa... HAHAHAHA

Friday, July 20

Ramadhan Kareem

Alhamdulillah kita semua diberi umur yang panjang oleh Allah SWT dan sekali lagi mengerjakan ibadah puasa di bulan Ramadhan yang amat dinantikan umat Islam. Semoga masa lapang yang ada digunakan dengan melipatgandakan amalan kita dengan harapan ganjaran dan keredhaan Allah SWT. Pada bulan ini, pintu syurga dibuka dan pintu neraka ditutup. Dengan peluang besar ini harap kita semua mengambilnya semaksima mungkin sebagai bekalan untuk menghadap-NYA suatu hari nanti.  Lapar atau dahaga itu tidak bermakna jika kita masih melakukan perkara yang dilarang Allah SWT.
 Jom beramal..

Daily checklist for Ramadhan

Pictures credit to google image

Wednesday, July 11

Snapshots of my Instagram Statistic


 Instagram is one of the must install app for iOS and Android user and statistic is one of my favorite subject during uni. Thus to have a snapshots of my instagram statistic really fun ~!

All snapshots credit to 

My IG certificate. The first photo I posted on instagram. At that time I really didn't know what's the purpose of this app. I just install it after I read Tiz Zaqyah's tweet. HAHAHA. 

I followed Ynaa and was followed by my schoolmate, Wahiza..

Here is the real statistic. I've been posted for about 346 pics, and being followed by 236 Igers and been receiving for about 1742 ♥

It looks like Nemok has gained popularity in my IG. Lawan tokey Nemok ni ! Only one my pic in top 5. Specky me.. Do Igers really like me being specky? sobbsss.

Igers I like most ? HAHAHA. It means I like their pics most.  For nadiamcg & nadnad simply because of their cats piccies, ctdk of course  I'm her fan, yanakhairuddin for her calaqisya, abby abadi for her quote and lynda roslan for her beauty ;))

Nota kaki : I ♥ instagram cause pictures really worth a thousand words !

Friday, July 6

Zikir Harian Untuk Hari Jumaat

sumber gambar dari google

Hari Jumaat 

Fadilatnya : 
Allah akan memberi ketenangan hati bagi yang membacanya dan merasa kelazatan zikrullah


Thursday, July 5

The cutest morning call on Running Man

On the episode of Running Man, IU woke up the other guests on the show by singing to them live, bright and early in the morning. The Running Man cast who had just woken up had expressions of wonder and disbelief as they ran outside of the pension to see IU singing right before their eyes. 

Nota kaki : in ♥ with IU, 2am & Ailee songs ~!!

Wednesday, July 4

Rabu Tanpa Kata

Suatu hari di Pantai Cherating 


Monday, July 2

Running Man Daebak !


I'm sure that if I say Running Man, you'll all know about the show, right?  Well, I'm addicted to it... seriously.  I have my favourite member from the Running Man which are Ha Ha & Lee Kwang Soo. But I think I like Kwang Soo more ~!!  They are so funny.. ekekeke.  Just thinking about them makes me feel happy ! (^_^)

Old Running Man promotional poster, 钟基 Joong-Ki no longer in the latest running series.
Running Man is a South Korea Variety Show from SBS.  It is very funny, excited, and touched whenever I watch this, it totally made my everyday merrier! Every guy in running man got their own special point, there are also alot of different topic in this series.

The youngest and tallest member of the cast and initially introduced alongside Gary and Song Joong-ki as one of the "variety rookies" due to his lack of experience on variety shows prior to Running Man. During the earlier episodes he was known for framing his fellow members with embarrassing and often absurd rumours. He is often picked on by the rest of the cast, particularly Kim Jong-kook, due to his timid nature as well as similar appearance to the Na'vi species from Avatar. He is one of the weakest players during and is often one of the first to be eliminated during race missions. However, he has grown to easily betray his fellow members without concern.

Commander Jong Kook
The strongest man on the show, Kim Jong-kook is known for his strength and skill during the race missions. During the missions, he is known for his sudden appearances that are often accompanied by the soundbite "Sparta!" taken from the movie, 300. His smart tactics are often successful to eliminate the other members and as a result, he is known for having both brains and brawn. He is also shown at times to act cute and show off his "aegyo". His only apparent weakness is women and he is often teased for having a particular fondness towards Yoon Eun-hye.

National Grasshoper
The main host of the show and known during the race missions for his escaping abilities. He is shown to have a closer relationship with a lot of the guests on the show, which he often boasts about to the other members. He is also often referenced to the color green throughout the show and is also known for his nickname "Grasshopper" from his first television appearance. Although initially a weak player during the race missions, he later becomes one of the stronger players in the series.

Ace Ji Hyo
The only current female member of the show and initially only appeared as a guest but was added to the main cast in episode 6. During the earlier episodes, Song Ji-hyo was often known to swear during broadcasts especially towards Ha-ha and Lee Kwang-su. She is also known to be often seen with confused or blank facial expressions a lot of the time. Throughout the series, she has been involved in the primary loveline of the show alongside Gary. She is one of the strongest players during race missions with similar running and catching capabilities as well as comparable intelligence to Kim Jong-kook.

Flower Joong Ki (No longer in RM)
Introduced alongside Gary and Lee Kwang-su as one of the "variety rookies" due to his lack of experience on variety shows prior to Running Man. He is shown as being the smartest and also having the best looks out of the cast. He is known for being able to figure out puzzles and strategize during the race missions. He is also shown to be very optimistic and is often seen attempting new things but ultimately failing. As of episode 41, he has left the main cast to focus on his acting career. However, he reappeared in episode 66 as a guest which caught the other members by surprise and also in episode 71 in a short cameo as part of his promotion for the drama, Deep Rooted Tree. He cameoed on episode 97 as a soccer player for the 2012 Asian Dream Cup.

Big Nose Hyung
The oldest member of the show and one of Yu Jae-suk's closest friends, knowing each other for more than 20 years. He is shown to be jealous of the good relationship between Yu Jae-suk and Kim Jong-kook. During the race missions, he is shown to be one of the weakest members and is the easiest and most frequently eliminated out of the cast, so easily that the other members would declare that the race has officially started after his elimination.
Ha Ha
The primary joker of the cast and is usually picked on by other members because of his height and his similar appearance to Pororo the Little Penguin. He also has a tendency to feel as though he is the main lead in a movie created by his imagination. When things don't go his way, he lashes out verbally, causing great laughter among the cast. He is also the playboy of the cast, as he always confesses his love to female guests. He was initially a weak player during the race missions, occasionally being picked on even while on the chasing team, however he slowly improves over the course of the show.

 Monday Boyfriend Gary 
 Too bad Jo Hyo already have a bf. No more monday couple in RM
Introduced alongside Lee Kwang-soo and Song Joong-ki as one of the "variety rookies" due to his lack of experience on variety shows prior to Running Man. He is shown as the most gullible and is easily fooled by the other members. Throughout the series, he has been involved in the primary loveline of the show alongside Song Ji-hyo. Although shown to be quite clueless at times, he is shown to be quite strong during the race missions even managing to win both special race missions in order to find the best Running Man and winning a trip to Europe.

This is one of my fav episode so far. Do I need to tell more? It's simply because I love Kwang Soo & Yuri.. So sweet ♥
One of the most special episode appears in Running Man series with SNSD. [Running Man guy will team up with SNSD and race it hard! Yuri was very pretty with very good looking smile

Recently I just knew that Haha own a restaurant.Daebak ! If I go to Korea, definitely gonna go to his restaurant. Not to eat but to take a pic with him. If I were lucky enough la. HAHA.

HaHa once tweeted: “불친절한 저희 직원이 있으면 등짝을 확 뜯어주세요~! 여긴 홍대 맛집! 팔자막창!!”
[Translation] “If there’s an unfriendly staff here, just rip off their name tag~! This is Hongdae restaurant! ‘Destiny Makchang!!’”

Ha Ha restaurant

Lee Kwang Soo ♥ Yuri SNSD

If you wish to download Running Man you can download from or watch it online at 

Nota kaki : I need to stop watching this !! HELPPPPPP !!