Monday, May 31

cuti-cuti malaysia

assalammualaikum w.b.t

how's your weekend guys?mine was great~! 3 days off seems so short. thus i took one day off which is today~!! annual leave aku ade banyak lagi. haha ;p sila la jelous. ngee~~

okay last weekend aku ke cherating. *woot woot* inital plan sbnrnye nak pergi wedding member kt jerantut. tup tup member ajak lepak cherating dulu jumaat tu. aku on je la. gerak dr kl dlm kul 1 lebey. jalan agak jam.. sampai temerloh dalam 2.45 sbb nk pick up member. lucnh dulu then we off to cherating. dah la jalan pon tak berapa familiar. main redah je k. mase dah smpai kuantan tu ingt kitorg da salah jln. sbb no signboard utk ke cherating. dok tulis ke chukai je. memasing da gabra. haha. ade yang sampai ke kemaman ni kang. sekali tup2 17km je lg nk smpai cherating. fuhhhh lega~

sampai cherating redah punye redah.. jumpe la mini motel. btol2 tepi pantai. rm180 utk 1mlm. not bad. mmg save budget la. dlm kul 6 tu kitorg pon g la mandi laut. tp aku xmandi pon. just camwhoring je. hehe ;p cantik sgt view!! i like~

mlm plak lepak g mkn.. aku lupe kedai tu name ape. tp tu 1st kedai yg kitorg jumpe. so terus mkn je la sbb masing2 lapar giler. tp service mmg hancusss! sejam baru dpt makanan :( then blk chalet sume cm layu je. penat. lyn cite kt tv3 jap then kul 12 sume pon da selamat tido. hee ;p

29th may 2010
pagi tu bfast nasi dagang! walaweh~ heaven!! then siap2.. dlm kul 10.30 we off to jerantut. tp sbb da alang2 kt kuantan kan, kitorg pon pegi la masuk sume pantai yg ade. tp lalu je la.. so dlm nk kul 12 br kuar dr kuantan. nak dkt kul 2 br smpai rumah pengantin. cuaca sgt hot. aku da la pkai bj hitam. fuhh mencabar betol! pengantin sgt rock. tgh bersanding pon boleh jelir2 lidah. haha. hantaran mak aih... laptop ade.. camera DSLR pon ade.. org zaman skarang ;p

then the best part is kitorg g singgah our former campus ; uitm jengka!! oh myyyyy... da 6 thn since kitorg habis belajar.. excited betol!! siap bgtau pak guard tu lg.. nasib baik cuti sem. so campus pon lengang. giler banyak perubahan!! da makin besar.. now ade 1 kolej lg dlm pembinaan.. ade byk building baru. and ade 1 port tu building cm kt uitm shah alam!! giler ah.. siap ade kompleks sukan.. oh da rasa cm bukan kt uitm jengka je. hehe ;p then b4 blik harus la bergmbar dgn signage uitm jengka ni. sbb mase belajar dulu xberkesempatan gambar kt sini.. heee ;p

dulu kelas byk kt building ni~

ni la unit pentadbiran kompleks. mase final sem bilik kitorg atas ni je~

dulu signange ni takde okeh. yg ujung pkai shirt putih tu br bertunang hari tu.. congrats~

tgk la muke kami yg excited ni~

30th may 2010
ahad plak attend wedding kat kepong. 1st time aku g kepong. drive sorg2 okeh dgn xtaw jln nye. nasib baik map dkt kad kawen tu sgt senang n very useful! ok la wpun ade sesat sket2.. kenduri nye sgt meriah! siap ade ayam golek lg~ best2...

ok la tu je. aku malas nak taip da. tetibe mood lari.

notakaki : aku gagal lg. sedih? sedih jugak la. tp.. hmmm ntah aku xtaw nk ckp ape lg. :((

Sunday, May 23

kebahagiaan dalam perpisahan

owh.. i keep on listening to this song over and over again.. angau sudah~!! heee ;p
saya sangat sukeeee <3 <3 <3
sapa suke jom layan sesama..~ yang tak suka, pi layan lagu yg awak suka yer? hehe

notakaki : RSVP & ku ada kamu juga in my top list now. af mode~ heee

Sunday, May 16

lebar & tembam itu cute?

oh kenapa bila kucing tu lebar kita kata cute??

dan kenapa bile baby tu tembam kita kata comel??

tapi kenapa bile aku lebar mahupun tembam jadi sangat buruk?? arghhh aku stress. dunia ini tidak adil~!!

notakaki : pic ihsan pakcik google~

Monday, May 10

Majlis pelancaran

yuhhuuuu guys~
semalam me n my bestie, cik ayu d great pergi launching best okeh~!! dapat jumpe kawan-kawan baru.. dapat jumpe face to face dengan mereka-mereka yang cantik-cantik, and selama ni comment kat blog/fb je.. ramai la jugak familiar faces i met there. tp a few je yang aku tegur sebab the rest tu add kt fb tapi tak get in touch pon. kenal sebab tengok gambar. haha ;p

the event was great. congrats to rina salleh. this is just a beginning for her. wish u all the best rina!

okay lemme start from the very beginning.. 1st sekali nak habaq kat semua yang baju aku tak siap. event ni ade theme black/white/fusion(pink/purple).. baju aku color black okay.. sekali tailor tak dapat siapkan pulak. die ade urgent matter. so terpaksala korek wardrobe.. korek punye korek baru perasan takde baju yang suits dgn theme okey. ni yang bikin aku marah!! gggrrr . so last choice pkai je la baju yang macam dlm gambar tu wpun tu color merah. wakaka ;p

pastu janji dengan ayu kul 2. alih-alih minah ni pulak kul 2 baru nak gerak! angin je aku kan... huhu.. dah la aku tak berapa tau jalan nak ke mana felda village ni.. pastu salah masuk jln pulak.. kl pulak boleh tahan jam masa tu.. ishhhh.. round punye round dalam 3.30pm br sampai.. alhamdulillah :)

1st jumpe ynaa.. oh die kurus okey. lawa.. yang penting suara die ayu gitu~!! kalau baca blog cam xcaya ynaa ni lemah lembut & sangat sopan santun.. heee :) then of cos la jumpe tuan rumah, Rina Salleh. tapi takde gambar berdua dengan die.. maklumla semua pon nak gambar dgn rina..pastu yg dtg semua vogue da vast okay! malu pulak rasa. dah la stylo semuanya. macam gathering pemakai shawls rasa. so colorful!! heee ;p

*me & ynaa* the only pic taken from my omnia. sebab tu quality kureng sket. hee ;p

*the only pic we have with tuan rumah*

sebab kitorg dtg lambat so kene duduk luar.. nasib baik dapat tablemates yang sangat friendly & sporting! best giler dapat kenal dorang... mar,jenah,kay & iza.. nice knowing u guys~ since sound system tak berapa kedengaran di luar kitorang pon byk bercamwhoring & get to know each other... ;) kebetulan mar bwk camera DSLR die.. best2. haha ;p


*new bff in the making*



then jumpa pulak tauke shawls yang cantik-cantik belaka.. leezan, ika, & riqa.. but no pic taken with riqa la.. yang buat rasa cam terharu leezan ingat nama penuh ku! wah... thank you leezan~!! tak sangka okay... heee ;p

*muke sgt oily. oh da la bergambar dgn mereka yg cantik2! *

yang penting kami berenam xdpt lucky draw.. takpe la.. anyway u guys can check RinaSalleh collection at okies :)

notakaki : tak sempat nak bergmbar dengan mimie kusya.. ni pon dah lama kenal secara maya. dapat tegur camtu2 je... :(

pictures credit to mar

Sunday, May 9

happy mother's day

dedicated this song to my one & only mama.. i love u mama!!

She Used to be my enemy and never letting me be free,
catching me in places that I know I shouldn't be,
Every other day I crossed the line
I didn't mean to be so bad,
I never thought you would become a friend I never had

Back then I didn't know why,
Why you were misunderstood (mama),
So now I see through your eyes,
all that you did was love

Mama I love you, Mama I care,
Mama I love you, Mama my friend,
You're my friend

I didn't want to hear it then but
I'm not ashamed to say it now,
Every little thing you said and did was right for me,
I had a lot of time to think about,
about the way I used to be,
Never had a sense of my responsibility.

Back then I didn't know why,
why you were misunderstood,
So now I see through your eyes,
all that you did was love,

Mama I love you, Mama I care,
Mama I love you, Mama my friend,
You're my friend ,you're my friend

But now I'm sure I know why (I know why),
why you were misunderstood,
So now I see through your eyes,
all I can give you is love (all I can give you is love),

Mama I love you, Mama I care,
Mama I love you, Mama my friend,
Mama I love you, Mama I care,
Mama I love you, Mama my friend,
You're my friend, you're my friend

Ohh, my mama my love
Ohh, my mama my love

In lobe in you, in love in me
And love is true and guaranteed

Im loving you,you loving me
our love thats true so true